Hetalia Group Roleplay! :D

Cerudays posted on Sep 11, 2012 at 03:34AM
Hey everyone! Cerudays here. What's up?
Here are the already taken characters:

Belgium: Cerudays
America: USUKfangirl
Romano: Ikuyomi_T
England: AlyssAybss
Spain: animefanGRL
smileyaqua: Fem! America
soulbleach98: China
last edited on Sep 16, 2012 at 04:53PM

Hetalia 50 replies

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over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
Hey! Has anyone seen the tomato basturd around?

over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: Who's that? I don't know of any tomato bass turds. *scratches head nonchalantly, glancing around with a slightly interested look on her face*
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
Uh-uh-uh...I-I--I me meant S-S-Spain...(face extremely red)

over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: Oh, Spain? Ah... I haven't seen him around, no sir... *blinks, looking at his face curiously* ... *smiles a little, brushing it off* Maybe he's out in the tomato fields, or something. Want to go check?
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
U-u-u-uh s-su-sur-sure. If y-you think h-hes th-there.

over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: Let's go check. *grins, tightening the bow by the back of her neck. Begins to walk*
So, how have you been? *tilts her head, looking at him*
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
U-um. G-goo-good. H-hiw ab-about y-you? *face going redder by the second*
over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: I'm happy to hear that! *smiles a bit* I've been fine, doing... you know, this and that. *makes small hand gestures while she talks, looking over at him every so often*
*pauses a moment* ...Are you feeling alright? Want to run back and get a hat or something? Your face is getting red...
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
N-no. I-I'm fi-fine. I-It's noting y-you n-nee-need to wor-worry about.

over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: *watches him carefully for a moment, tilting her head a little in curiosity* If you say so, Romano. *nods, and smiles a bit, continuing to walk at his pace*
See him yet? *green eyes glance around*
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
N-no' no-not a at al all. Do y-you?

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago animefanGRL said…
Hey, is it alright that I rp Spain?
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
(It's up to the creator)

over a year ago animefanGRL said…
who is it? are they on here?
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…

over a year ago animefanGRL said…
oh,right.. Sorry!
over a year ago animefanGRL said…
sent a letter to her; I hope she reads it.
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
(I wonder where she is...I haven't seen her today)

Quit talking to the random basturd

(...I'm sorry...hr has no manners. But I love him :-) )


over a year ago Cerudays said…
(I'm so, so, so sorry for not being as active! I've been super-duper busy this week with various projects from school.

I got your letter animefanGRL, and I replied. ^_^ You're more than welcome to be Spain! Can't wait to roleplay with you guys soon. c:

I'll reply asap!)
over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: *shakes her blonde head, a slightly confused look on her face* Huh, out of all the places I'd think him to be, he's not here... *wipes a hand at her forehead, small beads of sweat appearing* Huh.
over a year ago animefanGRL said…
Spain: *Suddenly appeares* Hey Belgium! Romano! What're you guys doing here?
over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: *blinks as she processes Spain's arrival, her lips quickly grinning* Hey, Spain! *nudges Romano a little less than gently with her elbow* He's here, Romano!
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
Oww...yea...Greta, hey tomato basturd. WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?

over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: *flinches a little as Romano raises his voice, blinking in surprise* ... *looks back at him over her shoulder with a slightly tilted head, before back to Spain with a friendly face* We didn't see you out here!
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
Yea, we didn't, nit that I cared basturado...

over a year ago smileyAqua said…
((Can I join as Fem!America?))
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
(Try messaging cerudays, she has been busy so doesn't always get to this rp, so talk to her over a message. She's more likely to reply :D)

over a year ago soulbleach98 said…
China: You guys are immature. How do I manage to work with you?
over a year ago Cerudays said…
(Hey guys! I'm back. xD;; So sorry, again
Sure, I'll add both of you! I'll reply asap. :)
Thanks for waiting!)
over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: *shifts from foot to foot pensively, looking over at Romano curiously every so often* We didn't? I thought just a few moments ago, you were-
*pauses, looks over at China*
...Hey, China! How... how long have you been here? *face changes to a small smile* Ehe...
over a year ago soulbleach98 said…
China: For about a minute now,aru.
over a year ago soulbleach98 said…
China: Anyone know where Shinatty-chan is,aru?
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
No. And who gives a damn! It isn't even cute you copyright basturd...

over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: *shakes her blonde head* Shinatty-chan? Who's that? *looks all around*
over a year ago animefanGRL said…
Spain: .... Try on the island of copyright infrengment...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago soulbleach98 said…
China: *begins to cry* B-but I can't help i-it! I LOVE KITTYS,ARU!!!
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
We other country's don't copyright things even though we like it basturedo! And Spain! Ni one cares about your fuken opinion!

over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: *laughs awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head* Eh... maybe it's just at your house and you forgot it. *shrugs*
over a year ago animefanGRL said…
Spain: <8( I hate you Romano!!!! (Romano!! HOW DARE YOU MAKE SPAIN SAD!!!! ) Hey guys, I think England's imaginary friends are starting to talk to me now...
over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: *Sweatdrops a little* ... ... *awkwardly stands there, looking at Spain, Romano, and crying China*
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
You can't hate me, if you hated me, you wouldn't have took care of me, either that, or your just after my grandfatgers inheritance. (Don't hate Romano! You guys are meant to be!) NANI!

over a year ago animefanGRL said…
Spain: I really don't need the inheritence, that's what being a pirate's for! BAM!!! : D
over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: *waves her hands a little* Eh... *puts a hand on Romano's shoulder* Hey, at least we found him, right? *thinking: I hope nothing bad happens out here...*
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
Oh yea, and what do pirates do? Steal! No what? I don't need you. Why did I even wonder where the hell you were? Forget this, just leave me alone! And get out of my life you fucking basturd!You would have rather had my brother anyway...like everyone else...*runs off*

over a year ago Cerudays said…
Belgium: *moves her hand from Romano's shoulder as he runs off, her eyebrows furrowing* Romano, where are you going? *stands, confused as she passes a hand through her hair* Romano? *calls after him, before turning and sighing, looking over at Spain and China* ...
over a year ago soulbleach98 said…
China: It's fine...I'll just go have panda cheer me up,aru...
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
*hides behind tree while sitting down* why does everyone think Feliciano is so great...I've done things too....*puts head in knees*

over a year ago animefanGRL said…
Spain: *goes after Romano* Hey, I didn't mean to get you upset or anything.*Sits down with Romano* Really, to tell you the truth, I think you're better than Felinciano. *Waves hand while explaining* I mean, sure he's good at cooking, but look at you! You're part of the Mafia, not afraid of a fight, and won't willingly surrender in one either! *Looks at Romano kindly* Those are things Felinciano wouldn't do; those are things Romano would do...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
Being in a Mafia is a BAD thing Spain...fighting KS what makes people not like me in the first place too. And what good does not surrounding do if you early go into an actual war? I'm just useless...you should've listened to your people and let me go a looong time ago.*starts to get up*

over a year ago animefanGRL said…
Spain: * hits him ontop of the head* You're so freaking negative... If you wanna act like a baby, and stay in your brother's shadow, then that's fine by me. I can't even recognize you anymore. This Romano right here infront of me isn't you at all. *hugs Romano sympathetically* Don't be stupid, understand? I promise I'll do my best to help you in anyway that I possibly can. Alright? So just relax and let me help.
last edited over a year ago