Hetalia Gakuen Hetalia RP

smileyAqua posted on Jun 27, 2012 at 05:35AM
I saw this on another club. All You need to do is fill out this simple form. OH AND NOONE CAN SHARE THE SAME CRUSH.

State/Country name:

Friends and Family


Eye color:
Hair color:

Here's mine:
State/Country name:Saskatchewan

Friends and Family
Siblings: Alberta, Manitoba ((other OC'S of mine))

Color: Blue
Animal: horse
Show:sailor moon
Hobby: drawing
Element: water
Person: IDK
Book: evermore
song: saviour
Artist/Band: lights
Talent: singing
Personality: Likes fun things, scary movies and such. pretty much like america, but is more mature.

Appearence: brown hair, eyes and tan skin.
Height: 5"9
Eye color:brown
Hair color:brown
last edited on Jul 01, 2012 at 06:18AM

Hetalia 97 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 97

over a year ago changy said…
Name: Mira Katona
Age: 19
State/Country name: Croatia

Friends and Family
Mom: Yugoslavia (deceased)
Dad: (none)
Siblings: Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro
Crush: (none)
Enemy: (none known)

Color: light blue
Animal: Dalmation
Show: Winx Club and Smallville
Hobby: drawing and reading
Element: fire
Person: Tomo Milicevic Member of 30 Seconds to Mars
Book: Anita Blake Series
song: Fever
Artist/Band: Linkin Park
Talent: Playing the flute
Personality: Easy going, laid back a bit. Very understanding. She's hard to piss off, yet easy to piss off at times.

Height: 5'
Weight: 170
Eye color: light grey blue
Hair color: brown hair that goes a little past her shoulders
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
((Here's a pic of my rp character.))
last edited over a year ago
((Here's a pic of my rp character.))
over a year ago changy said…
((pics of my rp char 9 times out of ten will be my icon pic *nods*))
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
((Kay then!))
over a year ago izzah25 said…
Name: Isadora
Age: 16
State/Country name: Puerto Rico

Friends and Family
Mom: In all technicality, Spain would be her mom... =w=" But we can make it some random Puerto Rican chick~
Dad: A random Puerto Rican dude~ :D *so creative*
Siblings: She refers to Spain as "Big Brother", since calling him "Mom" would be weird. =w=;; And, I guess, the rest of the West Indies islands would be her siblings. She also calls America her brother, since he claimed her as a commonwealth.
Crush: No one, really. She'll find someone when they show interest in her.
Enemy: She's pretty chill, but she has some mixed feelings toward America. Otherwise, no one's really her enemy.

Color: Red
Animal: Coqui (x3 It's an adorable little frog that make a sound like "Cokeé, cokeé!")
Show: I dunno =w=;;;
Hobby: Surfing, collecting souvenirs (Like snowglobes, keychains, ect~)
Element: Fire
Person: =w=" You can have a favorite person...?
Book: There's no particular book she loves...
Song: Lost (by Menudo; it's actually a pretty good song-- listen to it sometime~)
Artist/Band: Menudo
Talent: Can play the cuatro and eat seven Snickers bars in one sitting without puking (//slappedforMRjoke)
Personality: Pretty mellow, can get worked up about things she loves; especially food. Gets passionate about it, often talks with mouth full to comment about it. Not very lady-like, likes whiddling wood.

Height: Four feet, eleven inches
Weight: 104 lbs
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair color: Dark brown
over a year ago izzah25 said…
((So many words... Ehhhh.. *passes out*))
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
((U guys wanna start now? All I need is for somebody to play america, otherwise you can play your OC and anyone else.))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago changy said…
((America? i can't do him. he's one person i haven't rped as in the four years i've rped with hetalia ._. *shot for failure* i'ma need to do an rp with america now! *runs off to find girlfriend* mi tomate!!!! i need yooooouuuuu!!!!))
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
over a year ago changy said…
((*never left*

so according to gf, i did do america once and was good because in her eyes, i'm epic at prussia, great at denmark and i can do canada and amazing at russia. she said if i wasn't good at america from being good with them, and being america once before she'd slap me so if ya want i can be america until someone claims him 8/))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
(( Kayz!))
over a year ago changy said…
((soo.... let me know when ya want me to start. i only got a few hours and then i gotta leave *nods*))
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
((Umm, now. I think we'll use the location of school grounds.))

Skye: *parks car at school grounds*
over a year ago changy said…
America: *runs to catch a football* oh yea! *hits skye's car, running bacwards catches ball and falls to ground* That's how it's done! *stands up wincing at scrapes but grins* totally caught it!

((sorry i had like no idea how to start with america >.<))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Skye: *looks to car* whoa dude, what just happened?

((I gotta go, i'll rp with u later.))
over a year ago changy said…
((sorry was watching East side Story. it really got me distracted lol if ya saw, ya'd understand ^_^))
America: *turns around and smiles* sorry, was trying to catch the ball. *pulls a burger out and starts eating it* vant shome? *holds burger out to you*

((hey, btw whenever you get on isn't Saskatchewan a part of Canada? because i remember the name in a fanfic when Prussia was learning about the countries, and i'm pretty sure he was learning about Canada... Saskatchewan was alberta's sister.... idr...))
over a year ago izzah25 said…
((*literally passed out* .-.;;;
@Croatia: Yes, Saskatchewan is one out of ten of Canada's provinces~ :3))

*walks through entrance, sees America, waves, walks over to him*
Hola, brother~ ¿Que pasa~?
*sees Saskatchewan*
Oh, hello. Who are you?

over a year ago smileyAqua said…
No thanks. *looks to isa* Tansi. Skye/ Saskatchewan Nihsikason.

((That means hi, my name is Skye/ Saskatchewan.))
over a year ago changy said…
America: *smiles* nice dude! you're Canadian! Don't I know someone canadian.... oh well. so dudes, you guys up for a game or something?

Croatia: Yo! alfred! You gonna throw the ball or am I gonna have to wrestle it out of your hands?
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Skye: Here. Throw the ball to me. I'll show you how to actually catch it.
over a year ago changy said…
America: *shrugs, and runs, throwing the ball to skye* show your thing little one!

Croatia: Alfred you ditz what are you doing!?
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over a year ago izzah25 said…
*glances at Croatia*
He's being a culo idiota as always... *rolls eyes a bit at Alfred, continues walking towards building*
over a year ago iamawesome7887 said…
ohh! i wanna join~!
Name: Piri...*le thinks* Vedana? o3o (my friends last name C:) call her piri-tan~!
Age: 17
State/Country name: Philippines =w=

Friends and Family
Mom: SOMEONE. xD... Spain!~//shot
Dad: China~! :3
Siblings: vietnam, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Laos, Tibet, Indonesia, others
Crush: o3o >.> <.< ROMANO xD (YUUSH. PhilippinesXRomano =w=)
Enemy: people. xD

Color: Blue~
Animal: any snakes~!
Show: any drama shows. xD and anime~! (ish considered as Otaku oWo)
Hobby: fishing~! crabbing~! BOXING~!
Element: ...? liek as in AVATAR?!-//shot. =w=; Fire~ (tho ish an earthbender! x3)
Person: MYSELF.
Book: i dunno. o3o
song: Chasing The Sun by The Wanted
Artist/Band: The Wanted. :3
Talent: Fishing and Crabbing. =w=
Personality: shes a Tsundere country. Much like Romano since shes been growing up. Gets along with other countries well, especially her old bosses(China, Spain, America, Britain, Japan). Talks for herself, Ish loud, Strong, Quiet and shy around new people, and she LOVES mangoes~! She loves to box, fish, and crab. :3

Appearence: fairly long hair with those buns they have in the Philippines~ Tan, Wears a shirt and jeans, sometimes a dress(in this case , the Gakuen hetalia uniform.), and wears slippers and a headband. (look at the picture)
Height: 5'
Weight: 106
Eye color: brown
Hair color:black
ohh! i wanna join~!
Name: Piri...*le thinks* Vedana? o3o (my friends last name C:) call her piri-tan
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
*rolls eyes, catching ball PERFECTLY* Little one? I once gave Francey-pants a black eye by throwing ICE CREAM at him. *throws ball HARD to america*
over a year ago changy said…
America: *runs and jumps up and backwards, falling to the ground to catch the ball, but drops it, hands now red* damn! You sure do throw hard! you should join the football team.

Croatia: *runs to America and laughs at his red hands, walks up to skye shaking her hand* our team actually could use you. They try to get me to join, but i can't play too well. I just help Alfred with his game. course i think he could use you to help him train more then me. *waves to America who's now standing up* Yo! I'm headin to art catch ya later!

America: See ya Mira! *waves back, picks up the ball and jogs back to Skye* so, wanna join the football team? We actually could use ya.
over a year ago iamawesome7887 said…
*le walks to the building* tiired~~ =w=
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Sure i'll join! *school bell rings* I gotta head to gym. Catch you later!
over a year ago changy said…
America: Of course! *runs ahead* i'll see you after school for practice! WATCH OUT HERO COMING THROUGH!!!!

((*fist pumps* ive wanted to do that for a while now lol))
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
*is in gym doing dodgeball*
Prussia: Zhe awesome prussia will beat al-- *is hit hard with the dodgeball by skye*
Skye: You keep talking about dat, see where it gets you.
over a year ago changy said…
Croatia: *Walks into gym and hands teacher a note, and is appointed on Prussia's side and sees skye smiling* so, we are on opposite teams i see. *turns to prussia* your so called awesome ass better keep up or so help me god your five meters will become five milimeters! *takes the ball from Prussia and looks for a target*
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Skye: *smiles* Hmm, eenie meenie miney YOU! *hits romania*
over a year ago changy said…
Croatia: *watches Romania fall down and busts out laughing* Dude! ya just took out one of the soccer teams best player! Nice!

Alfred: *runs in, drops bag by door and grabs a ball, and throws it at Croatia*

Croatia: Yo! Watch it alfred, i'll take your ass down on the football list! *throws ball and takes out Italy, and a Germany in the process laughing* Damn those two are too easy. *steals Prussia's ball again and takes out Lovino* too easy *shakes head*

Alfred: Yea, i'll be on skye's team! see if you can beat me croat!

Croatia: you're on! me and Prussia, versus you and skye!
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Skye: I;m not in soccer, so I didn't see a reason not to. *takes out France*

France: Mon ami! Don't dare give me another black eye, or I swear I'll get a restraining order from you!

Skye: That would actually make my life a whole lot easier. *dodges ball* Yo don't hit my throwing arm, I got a baseball game!
over a year ago changy said…
America: You play baseball? *dodges ball from croatia throwing one back at her, then dodging one from Prussia*

((ha ha, this makes me think of old times ^_^ multi-godding chars all at once XD))
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
((XD yea))
Skye: Yeah I'm in baseball, its the awesomest! Plus two I'm a coach fave.
((I'm actually in baseball.))
over a year ago changy said…
Croatia: *misses a ball from germany who just got back in* DAMNIT KRAUT I'LL GET YOU FOR THAT! Oh, yea, Skye, that's why your name was familiar. I saw your name on the list. You made number one on Varsity. Congratulations. I don't really help that cough much, but i was in his office and saw the list

America: ha ha, yea, if ya ever need anything found out Croatia is your girl.

Croatia: quit braggin bout me America. I ain't your girlfriend.

America: Might as well be all the time we hang.

Croatia: Not even if you were the last man on earth. Besides, i like ya and all, but ya ain't my type. I haven't even found a crush yet! *laughs throwing ball at Prussia just to get rid of him.*
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Skye: Kay then. I'll remember that, dude. * throws ball and hits Denmark texting on his phone*((YAY MY PROVINCE IS EPIC AT SPORTS! I mostly base it on the fact that Saskatchewan's football team made it into the grey cup twice in a row XD ))
over a year ago changy said…
*bell rings for next class*

America: so croatia, skye, what classes you two have next?

Croatia: Well I have History next. I totally laugh at the teachers

America: Yea, it's fun outsmarting the teachers and adding the emotions to go with it *follows both girls into changing rooms*

Croatia: What class you got alfred? and you skye.

America: Surprisingly, i have Science next.

Croatia: thats a laugh. you'll fail again. *giggles*

*girls scream and francis comes up to Croatia*

Francis: Mon ami. i heard you had.... it. May i see some?

Croatia: *reaches in bag and pulls out some papers* everything's there, even every single possible question asked. it depended on what test number you have. A, B or C.

France: You are a life savior ma petite. 8kisses Croatias cheek and hurredly runs out of room after a few cat calls to a few girls*

((XD francy pants didn't study. naughty naughty XD))
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
(( My perverted mind thought something else was gonna happen XD))

Skye: I have... *checks schedual* Second Language. CREE I COME! EKOSI MAKA! *runs away into cree class* ((Translation: Bye))
over a year ago changy said…
*both watch her leave confused*

Croatia: Bye? i guess...

America: *laughs* yea bye skye! So, i'll see you at lunch?

Croatia: Yea. Maybe skye has lunch with us. I hope she sits with us.

America: Yea, me too. She's a cool girl.

Croatia: *laughs* your falling for her.

America:*blushes and splutters* AM NOT!

Croatia: *laughs and runs for class, leaving a red faced alfred to leave and head to science*
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Skye: *apparently still going to cree* Yea I'll see you at lunch! *almost bumps into big brother Manitoba*
Oh sorry bro. I got cree, where You headed?

Manitoba: I have Language arts. Who were you talking to?

Skye: Oh just one of my friends. I'll see you later.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago changy said…
*lunch bell rings*

America: thank god! *walks out of classroom*

Croatia: *jumps on America's back* Hello Alfred.

America: *jumps and screams* don't do that! Where did you come from!?

Croatia: I skipped class. It was English. so boring. *jumps down* i didn't find Skye. she must be in the other half of school. Come on, let's go to lunch she said she had lunch with us. *starts walking America following to cafeteria*
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
*luch bell rings*
Skye: *walks out of class* Worst cree teacher ever. *walks into the cafeteria*
over a year ago changy said…
Croatia: I wonder if they have anything good...

America: I'll grab the table while it's slightly empty, get me a burger!

Croatia: Yea yea... *spots Latvia and runs up to him* may i cut in line real quick Latty? thanks. *grabs food for self and a burger for america then cuts in front of Liechtenstein and Switzerland, after passing the swiss a fifty, pays for food then comes at the table* Here's your burger, and a pizza for me. Wonder what Skye eats...

((i fail XD))
over a year ago smileyAqua said…

Skye: *walks over to lunch with bagged lunch* hi guys. *sits down*
over a year ago changy said…
Croatia: You brought your lunch? I thought you'd be like everyone else and eat this nasty food.

America: Dude, Croatia, she's just too awesome for this kind of food. so long as they keep my burgers i'm happy though.
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Skye: I don't eat cow or any of that other stuff. It'll give me a stomache ache, So I bring my own fool. Bison. *takes out small bag of smoked meat* *eats a piece* It's leaner, too. Cow meat, as I've heard, is full of fat. Maybe thats why I don't eat it. My stomache isn't strong enough. *shrugs, continues eating dry meat*
over a year ago changy said…
America: I used to eat Bison. Man that shit was good. Now i eat moslty cow, pig and deer these days. I can't hunt the bison no more because they are protected by that Wild program.

Croatia: May i have a piece? i never had Bison before.
over a year ago smileyAqua said…
Skye: Yeah! You want a piece too, america? *hands a piece to Croatia* Its not illegal to us because We have hunting treatyrights, but its Illegal for others. I mostly eat deer, moose, duck, goose and occasionally bison and pemmican these days but more of deer and moose. i was lucky enough to have bison delivered to me by by brother.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago changy said…
America: Yea sure! Thanks.

Croatia: *smiles at Alfred knowingly giggling* oh crap! I'll see yous later. if anyone asks, i wasn't here!

America: I got your back croat.

Croatia: *sneaks away between tables, and gets behind the teacher looking around angrily, and out the doors.

America: she skipped class. must be her teacher there looking for her.