Hetalia Ruin the Date Game Hetalia style (:

vampiressJazz posted on Jan 17, 2012 at 02:26AM
I got this idea from the Tinierme ^^
anyways here's how it goes(if anyone can actually be bothered to play XD)

Ok, so basically you ruin the date of the person you posted before you. xD

Person 1: China and I went to the beach together!

Person 2: But seagulls stole China's panda and he started attacking the birds so the lifeguard asked you to leave


This game was not created for any pairings... Only you can pick a character. :) No, you can't make France and England go to the beach or anything. = A =

I'll just use the example...

England and I are having tea together! > w <

Hetalia 182 replies

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over a year ago TropicalSesel said…
But then England comes in and begins arguing with Sealand about becoming a country. Sealand got mad and stormed off to hang out with the other micronations.

England and I are hanging out at the beach
over a year ago Animelover1220 said…
But then it started raining and lightning so everyone had to leave.

Romano and I are cleaning up Spain's house!
over a year ago Albina21 said…
But then Romano pushes over a book case and he screams at you for being clumsy, even though he did it.

Prussia and I are teaching Gilbird to do flips in the air!
over a year ago yoki96 said…
He flips in the air but loses balance and falls in your shirt and Prussia has to help you to get him out but Gilbird doesn't wanna get out (something similar to that happened to me, and this reminde me of that)

Hmmmmm~ How about this:
Denmark and I are at his house, making danish pastries
over a year ago shywarp903 said…
But the ingredients expired so they turned out terrible and got you both sick(like throw up sick)

America and I went to a Giants football game
over a year ago yoki96 said…
HAHAHAHA~ good one

OK, OK, ummmmmm~ Being the hero that he is, he decided to join the Giants. And even after they said a big NO, he found a way to join and the Giants won, he drags you into the field saying this win was for you, and then the football team starts chasing you 2 because you disobeyed the rules by joining the game (being the winning team wasn't quiet satisfying for them).

What a date, huh, OK, hmmmmm~
Greece and I are sightseeing in Madrid
over a year ago kakukun said…
Then he sees a bunch of cats, runs after them and forgets all about you~

I'm watching a basketball game with America!~

over a year ago england4ever97 said…
Oh no! The basketball missed the rim and hit America in the face(sorry Al), sending him to the hospital.

Spain and I are dancing salsa in the ballroom. :33
over a year ago Animelover1220 said…
But Romono trips Spain and he falls flat on his face, giving him a coma for the rest of the day (sorry Spain DX I rather do it to u then do it to her, so... X3)

France, Poland, and I are shopping for a new outfit! ^3^
over a year ago KathyIsNotHere said…
But then France and Poland get into an argument over who looks more fabulous in heels and they end up getting kicked out of the mall :)

Prussia and I are having a dinner date at his house
over a year ago RoseWolfLala said…
You and Prussia were about to kiss until Germany entered the house and told you to leave. Meanwhile Prussia was getting whipped by Germany with a cane. X3

Me and Italy are at the Siesta club.
over a year ago Cheesiecorn said…
But then Germany walked in and decided to give you a wake-up-punch in the face and punished the two of you with 50 push-ups and 40 laps (without break)

England and I are drinking a cup of tea in the park

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago T045tToastToAsT said…
But some random kid playing soccer nearby kicked his ball into England's face, making England's tea spill everywhere! His nose started to bleed badly too, and he got burnt from the tea. (Sorry, I couldn't think of anything. :U)

Norway is teaching me a little of his magic! ;3
over a year ago IndigoIchigo said…
But someone bursts into the room suddenly and says that they need Noway for help. (Heh, no magic for you~ ..Sorry, I couldn't really think of anything. xD)

America and I are at a buffet..America has 5 plates of food. x3
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over a year ago Kakashi_355 said…
Unfortunately, America got sick and left, leaving you to pay the bill.

Romano and I are eating tomatoes together. C: ((>w< i don't like tomatoes in real life, but screw it. xD))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago codyfan77 said…
It turns out the tomatoes are spoiled and being the last one to realise that, Romano ends up being sick for the rest of the day.
Me and Iggy are on the London eye, getting to second base...
over a year ago IndigoIchigo said…
But America randomly pops up and says "Dude! You totally gotta come check this out!" and drags England away. (Mwahaha. >:D)

Me and Canada are at the park, swinging~
codyfan77 commented…
xD you dick! How did America get there anyway? Sneaky bastard xD! over a year ago
over a year ago codyfan77 said…
This park is the same park where Scott Pilgrim fought the movie star and mistaking Canada for Scott, he beats him up.
over a year ago wishey said…
Me and England are out looking for fairies.
over a year ago oliver7423 said…
Suddenly, America barges in and said to Britain that they need to talk.

France was drinking wine with me eventhough I'm a guy. WTF?!
over a year ago wishey said…
France bashes the wine bottle over your head and you get a concussion.

Seychelles takes me to go visit her country
over a year ago oliver7423 said…
However, she lost her ticket to go home and left you alone standing in the middle of the airport being bumped by strangers who doesn't care at all.

Estonia and I are eating Piraka while using our laptop.
over a year ago wishey said…
You both want the last piece, you fight, you grab it and eat it, and Estonia throws the laptop at you and it breaks.

Japan and me are watching anime.
over a year ago oliver7423 said…

Then someone throw a rock from outside hitting the TV. Is the anime Hetalia?

Romano and Spain tries to offer me their tomatoes.....

Wow :l
over a year ago Cheesiecorn said…
You smiled and accepted the tomatoes, and tried one when you got home, but it didn't taste like tomato, it tasted more like........ a scone? Oh no someone disguised one of England's homemade scones as a tomato!!! It was already too late when you found out so you fainted. A few hours later you woke up in a hospital, doomed to feel sick for the rest of the week.

Italy and I are celebrating Carnival in Venice.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LilMissDoodle said…
But you two end up falling into a canal (which is really gross btw) and need to go home for dry, clean clothes. (I couldn't think of anything else)

Finland and I are baking cookies~!
over a year ago hetaku_chan15 said…

But you end up putting in salt, instead of sugar so the cookie came out really gross. Spain and I are taking a siesta. I couldn't think of anything ;w;
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago oliver7423 said…
big smile
Then a bull rampaged the siesta with you and Spain wearing red clothes got chased down.

Italy, Estonia, and Japan invited me into a casual party.
over a year ago CyanKorea said…
But you get really badly car sick on the way there and you couldn't attend!
Studying history with S. Korea
over a year ago Itzcc6872 said…
But he falls asleep and moans some other girls name XD BIG FAIL.

Romano and I are picking tomatoes
over a year ago zasmn said…
But Romano spots a large perfectly circular tomato and proceeds to gush over the tomato for the next five hours not paying any attention to you.

Sweden and I are on a boat.
over a year ago LilacRoses said…
But you accidentally overturn the boat and Denmark has to save you from drowning. Then Finland called saying that he was being attacked by ninja elves. Sweden went to help him, so he forgot all about you until the next day. (So tragic...)

Italy and I are trying to break the world record for making white flags.