Hetalia Epic Rap Battles of Hetalia!

RussiaxChina3 posted on Jun 28, 2011 at 09:09PM
I got this Idea when I was watching Epic Rap Battles of History on youtube. you can choose different charaters for the different rounds. for round one it will be Russia vs China! i've been thinking about what Russia and China should say while rapping...like there's one part when Russia burns China and it goes a little something like this "oops! sorry China! I thought you were a Girl from the looks of your vagina!" and another part where China burns Russia and it goes a little something like this" please! you have a big boobed sister and one that wants to marry you! i'm not surprised that everyone left you behind!" yea. so just post the nations that you want rapping and you can add it in fanfiction form or video form. thanks you for reading this forum post.

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