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Hetalia Question

Opinion on shippings?

Just wanna ask about what you guys think about Hetalia and its shippings. Personally, I don't really mind shippings, but Hetalia characters and OCs are shipped so hard, I'm really getting annoyed. Just my opinion though. Not trying to be mean.
 chocolate18 posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

black_amaranth said:
I love shipping, and I love the pairings I ship, but I hate it when the fangirls make it seem as though Hetalia is all about that. Seriously, Hetalia is NOT a romantic love story, stop acting as if it is one.

Most importantly, I believe the fans are free to ship whatever they want, because it's their opinion and no one else's. People who go around bashing other's for their ships and trying to shove their opinions down their throats make me sick.

Honestly, ship and let ship, why don't you?
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I love shipping, and I love the pairings I ship, but I hate it when the fangirls make it seem as though Hetalia is all about that. Seriously, Hetalia is NOT a romantic love story, stop acting as if it is one.

Most importantly, I believe the fans are free to ship whatever they want, because it's their opinion and no one else's. People who go around bashing other's for their ships and trying to shove their opinions down their throats make me sick. 

Honestly, ship and let ship, why don't you?
posted over a year ago 
videogamergirl posted over a year ago
Day: You sound like the idiot right now
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
I totally agree with you, Amaranth-san! Shipping is NOT everything, AND just because you do not ship anything doesn't make it disrespectful to the anime! Honestly, it's being disrespectful to even start an argument... -____-"
T045tToastToAsT posted over a year ago
NebulaSkies said:
I don't mind people shipping characters together, even if it's pairings I don't really like or even hate. If I don't like a pairing, I just ignore it. If I know someone who ships a pairing I don't, I'll still treat them the same as anybody else as long as they don't flip out over us having different pairing opinions But anyways, when someone ships a pairing it's based on their opinions/views. Not mine. I don't like it? Boo hoo, too bad for me. With me people can ship whoever they want as long as they:

Don't shove it down my throat, because while it's nice to know you'd like more people to ship it doesn't mean everybody wants to. And actually it probably puts people off shipping that pairing more than it makes them want to ship it when you're rubbing their faces in it all the time when they don't want you to.

Don't constantly insist it's canon when it's obviously not. It's even worse when you get shippers who are so desperate to prove their pairing's canon that they will give 'canon proof' that was clearly pulled from their asses. I mean, if you love your pairing so much then I'd thought you'd ship it regardless of canon, it's not like many pairings in Hetalia are canon anyways.

And lastly, don't flip out over me not shipping their pairing. I don't flip out when anybody says they don't ship or even dislike my pairings, so I don't see why I should be getting a hate storm over it when I didn't do anything of the sort to them.

I also agree with people above that Hetalia fans who act like shippings are all there is to the show annoy the hell out of me. If it was just about pairings then Himaruya would've just scratched the 'historical satire with country personifications' concept of the show and made it a generic dating manga (or whatever the genre is called)
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posted over a year ago 
Such a respectful and nice person... I'm getting my hopes for this fandom back! People here are way better than the ones on tumblr and DA.
black_amaranth posted over a year ago
*sniff* I didn't think that fans like you still exist, I am constantly surrounded by weebs in the fandom..glad to have some enlightenment here~
blackgraycats posted over a year ago
YES! I'm getting my hope back that fanpop isn't made out of weebs all the way! :)
T045tToastToAsT posted over a year ago
hetalianstella said:
Wow....this whole thing is link so I'm going to make this short.
Now I don't necessarily ship any of the pairings in Hetalia. To me all of the Hetalia characters are like one huge family. There's ships that I'm fine with, but I will admit, there's some that I downright do not like. But I will not judge or insult people based upon it. I believe that everyone should have the right to do whatever makes them happy (as long as it doesn't negatively affect others) without being judged or insulted from it. Just don't shove your pairing down everyone's throat. Or make it look like that's all Hetalia is about when in reality it's not about that at all.
To be honest I almost stopped watching Hetalia completely when I first entered the fandom because there was so much yaoi, shipping wars, headcanons, fanart, ect. that made me believe that this would all be in the show at one point. But I continued to watch it and I'm glad that I did~

As long as you don't forget what Hetalia is truly about, or toss your ship around everywhere, then ship what you like. Just remember, all of us Hetalians are like one big family. That's what Hetalia is supposed to do, bring the world together ~ <3
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Wow....this whole thing is [url=]getting out of control[/url] so I'm going to make this short. 
Now I don't necessarily ship any of the pairings in Hetalia. To me all of the Hetalia characters are like one huge family. There's ships that I'm fine with, but I will admit, there's some that I downright do not like. [i]But[/i] I will not judge or insult people based upon it. I believe that everyone should have the right to do whatever makes them happy (as long as it doesn't negatively affect others) without being judged or insulted from it. Just don't shove your pairing down everyone's throat. Or make it look like that's all Hetalia is about when in reality it's not about that at all.
To be honest I almost stopped watching Hetalia completely when I first entered the fandom because there was so much yaoi, shipping wars, headcanons, fanart, ect. that made me believe that this would all be in the show at one point. But I continued to watch it and I'm glad that I did~

As long as you don't forget what Hetalia is truly about, or toss your ship around everywhere, then ship what you like. Just remember, all of us Hetalians are like one big family. That's what Hetalia is supposed to do, bring the world together ~ <3
posted over a year ago 
I like this answer :)
videogamergirl posted over a year ago
Thanks :3
hetalianstella posted over a year ago
Your answer is AWESOME. We ARE one big family! :3
T045tToastToAsT posted over a year ago
TeutonicMight said:
I personally love shippings, but some people get super angry about some of them. I, sadly, am one of these people. If I see a pairing in which Germany is with someone other than Italy or Italy with with someone other than Germany, I go full out rage mode. Same with Sweden and Finland, actually. But what I CANNOT STAND is OC/Canon shippings. Just-just-no. Please, no. Everyone knows that the OCs are self-inserts, anyway. o3o Plus, it kind of ruins the fun for those people that have, like, every single character ever paired up.
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posted over a year ago 
MallowMarsh said:
Ships? Ships are a complex thing, but sometimes I just wish we could all be friends. Hetalia as a whole is such an amazing thing, and I hate how sometimes small things like ships can suddenly blow up the entire fandom, or rip it apart.
I mean, look at Hetalia. In the end it isn't gay countries. It's about the world, and what a beautiful, colorful place it is.
Not that I'm against ships! Heck, ship as many ships as you want. All that I ask is that we remain united. I have seen plenty of fandoms become torn apart, and I really don't want that to happen with the Hetalia fandom. I love how we're all one big, happy family, and I think that's how we should always be. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, I wish we can all get along too.... It shows how bad our world is today... :(
T045tToastToAsT posted over a year ago
Very well said!
black_amaranth posted over a year ago
@T045t: Yeah...I mean, in marukaite chikyuu, all of the nations say that "Peace is the best." Some fangirls just can't grasp that concept, sadly. @amaranth: Thank you! ;u;
MallowMarsh posted over a year ago
^ Yeah... I guess they just think that the yaoi is everything... TT_TT
T045tToastToAsT posted over a year ago
FreedomEagle said:
I have the same thoughts as you. I'm not a shipper, so there aren't any pairings that I love or hate. It only bothers me sometimes when people treat it as the only important thing in Hetalia. Someone once asked me why I was in the fandom if I don't even ship anyone.
Come on, now.
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posted over a year ago 
uuuhhh because you enjoy the anime itself? lol :)
videogamergirl posted over a year ago
I think I know who told you that...
videogamergirl posted over a year ago
See? Not all of us HAS to hship a pairing. I don't like it how ppl like Hetalia because of pairings I mean what the hell?
RomanoItaria3 posted over a year ago
RomanoItaria3 said:
I don't ship pairings at all, doesn't make me a non-hetalia fan but I just don't care either way. If people leave me alone about pairings then I won't care but if you constantly go "I love This countryxthis country!", and say it in my face alot, eeehhhh.....
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posted over a year ago 
People who say that Hetalia is all about pairings make me mad! there's more to this anime than just the ships you like. I wish there were more people like you who realise this.
black_amaranth posted over a year ago
RomanoItaria3 posted over a year ago
TAS676 said:
I am okay with shippings, DEPENDING on the fanbase's reasons on shipping it. But I basically don't have so much respect for OC x Canon or Self X Canon. Sometimes OCs are horribly inaccurate.
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posted over a year ago 
blazeandarose said:
I love shipping, though Hetalia is one of those things where it depends on the ship for me.

If it's stuff like UsUk, SpaMano, RoChu, or SuFin, then no thank you.

But if it's pairings like Estonia <3 Finland...
Then HELL YES. I love ships like that. :'D

And the CANONxOC thing, I think it depends. I've seen some pairings like that that are actually pulled off well, but other CANONxOC pairings... yeah, some of them annoy me.
((To be honest, I'm not really a fan of them either... but even with those I have seen some that are pulled off well.))
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posted over a year ago 
fullmetal_ninja said:
I do ship some pairings but only as friends. I hate it how people just try to get you ship a pairing you don't like, if I don't like it, then I don't.
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posted over a year ago 
Why? Doesn't appeal to you and make you hump the screen? All this fandom damn cares about anyway.
Edvygrl8 posted over a year ago
* Amaranth. Yeah, I had to do that... Probably will get me reported, but at this point, I don't care.
T045tToastToAsT posted over a year ago
Dude even I can visit Japan right instead of this :)
RomanoItaria3 posted over a year ago
BlindBandit92 said:
In my opinion people can ship whoever they please.

I have 5 problems with shippings tho

1.Alot of people are overly involved and annoying when it comes to ships.

2.Alot of people don't respect opinions.

3.Alot people feel their opinion is the only right one.

4.Ship wars generally

5.And Hating a character for a ship.

Btw there's others but those are the main reasons.

If you do not do any of those I wouldn't have much of a problem with you. i just hate insane fans of anything. While it may be fun to ship for some people and while people have varying opinions. Some people need to learn how to respect others. And in the Hetalia fandom there's rarely any respect to go around at times. I won't say there aren't any polite fans but there's alot who aren't.
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you for the defend. I don't what that person's problem is, but they need to stick with it. Does it look like I must ship in order to respect his countires?
fullmetal_ninja posted over a year ago
Thank you lord!
RomanoItaria3 posted over a year ago
BlindBandit, I shall worship you! :D
ivoryphills posted over a year ago
blackgraycats said:
In my opinion, I am perfectly okay with shipping, but I don't like it when fangirls take it too far that it offends people. I don't like it when fangirls obsess more on their ships than the show itself. No offense, but it;s very idiotic. I don't like it when fangirls are TOO persevered with their ships and wouldn't accept other people's ships, make stupid OC's to ship with canon, or even worse, ships HERSELF and makes a big fudging deal and a page about it, and FORCES IT DOWN PEOPLE'S THROAT..(yes, I have actually met people like the last example...It's extremely idiotic, they were even married and had three children together when the fangirl is only 12/13..)
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In my opinion, I am perfectly okay with shipping, but I don't like it when fangirls take it too far that it offends people. I don't like it when fangirls obsess more on their ships than the show itself. No offense, but it;s very idiotic. I don't like it when fangirls are TOO persevered with their ships and wouldn't accept other people's ships, make stupid OC's to ship with canon, or even worse, ships HERSELF and makes a big fudging deal and a page about it, and FORCES IT DOWN PEOPLE'S THROAT..(yes, I have actually met people like the last example...It's extremely idiotic, they were even married and had three children together when the fangirl is only 12/13..)
posted over a year ago 
I like your answer!
DayofSilence posted over a year ago
No kidding! xD
videogamergirl posted over a year ago
Good one.
RomanoItaria3 posted over a year ago
Thank you *bows* -w-a
blackgraycats posted over a year ago
ivoryphills said:
To be frank, I think this whole thing where we place views and importance on whether or not we ship is stupid and pathetic. I'm seriously getting a migraine whenever the topic "shipping" comes up. I hate Hetalians who bash each other because of who they ship, if they ship, or if they don't ship. It's shipping, dammit, it wasn't supposed to be this serious. I ship UsUk, so what? You ship FrUk, so what? They don't ship at all, SO WHAT?

Jesus Christ, it's just a show! Let the fans ship or not ship. >_<
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posted over a year ago 
I know right?! I have a fever right now, topping it off with a headache. (Headache caused by the ship wars)
videogamergirl posted over a year ago
soulbleach98 posted over a year ago
*claps* Yes, couldn't agree more
blackgraycats posted over a year ago
nebulaeye said:
Now, I'm pretty new to Hetalia. But I think I've seen enough to say...

It's just a show. The characters aren't real. Neither are the ships. Most of the ships are not canon. What is the point of wasting your time bashing others for something that isn't even real?

Yes, the characters may represent real countries. But the thing some people don't realize, is that they are stereotypes. Therefore, it's not going to be accurate. It's just for laughs. You don't have to take every little thing so seriously. It's a comedy, it's not meant to be taken seriously.

So, just leave people alone and let people ship what they want.
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posted over a year ago 
omg exactly! You may be new to Hetalia, but it seems like you already know more than some people in the fandom knows. ;)
videogamergirl posted over a year ago
Thank you :D
nebulaeye posted over a year ago
*claps and throws roses* I salute you (-w-)7
blackgraycats posted over a year ago
Cerudays said:
I've tried to ship in this fandom, but I've found I can't; I just don't really see pairings in countries for some reason. But I'll say this about shipping IN GENERAL, not tied down to Hetalia, but JUST IN GENERAL: do what makes you happy.

Everybody deserves to experience happiness in a fandom, whether it's with fanart, whether it's cosplaying, whether it's fanfiction, whether it's hanging out with friends who also like what you like, whether it's wearing your favorite t-shirt with a reference to a fandom, whether it's lisening to drama cd's or character songs, whether it's writing reviews on episodes, whether it's writing poetry based on a moment in a show/book, whether it's shipping.

I don't ship Hetalia characters anymore, but I ship in other unrelated fandoms and I have several pairings I really, genuinely love and enjoy. But even if I don't Hetaship, I just wanted to leave this message here.
*Ollies out*
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I've tried to ship in this fandom, but I've found I can't; I just don't really see pairings in countries for some reason. But I'll say this about shipping IN GENERAL, not tied down to Hetalia, but JUST IN GENERAL: do what makes you happy. 

Everybody deserves to experience happiness in a fandom, whether it's with fanart, whether it's cosplaying, whether it's fanfiction, whether it's hanging out with friends who also like what you like, whether it's wearing your favorite t-shirt with a reference to a fandom, whether it's lisening to drama cd's or character songs, whether it's writing reviews on episodes, whether it's writing poetry based on a moment in a show/book, whether it's shipping. 

I don't ship Hetalia characters anymore, but I ship in other unrelated fandoms and I have several pairings I really, genuinely love and enjoy. But even if I don't Hetaship, I just wanted to leave this message here. 
*Ollies out*
posted over a year ago 
TheAwesomeMels said:
In my opinion, EVERYONE SHOULD SHIP WHAT THEY LOVE AND RESPECT ALL OTHER SHIPS. To me nothing is worst than people ship their ships but hate on others that don't ship what they do. Like I'll use Fruk and UsUk as examples. I Ship UsUk, it's one of my favorites and I love it. When it comes to Fruk I don't ship it, I respect the people that do, BUT also I can see how they can make a good couple.(They've known eachother for a very long time. Hell they even raised Canada and America). So I think that even if you don't ship a pair, one could try and look at it from a different view. (A friend of mine ships Prumano. Don't know how that works, but I can see how it could happen.)
Now when it comes to shipping the countries with OCs, I guess it depends on how good the character is portrayed as well as the story line. I think it's fine, better if the Oc is another country, just don't make it so Mary Sue.
So, all in all, Love your ships, sail them on the sea of Fandom, become allies with your fellow shipper, and NO SINKING OTHER PEOPLES SHIPS! or General Winter will get you.
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posted over a year ago 
Amen to that, dear. Wish more FrUK and USUK fangirls were like you. (I'm a USUK fangirl myself)
black_amaranth posted over a year ago
Why thank you. Pretty much the only time I will ship FrUk is if involves Chibi America and Canada. I love the FACE Family. (UsUk fans unite!)
TheAwesomeMels posted over a year ago
Aye Aye!
black_amaranth posted over a year ago
PeonyWeiss said:
Well, I ship lots of pairs and refuse a lots of pairs, but I don't accept when people just can't stop criticizing and hating on others' fav pairs. But it's really annoying when Hetalia is not all about shipping but someone is doing like it IS. They are a huge family, yes they did war and not get on well with each other, but then again, they are friends, are allies .... That are what Hetalia about, not shippings. :|
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posted over a year ago 
T045tToastToAsT said:
I don't mind any ships, but I don't like incest or selfcest or any weird pairings like America x Chainsaw etc. etc. But I won't bash on people and call people 'shallow idiots' for what they ship. That's just plain sick and rude. -_____-" Everyone is free to ship whatever they like, and if no one shipped anything, then everything would be fine. Honestly, what is up with people these days? They probably only have one frickin brain cell or something. They should start using their brains, because bashing on people's opinions will NOT get you anywhere. And anyways, it's scientifically proven that everyone is shallow. Everyone wants a good looking partner, no matter what you say. Simply calling a character 'hot' proves that you want a good-looking partner. It's set in your mind, so even if you say that you're not into hot people and you only aim for personality, deep down in your subconscious you want a good looking partner. And did I mention it's scientifically proven?
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posted over a year ago 
Loved your answer :3 and yes, people who are like "oh, I don't care for whatever person's looks" really need to stop with that at. It's wrong to iudge people by their appearance, or even befriend them for just that, however EVERYONE likes looking at a good-looking sight, be it in a human or inanimate object. God knows how many times I've seem
black_amaranth posted over a year ago
*seen fans insulting others because they said that they prefer the new style over the old one. Yes, it's true that the old style suited Hetalia better, however to actually say that it LOOKS better, as in the artistic way, now that's just stupid.
black_amaranth posted over a year ago
monkeyrockla said:
Shipping makes the world go round.
Nah, but I do enjoy it shipping, who cares if its canon, crack, gay, straight?
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posted over a year ago 
Timmy_Kirkland said:
Lately, I've been feeling a little down because of Hetalia shippings and how over-obsessive some fans are, and while I do respect their opinions, I just don't like it when they try to convince me it's canon, their "life", or try to use it to torture me, or get super defensive for having my own opinion. I'm not trying to change anyone's minds, I'm stating my own belief, and people hate that.

To me, I believe ships are used if they are, like, close friends or if they have a past, something like that. I'm purely stubborn by nature and my emotions take over, and I don't like putting people through that. I realize I've probably been mean to some people based on what they like, and I feel bad for it.

To get to the point: Hetalia for me is about the countries and the world (plus, since I study my genealogy, I'm basically a European mutt), not having characters in sexual acts, things like that. Thanks for letting me vent. I respect all opinions.
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posted over a year ago 
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