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Hetalia Question

Makes me wonder...

How all the characters felt during times of hardship.

Did they battle in all the wars? What did they do during Civil Wars? Were they very sick or did they take sides? Do they still think about all their lost soldiers, people, kings, and queens? Do you think they miss them? What did they do when their soldiers were kidnapped, torchered, and killed? Do you think they still hold grudges on the other countries for that? Do they have regrets? Things they wish they could take back? Things they could make right? People they could save? Wars they could stop? What are the characters hiding from us? What feelings and emotions are they holding up in them?
 pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

MallowMarsh said:
That's a really good question!
I personally think that all the characters are hiding something. I believe that every country has faced hardships. There have been some sad times for the nations ((Not just in Hetalia, but in general)), and there's more to the characters than what they seem to be. However, their hardships have made them into the countries they are today. I imagine their hard times to have been depressing, and I do think they have some regrets.
But I also think that they're also trying to remember the good times, and make the most of their lives.
They're all nations; they've lived for thousands of years, and yet, have seen so many lives lost due to war, famine, poverty, etc. I don't think they're the ones to take life for granted.
Once more, this is a really good question. I wonder about this quite often myself. It would be interesting to see all of the nations' hardships and their thoughts about them.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree, good point. I love it how the fans can really get that emotion in fanart, get those scenes and feelings. A few that really touched me, was a picture of England putting flowers on Jeanne D'Arc's grave. It really shows how he regrets it. Also, a picture of France crying by himself with Jeanne's spirit holding him...just....oh my god. ;_;
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
Oh wow... ;n; that's exactly why I love some fanart. They really capture emotions of characters. France and Jeanne D'arc's story always moves me.
MallowMarsh posted over a year ago
hetalianstella said:
Very good question...
Well when my friend first told me about Hetalia I was thinking, "Wow, it must be so hard to be both a country and a person" because every country there is has had some sort of painful past to it. Some more than others. So that's why I was a little confused when I started watching Hetalia because everything seemed so incredibly positive.
But now that I know more about Hetalia I think so. I think that each character struggles, but tends to not show it. I think they have an emotional side to them. I think that each leader, each solider, each citizen is an important part of them which they must protect at all cost, and if they fail, then it sticks with them. Maybe they forgive and forget or maybe they have a major disliking because of the past. Maybe they cry when their alone or maybe they always hold it in, or maybe they just don't remember at all.
Or maybe this positiveness that comes with Hetalia is just another way to show how we need to forgive the past. Of course we don't forget it, because that's why we study history in the first place. We remember our struggles and we remember what brought our country to what it is today. But maybe the whole point of Hetalia and its positiveness is to forgive, laugh about our mistakes, and look to the future...
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Very good question...
Well when my friend first told me about Hetalia I was thinking, "Wow, it must be so hard to be both a country and a person" because every country there is has had some sort of painful past to it. Some more than others. So that's why I was a little confused when I started watching Hetalia because everything seemed so incredibly positive.
But now that I know more about Hetalia I think so. I think that each character struggles, but tends to not show it. I think they have an emotional side to them. I think that each leader, each solider, each citizen is an important part of them which they must protect at all cost, and if they fail, then it sticks with them. Maybe they forgive and forget or maybe they have a major disliking because of the past. Maybe they cry when their alone or maybe they always hold it in, or maybe they just don't remember at all.
Or maybe this positiveness that comes with Hetalia is just another way to show how we need to forgive the past. Of course we don't forget it, because that's why we study history in the first place. We remember our struggles and we remember what brought our country to what it is today. But maybe the whole point of Hetalia and its positiveness is to forgive, laugh about our mistakes, and look to the future...
posted over a year ago 
Mhm. Like when you see those scrips of France and Russia, you see a different side to them. A more deeper part of them. You see the hardship and emotions in them, the ones they had. You see how much they care for their people and their regrets.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
xAyumuEndless said:
Of course they've went through hardships, after all they are countries. But as they are countries i think they are kind of "build" to handle pain, of course this is just a headcanon of mine, but they have to be at leasy somewhat supernatural to actually be a country. I think they know how the soldiers feel since they take part of the everyday work in their country. I think they fight in civil wars or very important wars as some "kind" of leader. There are more to the characters than their looks but what fashionates me so much is to think about how a /country/ frmeels things. Like, you are everything around you. You are..a peice of land? Do a country feel happiness for examplexwhen the sun shines and everyone is happy? Do the countries know what everything feels? Its so difficult to actually think about it.
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posted over a year ago 
*feels and *example when
xAyumuEndless posted over a year ago
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