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Hetalia Question

Anyone else creeped out by this?

But, why does the UsUk fanclub on here have a picture of Chibi!America and England? I just find that very creepy and just....not good. I'd be better if it had a older pic of the two. The thought of people shipping them together at that time really creeps me out. I'll never get that picture I came across of England screwing Chibi!America out of my head, dear god....the horror...

((No Offenese to the UsUk fans))
...was it usuk...that's my question...there's a difference between iggy as a parent and usuk...just wondering...I've seen pics like that but I would like to know what you saw...
Ikuyomi_T posted over a year ago
 pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

ErnieHannah333 said:
I personally don't like UsUK myself, but it's not THAT creepy considering England used to take care of America and a lot of UsUK stuff has pictures like that.
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posted over a year ago 
I don't see how raising someone like a brother can turn into that. How can Chibi!America lead to UsUk?...dear god, I'm going to have more nightmares now. o-o
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
Well, I see your point. I dislike UsUK for the same reason. I guess I didn't read the whole question before because that's scary o_e
ErnieHannah333 posted over a year ago
I support FrUk for canon reasons, things that happen in real life and in the series. I don't use headcanons or screw up the characters and their relationships with each other.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
hetalianstella said:
That picture you said you came across, I came across one like that *shivers* such a disgusting disgrace to the fandom...

But I'm not really sure. We'll have to see what a UsUk fan has to say about that. I mean, if I were to ship two people together I would prefer them being older but I have seen some UsUk fans who look at their relationship as a brother turned into a lover type of thing. It seems kind of weird to me, but I guess different people just have different perspectives.
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posted over a year ago 
I know right? It made me very sick seeing that. Dear god, what people think of.....It seems very, very weird to me too. I support incest very rarely, just because it is very rare for me to even see family getting into a relationship like that.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
crimsonlove123 said:
Well, it is creepy but you have to expect it. We are talking about the Hetalia fandom, some fans are going to draw them like that or write them like that.
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posted over a year ago 
HeartfulStitch said:
I don't support UsUk since I only see England and America as brothers. For me family is family and it should remain that way.

The picture you came across on the other hand is just... -shudders- I don't blame you for getting sick from it. I would as well. I really can't believe someone would think of drawing such a thing...
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posted over a year ago 
I know right? I mean, I support incest. But....god no.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
iloveciel said:
I've seen my uncle naked so.....NOTHING creeps me out anymore T.T -flashback- NO!!! DX
XD Lol
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posted over a year ago 
Wow,you guys are really into this..i suck -.-
iloveciel posted over a year ago
GaHoolianGirl said:
Yes,I am.Anything like pedophila or incest (and I'm not calling UsUk incest) creep me out.I always ask "Why,just why?"
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posted over a year ago 
tokidoki123 said:
Well,I ship spamano so nothing like that hurts me anymore. xD But know I don't ship anyone like THAT..But secretly you know everything about USUK creeps YOU out.
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posted over a year ago 
*shrugs* I wouldn't mind as much if it had an older picture of them. Just the thought of them paired at that age makes me sick to my stomach.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
not everyone is like that though...I only have pics of beholder as a couple, there are a few pics Test people suggest as a couple but really, it's just alpha younger
Ikuyomi_T posted over a year ago
Dragon_Rider said:
Uh.....Alfred and Arthur? I dunno about them but my sister is the crazy fan girl about Yaoi. She may know about this. Anyways, in my opinion, I don't actually think that Yaoi is creepy, as myself as a guy as well. Sometimes I just find it really funny. I'm weird and so what but anyways, I wasn't really keen with Yaoi at my first time watching it or read manga I forgot which came first . Anyways, you'll get along with it soon although you may hate it. Sometimes you'll just find some nice in it as well. I'm not quite sure what I said made sense but anyways, I had a really rough start as a boy watching or reading Yaoi, I still get along with it, more or less cosplay yaoi with my friends for the sake of fun!!

BTW, I'm not actually saying that u hate Yaoi. But if u do, fine by me!
If I have any wrong spelling or wrong sentence construction, please comment below... I currently suck at English as a Japanese... sumimasen desuka!
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posted over a year ago 
Uh....I don't hate Yaoi.....I don't like the idea of a little baby being paired with an Adult.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
xAyumuEndless said:
Well, i think people that ships UsUk dont see them as brothers because they are not blood related, remember that the "americans" today actually is immigrants from Europe so there is not anything that can make ONLY England and America brothers. ( please, i am not very good in american history as i dont live in USA, this is only what ive heard. )

And with that, they dont see England and America as brothers, though they are aware of the fact that England raised America and they would never ship chibi!America with England as it is colonialism and pedophilia in the same time, i think UsUk fans sees revolutionary war and further as a legit age to ship UsUk. Though i am no usuk fan and these are ONLYmy guesses, maybe we should ask this question in the usuk club?

but pumpkinqueen, be very aware that Hetalia isnt a perfectly clean fandom and there are people that is going to ship that anyway which makes my really uncomfortable. and i know some people that makes fics about that pairing but only for dark humor purposes. I dont think anyone ships that pairing seriously.

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posted over a year ago 
Pretty much every person in the US has a blood line leading to the UK. Because they owned us for years and ruled over us. Heck I have English and Scottish in mine, with a little German. Plus Himaruya has already let out that they are caonly brothers. Just like America & Canada and Romano & Italy. Frankly, I find it stupid they just can't admit to that. My second favorite pairing ever is Incest, I don't try and lie about it. Heck, I know UsCan is incest, but it is still my history baby. I'm sorry, but I find people shipping them for the Rev. War HIGHLY insulting. I mean for god sakes, it was WAR and we were KILLING each other. It was in no way shape or form a 'romantic' moment. I'm not stepping foot into that club, I get sick to my stomach everytime I see 'those' types of pictures with them, so no I always stay away. Yes, that is what I truely hate, nobody thinks before they ship. All they care about is how hot it is and what fanfictions they have. Highly insulting to the countries in my opinion.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
uscan is a legit pairing and yes, with history there are many reasons to ship it.
xAyumuEndless posted over a year ago
sure, ill see what i can do.
xAyumuEndless posted over a year ago
soulbleach98 said:
Whoops, my bad. I apologize for reading the question wrong. I guess it IS kinda creepy if it's Chibi!America. And I kinda don't want to exactly see what you saw...
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posted over a year ago 
Not answering the question.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
Cerudays said:
I have always seen them having a brother relationship, too. Or at most, just good friends with up and down moments.

I can across a creepy picture like that once on tumblr; it was of Spain and Chibi!Romano... I don't wanna say anything more. o_o;;;; *pukes*
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posted over a year ago 
Oh god, yes I've seen pictures of them too.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
MallowMarsh said:
It is kinda strange. I mean, I don't like it when babies are paired with adults. It doesn't really seem like a couple, you know? It seems more like a father/son love, or brotherly love. It seems kinda sick that people would put a small child with an adult and ship it. I don't ship USUK, and I have nothing against USUK, or yaoi. In fact, I ship a few yaoi couples myself. But that's not the point. The point is, I agree with you, the icon should have at least been of them when America was a little older.
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posted over a year ago 
One person told me America picking England to be his Big Brother was a 'moment' for them....dear god. Very, very creepy when people say those kinda things., no.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
^Agreed, yes that was a moment, but that was a brotherly moment, not a "moment." In my opinion, small children shouldn't be paired with adults.
MallowMarsh posted over a year ago
Wow, that's so cool! :) I wish my family would watch Hetalia with me.
MallowMarsh posted over a year ago
hetaku_chan15 said:
I don't mind UsUk but yeah pedophilia is creepy.
I can't see UsUk as brothers (more like brothers as in bros like bromance or something like that) which is why the pairing UsUk don't bother me.
but yeah i don't get why people put the chibis with the older character... i try to stay away from that kind of stuff
i mean I like the chibi and character pictures but only when they're the papa or older brother pictures not as lovers
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posted over a year ago 
I mean, I like Chibi!FrUk, but atleast they are close in age and height when they were younger. Not like a father and a baby son. America was going around calling him 'Big Brother' at that age, they are canonly brothers. So yeah, no, that creeps me out big time.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
Ikuyomi_T said:
I ship them (and fruk) and I even find that disturbing 0_0...and very uncomfertable
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posted over a year ago 
but really...there's pics like that for fruk too...I have seen quit bashing the fandoms and like what you like, and let others like what theyl like T_T
Ikuyomi_T posted over a year ago
oh, and to add, it's chibi iggy and older france...I have flippn seen fruk fans have noooright to say ths about usuk when theyvare quilty too...
Ikuyomi_T posted over a year ago
Uh, France and England aren't that far apart in age. So no, there is a difference from like young FrUk and young UsUk. Because England is a LOT older and bigger then America at that time. Plus, France didn't raise England like England did America. Also, FrUk has more logical reasons and the fans use them, while for UsUk it's just headcanons. So yeah, big difference.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
...wasn't this aout age? not headcanons? I didn't mean to offend you...I was just saying what I've seen, fruk tans do wrong, usuk fans do wrong, so I am basically saying we neednto be in a peaceful fandom-.-
Ikuyomi_T posted over a year ago
Britian_Arthur said:
The idea of people even seeing me and America together really bothers both of us. He is just a little brother to me and a good friend, same goes for him. We would never do anything like that with each other.

Anytime I bring it up in front of France, he always starts turning a lock of his hair in his fingers and humming 'La Marseillaise'

America brought it up in front of Canada once and he said he squeezed the maple syrup bottle so tight it shot it all over the ceiling.
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posted over a year ago 
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