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Hetalia Question

What do you think about fans bashing certain pairing?

I think thats part of why some people think Hetalia fans are crazier than some other fans...BTW this is YOUR opinion and you don't have to comment on other peoples opinion ESPECIALLY IF IT'S AN INSULT!
As long as people have good reasons backing up their dislike, I could careless.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
 shywarp903 posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

tokyomacncheese said:
I think that when fans bash another pairing it's because they dont have enough sense to respect the other person's opinion whether its right or wrong. People shouldnt bash other pairings that people like its just stupid... and causes problems. There just being trolls =3=
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I think that when fans bash another pairing it's because they dont have enough sense to respect the other person's opinion whether its right or wrong. People shouldnt bash other pairings that people like its just stupid... and causes problems. There just being trolls =3=
posted over a year ago 
BlindBandit92 said:
I honestly think it's immature and juvenile and to be even more honest pathetic that some would stoop to doing that because they are so opinionated and they feel everyone should have the same opinion when that isn't true.

I mean I have heard and seen so many people argue over FrUk and UsUk since forever and I think okay it's fine to express your thoughts about something or to have a debate, since fans in any fandom normally debate to see a different viewpoint but most of these people really come off as jerks when they have insensitive opinions and bash others. I don't think it's right for fans of any aspect of any fandom to bash others over something trivial. But unfortunately many won't see it that way and will continue to do the same juvenile act which is quite unfortunate.
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posted over a year ago 
lumforever said:
I irritates me sometimes. Some people just need to learn to respect others opinions.
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posted over a year ago 
Panda-Hero said:
There is only ONE pairing I will openly 'bash,' but not even that. I like to GIVE REASONS, and not just say it's idiotic and disgusting for no reason. But that's because it legitimately reduces me to tears, and makes my stomach hurt. UsCan. it just SICKENS me, okay?!

Other than that, I think bashing a pairing is wrong. I mean, opinions.
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posted over a year ago 
im with you on that one. UsCan.. e_e *shivers*
tokyomacncheese posted over a year ago
^Yeah, it literally sickens me.
Panda-Hero posted over a year ago
black_amaranth posted over a year ago
blood-teller said:
familiar with that as i am a Engsey fan.

I seriously dont understand why hetalia fans thinks the shippers would listen to their opinions.

its just so
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familiar with that as i am a Engsey fan.

I seriously dont understand why hetalia fans thinks the shippers would listen to their opinions.

its just so
posted over a year ago 
Actually I have met a lot who have, and I actually started shipping a pairing because someone gave wonderful reasons for it.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
Ive meet people like that to, but in this case i talk about bashing a pairing, often i scroll through when i see hate on a pairing i like, i dont think people actually for real would put worthful time on fighting about fictional pairings.
blood-teller posted over a year ago
blood-teller posted over a year ago
AlyssAybss said:
It's an anime. Get over it. I don't understand why people get so worked up over a fictional character/s. Keep your opinions to yourself if you can't be mature and respectful. And to those who post questions asking "Do you like blah blah blah or Do you like this pairing" and think that everybody is going to share the same opinion as you..BULL SH**! xD ...That is all. I apologize, I'm tired.
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It's an anime. Get over it. I don't understand why people get so worked up over a fictional character/s. Keep your opinions to yourself if you can't be mature and respectful. And to those who post questions asking "Do you like blah blah blah or Do you like this pairing" and think that everybody is going to share the same opinion as you..BULL SH**! xD ...That is all. I apologize, I'm tired.
posted over a year ago 
PLUS! Why do people get so offended?!
AlyssAybss posted over a year ago
This Answer seems so accurate. I love you ;w;
ChigokuAru posted over a year ago
missracoon posted over a year ago
pumpkinqueen said:
Because people like to debate and talk about what makes their pairing good and the other not. How one is accurate and one is inaccurate.
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posted over a year ago 
ChigokuAru said:
I honestly don't care but if they go too far with bashing then i'll step in and be all like
"Woah, Calm your tits"
Geez, People and their OTPs these days...
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posted over a year ago 
AlyssAybss posted over a year ago
HeartfulStitch said:
It's quite surprising how people get so worked up over fictional characters but, I don't complain about it. It's fictional and sometimes people just forget that. Bashing is pretty stupid and immature if you ask me. People just need to learn how to have a friendly debate. Debating is a nice thing to do really. It may make one actually like a pairing. Bashing is just a stupid reason for someone to complain about a pairing they don't like.
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posted over a year ago 
Ikuyomi_T said:
It's stupid, immature and people need to get over themselves. I hate it when people insult couples and try to change other opinions just because they don't like a couple. Get over it T_T
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It's stupid, immature and people need to get over themselves. I hate it when people insult couples and try to change other opinions just because they don't like a couple. Get over it T_T
posted over a year ago 
missracoon said:
In most cases i couldn't care less for it, i enjoy winding bashers up though.
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posted over a year ago 
Cerudays said:
Anime is anime, and the characters will never be more than that. (Depressing as it seems, the sooner it is realized, the better.) The characters started out as somebody's thoughts and ideas, and then came to exist on paper. That's it.
So when I see another person outwardly trying to bash and '1 Up' another person just because they don't agree with their tastes and opinions, well... I find it sort of stupid. There's a very fine line between discussing and bashing. Discussing means that you can accept this other person's opinion, AND express your own at the same time with no hurt feelings. You can have an intelligent conversation. Everybody walks away in a good mood. Bashing is going out of your way to put this person down, this person that has opinions, just like you do. If agreeing with another person's opinions about something that doesn't even exist upsets you and makes you want to hurt another person's feelings, well... then there's a problem there. If a person doesn't like yaoi pairings, that doesn't make them a homophobe. (Yes, I've seen people call others homophobes and the likes, just because they don't find any of the yaoi/yuri pairings in Hetalia appealing. I've seen the hetero pairing fans bash the yaoi/yuri fans, calling the yaoi/yuri fans mean names. For example: If a person doesn't like USUK but likes FrUk, that doesn't mean that this person is 'biased' and 'isn't a true hetalia fan' or whatever. I've seen way too much of this stupid fighting. We should try to get along with the people that are a fan of Hetalia, not put them down and be offensive and mean.
Bottom line is: Don't agree? You don't have to. Just don't hurt somebody's feelings over something they like and you don't. Hetalia, at the end of the day, is just an awesome anime that Hima-papa came up with. So let's learn to appreciate Hetalia and all of its fans, because, after all... they like it too, right?
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Anime is anime, and the characters will never be more than that. (Depressing as it seems, the sooner it is realized, the better.) The characters started out as somebody's thoughts and ideas, and then came to exist on paper. That's it. 
So when I see another person outwardly trying to bash and '1 Up' another person just because they don't agree with their tastes and opinions, well... I find it sort of stupid. There's a very fine line between discussing and bashing. Discussing means that you can accept this other person's opinion, AND express your own at the same time with no hurt feelings. You can have an intelligent conversation. Everybody walks away in a good mood. Bashing is going out of your way to put this person down, this person that has opinions, just like you do. If agreeing with another person's opinions about something that doesn't even exist upsets you and makes you want to hurt another person's feelings, well... then there's a problem there. If a person doesn't like yaoi pairings, that doesn't make them a homophobe. (Yes, I've seen people call others homophobes and the likes, just because they don't find any of the yaoi/yuri pairings in Hetalia appealing. I've seen the hetero pairing fans bash the yaoi/yuri fans, calling the yaoi/yuri fans mean names. For example: If a person doesn't like USUK but likes FrUk, that doesn't mean that this person is 'biased' and 'isn't a true hetalia fan' or whatever. I've seen way too much of this stupid fighting. We should try to get along with the people that are a fan of Hetalia, not put them down and be offensive and mean. 
Bottom line is: Don't agree? You don't have to. Just don't hurt somebody's feelings over something they like and you don't. Hetalia, at the end of the day, is just an awesome anime that Hima-papa came up with. So let's learn to appreciate Hetalia and all of its fans, because, after all... they like it too, right?
posted over a year ago 
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