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Hetalia Question

What would you do if your favorite Hetalia Character sang a romantic song to you?

If Prussia sang a romantic song to me... Help me... I have no idea what I would do. I'd just stand there shyly and blush like hell. >////<

I lost my senses 10 months ago. Now I'm prepared --> video cam.
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
 HeartfulStitch posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

EliInYourWorld said:
I'd either
A) Be scared shitless because Russia is...well, Russia.
B) Faint. >///////////////<. How could you not love Russia?????? <3.
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I'd either
A) Be scared shitless because Russia is...well, Russia.
B) Faint. >///////////////<. How could you not love Russia?????? <3.
posted over a year ago 
Same here >.<
JaseKS posted over a year ago
666demon posted over a year ago
Same here! I love Russia :3
VocaloidCrazy01 posted over a year ago
pumpkinqueen said:
Says it all.
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Says it all.
posted over a year ago 
Panda-Hero said:

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posted over a year ago 
Tinekraut said:
Gott! Iggy... *unprepared for this* I think I'm going to melt. But I can't afford to. >////////< *hold on to myself*
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posted over a year ago 
This reminds me of a Filipino culture called "harana", where a man sings a serenade to the lady he's courting outside her house.
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
QTpie470 said:
I would sit there shyly, quiet, then be a troll and give him a hug. Friend-zoning Italy
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posted over a year ago 
Awwwww poor Italy
yoki96 posted over a year ago
Norge_and_Anko said:
I think I'd laugh. Can you picture Norway singing a romantic song? Or even singing at all? Maybe he'd play background music for someone else singing a song, but I can't see him trying to woo anyone XD
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I think I'd laugh. Can you picture Norway singing a romantic song? Or even singing at all? Maybe he'd play background music for someone else singing a song, but I can't see him trying to woo anyone XD
posted over a year ago 
Well I could see him maybe playing a really famous romantic song on the violin so you could recognize it.
Panda-Hero posted over a year ago
I imagine him playing --> link
yoki96 posted over a year ago
yoki96 said:
I would just sit there, listening to the beautiful song that Lithuania is playing, while softly smiling and blushing
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posted over a year ago 
ShadowSpirit said:
I would stand there waiting for it to be over, I HATE romantic stuffs even if its a really hot character I still won't like it
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I would stand there waiting for it to be over, I HATE romantic stuffs even if its a really hot character I still won't like it
posted over a year ago 
Well, you could make an exception just that one time
yoki96 posted over a year ago
Maybe...but I won't blush or anything. I will still try to endure it
ShadowSpirit posted over a year ago
sounds like me XP
OtakuFandom posted over a year ago
PastaChick said:
Italy... i would melt into his arms.
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posted over a year ago 
Hehe ^///^ I could sing you a song if you would like, mio amore? ;D
Pastalover posted over a year ago
PastaChick? Is that you? So you are not my fangirl anymore? I will remember that.
PrussiaTheGreat posted over a year ago
colecutegirl said:
Well that would result in like 10 hetalia characters singing to me...cause honesly i can't pick my faves but pfft like romano would sing to anyone, let alone a romantic song, same with norway...(two of my faves)
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posted over a year ago 
Animelover1220 said:
The person would be America or England :3
I'd probably listen while blushing like crazy and after he finished I'd say I love him >\\\< and probably kiss him XD
>\\\\\\\\\\\\\< so much blush
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posted over a year ago 
IntrepidKeris said:
France or Prussia...

asdfghjkl; i think i would just start squeeing out loud and hug them to death.
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posted over a year ago 
mintymidget210 said:
Oh cod, France fuck me now. <3
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posted over a year ago 
O____O;;; W-wow....
HeartfulStitch posted over a year ago
But you have to admire the originality of the answer, right?
yoki96 posted over a year ago
Yes indeed do you do x3
HeartfulStitch posted over a year ago
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
GaHoolianGirl said:
Do you mean after I faint from seeing Spain?

Well,first,I would probably have to chew on my fingers to keep myself from screaming like a rabid Spain fangirl (Which I happen to be)and hugging like a teddy bear for hours.When he was done,I would glomp him,and kiss his cheek and repeat "Te amo!Te amo!Te amo!" over and over again.

When that was done and I calmed down,I would apologize for my excitement,blushing like one of his tomatoes,and I would ask him if he reallt meant what he sang.If he

A)Said of course I meant it!

I would probably almost faint,then kiss him,like really kiss him.

If he B)Said No,not really,sorry.

I would burst into sobbing and ran away.

I would have extreme reactions,to say the least.
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posted over a year ago 
niki-peru said:
i would scream kawaii to finland and run up to him and hug him and then date him lol
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posted over a year ago 
PeachHero said:
I would probably run- and cry at the same time. joke.
Or I would just stare at them, say nothing, and look in awe.
Probably that.
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I would probably run- and cry at the same time. joke.
Or I would just stare at them, say nothing, and look in awe.
Probably that.
posted over a year ago 
The whole "run and cry", don't you think you might be overreacting. However if you stood silently in front of (insert "country" name here) and used your "powers" ........ could you send me the picture of their expression
yoki96 posted over a year ago
rowena3215 said:
-/////- blush like crazy and die from happines
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posted over a year ago 
crossoverfan said:
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posted over a year ago 
crimsonchick123 said:
Ummm I'll just hug them...(Belarus and America)
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posted over a year ago 
Bleached-Whale said:
Spain and Romano...:DDDD
Oh my god,Spain serenading me...*dies of nosebleed* and Romano...if he ever said anything to me, let alone sing, without insults, I would feel like the most special girl on the planet!!
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Spain and Romano...:DDDD
Oh my god,Spain serenading me...*dies of nosebleed* and Romano...if he ever said anything to me, let alone sing, without insults, I would feel like the most special girl on the planet!!
posted over a year ago 
OMG the tomato box fairy is back
yoki96 posted over a year ago
Aww! Romano XD
ReinReaper posted over a year ago
JokerChan said:
Alfred:*singing some love song*
me:*smiles and joins in and make it a duet*
Afterwards he gets a kiss on the cheek <3
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posted over a year ago 
saberlalala said:
Yeah, true. I'll blush like


If Rovino sang a romantic song at me.
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posted over a year ago 
AmyRosefan4eva said:
Hungary? Sing something romantic? Nah..... XD

If she did I'd just blush, sitting next to her, holding her hand.
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posted over a year ago 
hetaku_chan15 said:
I love all of them much so I can't decided who but if it was
Germany- Laugh with happiness, and give him a hug
Romano- Smile, laughing, and clapping along with his song
Spain- pull up the France, and Prussia and sing along
France- I find french music pretty so I'll probably listen with my eyes close
Italy- Glomp him
England- Tease him
... and so many more
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I love all of them much so I can't decided who but if it was
Germany- Laugh with happiness, and give him a hug
Romano- Smile, laughing, and clapping along with his song
Spain- pull up the France, and Prussia and sing along
France- I find french music pretty so I'll probably listen with my eyes close
Italy- Glomp him
England- Tease him
... and so many more
posted over a year ago 
That pic! XD
AmyRosefan4eva posted over a year ago
PrussiaPringles posted over a year ago
Cerudays said:
Since I'm shy and easily flustered when people do nice stuff for me I'd probably cover my mouth, my face and ears would most likely just turn extremely red, and then I'd start tearing up or something because by then I'd be so embarrassed by the song and how I'd look already. Then I'd need a hug or a tissue or something and like... bury my face in their shoulder or whatever because I wouldn't want people to see me cry and look like a big red mess. ;u;
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posted over a year ago 
OCEmikoJones said:
=3=;; Hmph. Too many characters that I do like......

Prussia- -blushes madly and looks away, staring at the grass like how Japan looked at Switzerland in Hetalia Academy during World Series, except for the blue sweat marks and flail bubbles-

America- -smile, giggling-

England- -look at surprisingly, then blush madly like an idiot-

Romano- -go in shy mode and blush madly like an idiot, looking away-

Canada- -lightly smile, gigging, giving a hug-

France- -smile warmly at him-

China- -giggles, clapping-

Italy- O////o Mi friend likes you.....If she knows that I like you, this would be my last day seeing you....and everyone else.....and the whole world.
Poor Italy. He didn't get the reaction he wanted....
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posted over a year ago 
sunshizell said:
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posted over a year ago 
RIP. You will die happily.
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
TheEscape5657 said:
Blush like fucking crazy.But if it was France....still blush but I'd be scared!!
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posted over a year ago 
ItalyHetalia1 said:
Hmm if Italy sang a romantic song for me…I would be like this baby Japan picture and cry my heart out and beg them to take me with them!!!!
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Hmm if Italy sang a romantic song for me…I would be like this baby Japan picture and cry my heart out and beg them to take me with them!!!!
posted over a year ago 
ReinReaper said:
Romantic song... Germany... singing? Hmm.... I umm, well, let's see. Is that even possible? I guesssss... two things: 1) I'd laugh because he's singing AND a romantic song at that. (I can't imagine what that would sound like O_o) and 2) Have a stroke...XD
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Romantic song... Germany... singing? Hmm.... I umm, well, let's see. Is that even possible? I guesssss... two things: 1) I'd laugh because he's singing AND a romantic song at that. (I can't imagine what that would sound like O_o) and 2) Have  a stroke...XD
posted over a year ago 
Don't worry. We're just right here to rush you to the hospital in case of emergency.... Ouw, problem, I'll also have a stroke. XD
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
^ Haha! Thanks ^.^ well for my sake I hope I wake up because Germany SINGING is something I would not want to miss!
ReinReaper posted over a year ago
PrussiaPringles said:
I would hold Feli's hand while crying
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I would hold Feli's hand while crying
posted over a year ago 
PeaceTheConcept said:
I'd cry and pass out. Not because I'm some sort of Russia fangirl, but I have terrible social anxiety.
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posted over a year ago 
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