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Hetalia Question

Has anyone ever cried over a Hetalia doujinshi? (The picture is the cover of one that made me cry)

I have.It was this DenNor called Koori ha no Yuki.If you haven't seen it,look it up on Youtube.You will probably cry if you are a DenNor fan.

Has any Hetalia doujinshi made you cry?
Has anyone ever cried over a Hetalia doujinshi? (The picture is the cover of one that made me cry)
im not rlly a Dennor fan, but I'm glad u r... i like ppl who r fans sometimes, but sometimes it makes me mad to and idk why
Aph-Finland posted over a year ago
 GaHoolianGirl posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

Mango21 said:
Yes, but no tears came out. They were just there. I cried over this one. It's called Der Erste Stern. It's GerIta. It was beautiful. If you haven't read it yet and you're a GerIta fan I strongly recommend

This is the cover. Sorry it's small.
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Yes, but no tears came out. They were just there. I cried over this one. It's called Der Erste Stern. It's GerIta. It was beautiful. If you haven't read it yet and you're a GerIta fan I strongly recommend

This is the cover. Sorry it's small.
posted over a year ago 
PrussiaTheGreat said:
I can't remember the name, but it was a doujinshi where Prussia had to stay in a German prison and Germany would only come sometimes to see him, and Prussia was very scared and wished Germany could stay with him more. Once they youknowwhatted, Germany promised to be back more often to take care of Prussia, but he never returned. Prussia kept worrying about Germany, and one day Germany returned with Russia to let Prussia out, and he seemed to be happy, but at the end he only hugged Prussia once and kept a dim expression while Prussia was still disappointed, and Russia just stood there. It made me cry my eyes out~
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I can't remember the name, but it was a doujinshi where Prussia had to stay in a German prison and Germany would only come sometimes to see him, and Prussia was very scared and wished Germany could stay with him more. Once they youknowwhatted, Germany promised to be back more often to take care of Prussia, but he never returned. Prussia kept worrying about Germany, and one day Germany returned with Russia to let Prussia out, and he seemed to be happy, but at the end he only hugged Prussia once and kept a dim expression while Prussia was still disappointed, and Russia just stood there. It made me cry my eyes out~
posted over a year ago 
I really wanna read that now!
DreamsAndDemons posted over a year ago
drowningsun said:
There were two, and they're both Gerita--because they're my OTP of OTPs, so yah. The first was called Our Last Moment, it isn't finished yet, but it's REALLY sad. The second was Dolfin, and I was barely even a page into it and I was bawling like a baby! It is so beautiful and devasting...Gah, just thinking about it tears me up!
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There were two, and they're both Gerita--because they're my OTP of OTPs, so yah. The first was called Our Last Moment, it isn't finished yet, but it's REALLY sad. The second was Dolfin, and I was barely even a page into it and I was bawling like a baby! It is so beautiful and devasting...Gah, just thinking about it tears me up!
posted over a year ago 
Omg! That one is so sad :'(
mitzrael256 posted over a year ago
GlazeDoughnutz said:
Yes, it was over a usuk doujinshi called "Tree Climbing and a Red Skirt" I cried for at least an hour. It was about how when Alfred was little he met an angel (Arthur) and he would always be with him everyday, they had a conversation about how he needed to go back to heaven one day back to God unless he took care of someone. Alfred smiled cheerfully and said "I'll protect Arshur from God because i'm a hero and that's what they do! So you can stay here forever!" until he grew older.. Alfred was getting depressed over family issues and Arthur wanted to help him. But one day Alfred just shut Arthur out and he broke down crying saying "This was the first time I as an angel, knew what it felt like to shed tears"

AND THEN SO ON SO ON I'M NOT SPOILING ANYMORE! That was a bad explanation but its sad alright, also it's part one, part two and part three
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Yes, it was over a usuk doujinshi called "Tree Climbing and a Red Skirt" I cried for at least an hour. It was about how when Alfred was little he met an angel (Arthur) and he would always be with him everyday, they had a conversation about how he needed to go back to heaven one day back to God unless he took care of someone. Alfred smiled cheerfully and said "I'll protect Arshur from God because i'm a hero and that's what they do! So you can stay here forever!" until he grew older.. Alfred was getting depressed over family issues and Arthur wanted to help him. But one day Alfred just shut Arthur out and he broke down crying saying "This was the first time I as an angel, knew what it felt like to shed tears" 

AND THEN SO ON SO ON I'M NOT SPOILING ANYMORE! That was a bad explanation but its sad alright, also it's part one, part two and part three
posted over a year ago 
I read that one! ;-;
ROTGgirl2004 posted over a year ago
Norge_and_Anko said:
I cried while watching "A Million Lies", which is also DenNor.

Since I'm too lazy to find the cover, I'll post a random, cute DenNor picture ^^

Also, I watched "Koori ha no Yuki" as soon as I saw it was DenNor. And yes, I cried.
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I cried while watching "A Million Lies", which is also DenNor.

Since I'm too lazy to find the cover, I'll post a random, cute DenNor picture ^^

Also, I watched "Koori ha no Yuki" as soon as I saw it was DenNor. And yes, I cried.
posted over a year ago 
I <3 DenNor!
OtakuFandom posted over a year ago
ivoryphills said:
I cried over Hobby Hobby's "Appear." It was cute, the plot was sweet, and there was a bittersweet ending. It just broke my heart to see how lonely Arthur was as a child, to fend for himself in the woods. And it was touching to see not only Alfred giving him the loving companionship he needed, but Arthur giving that love to Alfred even before Alfred returned it in that weird twist of time.
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posted over a year ago 
bubblegum_kiss said:
not actually cry like tears but ive come pretty close (i cant remember the names but sufin doujinshi and gerita).
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posted over a year ago 
ArisaMAG said:
Oh my, where do I even begin o_o

The first Hetalia doujin I had ever read was Dolfin (at least I'm pretty sure that was the title). It's a GerIta doujinshi and since I was new at Hetalia I didn't really fangirl about the show at all. But when I read that doujin, I cried a LOT. It motivated me to watch more of Hetalia episodes and I'm glad I found that doujin because I would have never gone on watching Hetalia if it weren't for that ^^

My second Hetalia doujinshi was a collaboration of two pairings. (Not sure why the first two Hetalia doujins I read were sad though) First it was PruIta and the second was Spamano. I forgot the title of the doujinshi but it was when the Italy brothers were both Grim Reapers.

There are still more doujins but I forgot what they were about and what the titles were, I'll just edit this answer when I remember.
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posted over a year ago 
I know the doujinshi you're talking about!The one with the Italy brothers as shingamas!I have only read the first one,because I really dislike PruIta.I am not the biggest fan of Spamano either,but it made me cry.
GaHoolianGirl posted over a year ago
I don't mind PruIta but I love Spamano. Hm, so what pairings do you like?
ArisaMAG posted over a year ago
CyanKorea posted over a year ago
AlyssAybss said:
eh, I didn't cry. But I thought this Doujin was...emotional? Idk xD
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posted over a year ago 
Ok, I don't like UsUk...but...that broke my heart. DX Wait, did Arthur change it so he never met him or did Alfred stop him!? I can't tell!
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
Arthur changed it so he never met him. But in the future I think they meet again without Alfred getting hurt.
AlyssAybss posted over a year ago
ShadowSpirit posted over a year ago
pumpkinqueen said:
The FrUk doushinji 'Ghost' was really sad and really well written. Also I remember this one doushinji, I can't remember it's name. But it starts off how France and England first met, England gave France a flower and they started playing together. Then France's country leader came and was about to hurt England. France begged him if he went with him and wouldn't be England's friend anymore, that he had to promise not to hurt him. It was so sad, seeing France being pulled away from England and England standing there calling out to him. Then it did a time skip, where France and England were 'fighting' at a meeting. Later France asked him if he wanted to go for a drink with him, he agreed and they both went out. Long story short, France pulled out the same flower England gave him all thoughes years ago and showed it to him, saying 'I...I never stopped loving you...or stopped being your friend.' England teared up and rubbed his eyes saying 'Y-You stupid..f-frog.' then at the end France hugged England and they gave each other a small kiss.
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The FrUk doushinji 'Ghost' was really sad and really well written. Also I remember this one doushinji, I can't remember it's name. But it starts off how France and England first met, England gave France a flower and they started playing together. Then France's country leader came and was about to hurt England. France begged him if he went with him and wouldn't be England's friend anymore, that he had to promise not to hurt him. It was so sad, seeing France being pulled away from England and England standing there calling out to him. Then it did a time skip, where France and England were 'fighting' at a meeting. Later France asked him if he wanted to go for a drink with him, he agreed and they both went out. Long story short, France pulled out the same flower England gave him all thoughes years ago and showed it to him, saying 'I...I never stopped loving you...or stopped being your friend.' England teared up and rubbed his eyes saying 'Y-You stupid..f-frog.' then at the end France hugged England and they gave each other a small kiss.
posted over a year ago 
Though I don't particularly like FrUK,that does sound sad.I am sure if I liked that pairing more,I might have just teared up from the description you gave.
GaHoolianGirl posted over a year ago
I do like FrUk (but prefer UsUk) and the description you gave makes me want ti read that doujinshi so badly right now Q A Q
ArisaMAG posted over a year ago
Sadly I can't find it anywhere. T.T I read it months ago on tumblr, but I can't find it again. :( If anyone ever finds it, please tell me.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
.....I'm not rather fond of Fruk...but that doujin sounds quite touching
AlyssAybss posted over a year ago
demigoddessrlz said:
i dont know if i ever have but i do like looking at the pictures XD
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posted over a year ago 
NadeshikoDiana said:
I have. It was a Netherlands x Fem!Japan doujinshi. It begins with America begging Fem!Japan to open her borders. When she was going to open her borders, she cut most of her hair as a symbol of her opening her borders. But, the way she cuts her hair were really messy. Netherlands starts to help her cut her hair while saying that he can't meet her anymore and for her to live happy. But, while Netherlands was cutting her hair. The Fem!Japan was actually crying and remembering about her past with him. When Netherlands left, there was a letter and a tulip in front of her door. The letter said, "Goodbye, my loved one". In the end, it was shown that both of them cried. It was so sad TTwTT

Btw, this is a rough translation because the doujinshi was in Japanese ^^; and, I'm not very good with English. So, forgive me if you don't understand what I'm talking about.
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posted over a year ago 
HeartfulStitch said:
I read a FrUK Doujinshi called: Long November. It was absolutely beautiful. I was poking and surfing around Google for Hetalia things when I found it. I really suggest reading it if you're a FrUK fan (I like FrUK too so). The story was wonderful and everything about it was beautiful~ I don't normally read doujinshi but, this one caught my attention so I decided to read it. Definitely worth the it~! <3
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posted over a year ago 
If you want to read it, you may find it here: link
HeartfulStitch posted over a year ago
Cerudays said:
As a matter of fact, Y-E-S. It made me cry a lot, and I had to pause every so often to wipe my eyes. It really moved me, I'll link it. No, it's not a doujin...
It's a reader insert fanfiction, but it's not smutty or weird like that; in fact, this fanfiction really inspired me.

You are a person who works at a home for the mentally ill, and your newest case is Russia, who endured a traumtic incident in his past that slowly melted away his insanity.
I don't want to give away too much, but it's one of the most well-written and most interesting fanfictions I have ever read. The author fleshes out the hetalia characters in such an interesting way, and in the end it really impacted me.
This fanfiction may be a big graphic for those who are sensitive to violent material... for those who might be younger/are easily made uncomfortable by violent themes, then this story may not be the best to read. BUT: I recommend this if you can handle it.

It still makes me cry when I read it... ;A;

Here is the first chapter; it's hosted on Quizilla.

The series is called 'Constancy'.

Also, for part 19, notice how there are 2 parts, A and B. The author accidentally published part B before A, so if you get that far and you notice this, CLICK PART A FIRST. Don't make the mistake I made. xD;

Please tell me what you think if you read the whole thing through! Thanks~

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posted over a year ago 
Oh my goodness I've read that before~! Constancy was amazing~! Seriously one of the best fanfics I've read. I remember I spent almost all night reading it. I couldn't turn away from it.
HeartfulStitch posted over a year ago
SoloG said:
Yes, to the doujinshi Daisy (SpainxRomano) So F****** perfect ;_;
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posted over a year ago 
Kakashi_355 said:
Yes.. It was a GerIta one called Dolfin.. There's another PruIta/Spamano one called Gilbert and The Grim Reaper (It was a 2-part one, the second part was called Antonio and the Grim Reaper) . I don't ship PruIta but it was still really sad ;-;
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posted over a year ago 
SigridLang-set said:
Ahh, that doujinshi looks really familiar... Is it the one with the small rocks?

I know there was one a long time ago that made me shed a few tears, I think it was called Der Erste Stern. I'm not too sure, though.
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posted over a year ago 
epicfrenchfry said:
The Gerita doujinshi Dolfin made me cry
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posted over a year ago 
T045tToastToAsT said:
Ahaha... No... I've read sad doujins before, but I never cried when I read them. Somehow, when I read of something sad, I don't cry. However, if it's a movie, I might cry. I guess it has to do with the motion and sounds and stuff...
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posted over a year ago 
Elcerain said:
Yeah, have cried over several doujinshis, some UsUk, but most are GerIta since those two have such a deep history and pain in entwined in so many moments of their lives that. The one that made me cry the most was one called Dolphin. I cried and hated life for a while XD
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posted over a year ago 
ChubbyCat said:
Well, as a USUK fan, i've read alot of emotional dou that bring tears to my eyes, such as : A letter from a certain astronaut, Computer City, World's End Boyfriend, Ballet Mecanique, ....
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posted over a year ago 
I read A letter from a certain astronaut ;-;
ROTGgirl2004 posted over a year ago
cryingoverotps1 said:
Theres a Doujin called "Dolfin" but it's GerIta ^^" bUT OMF THIS IS JUST SO DEPRESSING.
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Theres a Doujin called "Dolfin" but it's GerIta ^^" bUT OMF THIS IS JUST SO DEPRESSING.
posted over a year ago 
Asprire2Inspire said:
It's not a doujinshi but instead it's a really long fanfiction. Usually, I don't like fanfics seeing as they usually have so many grammatical and spelling mistakes that it's hard to see the bigger picture. Although, this one made me cry for around 10 minutes. Even though it takes a while to get through it, it became my most loved although my most cherished fanfic ever.

The first part is called Tancol? (Dance in Hungarian, the main pairing is PruHun) It's more of a intro to how the two got together. You don't have to read it to understand the second part.

The second part is called Hello Hurricane, based off of a song. I seriously suggest reading it. It's long but gets really sad.

The picture is not a cover, seeing as there is no cover, but I feel it best represents it.
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It's not a doujinshi but instead it's a really long fanfiction. Usually, I don't like fanfics seeing as they usually have so many grammatical and spelling mistakes that it's hard to see the bigger picture. Although, this one made me cry for around 10 minutes. Even though it takes a while to get through it, it became my most loved although my most cherished fanfic ever. 

The first part is called Tancol? (Dance in Hungarian, the main pairing is PruHun) It's more of a intro to how the two got together. You don't have to read it to understand the second part. 

The second part is called Hello Hurricane, based off of a song. I seriously suggest reading it. It's long but gets really sad. 

The picture is not a cover, seeing as there is no cover, but I feel it best represents it.
posted over a year ago 
MHF said:
There is one. It is about Spain who is insane and Romano visits him. Spain doesn't know Romano but has a little doll he calls 'Romano'. Spain talks all the time about the doll and Romano snapps and breaks the doll. After that Spain is really sad. Could anybody give me the link to the doujinshi because I can't find it anymore!
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posted over a year ago 
I almost found it... There's like, a person who did a fanfiction on it and if you PM her, she'll send you it. Problem is I wasn't able to send it to her, due to the awesome rule... -_- So the fanfics here if you have Otherwise I'll see what I can do about giving it to you. It sounds interesting after all. link
Asprire2Inspire posted over a year ago
Thank you very much! I try to PM him but he wrote on his profile that he is no longer active. I'm looking like crazy on all tumblr blogs I can think of but so far no luck. Should I find it I post a link on this side, if your interessed. :D
MHF posted over a year ago
I found it so much later when I looked up Spamano just friends. What an odd way to find it. But YAY we have it now!
Asprire2Inspire posted over a year ago
silver_chan said:
This one wasn't really that sad but I cried anyway. THE NORDICS MAKE ME EMOTIONAL OK!
It was called There is No End...
That's the cover
And here's the actual doujin
It's pretty short.

Oh and also this
link LietPol ^^
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This one wasn't really that sad but I cried anyway. THE NORDICS MAKE ME EMOTIONAL OK!
It was  called There is No End...
That's the cover 
And here's the actual doujin
It's pretty short. 

Oh and also this LietPol ^^
posted over a year ago 
Hungary-is-fab said:
This one is just a picture but it made me cry.....
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This one is just a picture but it made me cry.....
posted over a year ago 
kemchi said:
Footsteps by Twistedgoth.. ;_;
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Footsteps by Twistedgoth.. ;_;
posted over a year ago 
Jenapher said:
Indeed, I have.. There was one called My Friend about Prussia and Gilbird. It's on YouTube. Look it up. The music makes it worse.

It was the middle of the night and I spent about half an hour just sobbing in the corner with my plushies.
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posted over a year ago 
lexidude92 said:
I never read it so no.
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posted over a year ago 
gamzeegirl48 said:
i cri evrey tim a :''{
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posted over a year ago 
ROTGgirl2004 said:
titanic hetalia doujinshi ;-; its pruhun so of course its sad!!!!! (first part here) oh and these: link link
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posted over a year ago 
i don't like PruHun, even though it sounds and looks cuter than AusHun, i just don't like it bc i just like ships that make sense and they have families O,O sorry if u don't like me saying this...
Aph-Finland posted over a year ago
mitzrael256 said:
I'm not really a DenNor fan, but a lot of Hetalia doujinshis made me cry and most of them were UsUk doujinchis because... Well people love to de those two suffer? I don't know but anyway I don't remember the title of the ones who made me cry but they're a lot and they're all UsUk ones
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posted over a year ago 
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