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Hetalia Question

If you could live with any Hetalia character, which would it be? Why?

I would pick England because he is awesome and seems to have the most common scence out of almost everybody, exept for the fact that he sees mythial creatures... but other than that he is awesome and I would love to live with him!
 mewmewrell posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

iamawesome7887 said:
S.Korea! Because i always wanted to live ther and korea ish one of my favs c:
China! Because i miss china(used to live ther) and i love the chinese culture and it would be fun living with him! :3
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posted over a year ago 
PastaChick said:
Prussia! Because of his awesomeness and he is the best character ever!
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Prussia! Because of his awesomeness and he is the best character ever!
posted over a year ago 
izzah25 said:
Canada~! :D I love him and I wouldn't mind having maple syrup-drenched pancakes all the time~
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Canada~! :D I love him and I wouldn't mind having maple syrup-drenched pancakes all the time~
posted over a year ago 
Thank you, friend... Isn't maple syrup delicious?
Heros_Shadow posted over a year ago
XD long live matthew!!
demigoddessrlz posted over a year ago
(I got diabetes with that image >w<)
Keki-Nanshii posted over a year ago
yummeh! <3 *brofist*
MapleCanada posted over a year ago
yoki96 said:
America - 'cause of the fast food addiction and just random moments waiting to happen (just like with the Italy bros.). He is also in the Otaku Trio and I myself am a otaku as well. LONG LIVE THE OTAKU TRIO!!!
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America - 'cause of the fast food addiction and just random moments waiting to happen (just like with the Italy bros.). He is also in the Otaku Trio and I myself am a otaku as well. LONG LIVE THE OTAKU TRIO!!!
posted over a year ago 
crossoverfan said:
china because one he's my favorite charaters
and He's mature like me It would actaually nice live with an asian
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posted over a year ago 
RuvyGrace said:
Russia.. It just feels right and I ain't scared of him. Or else I'd choose America or England because they're awesome :3
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posted over a year ago 
ItalyFeliciano said:
I would choose the Italy brothers because with them there is always going to be a surprise waiting at the next turn of the road. Also because I love pasta and tomatoes and I'm Italian.
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posted over a year ago 
bananacat435 said:
i would chose italy because i dont mind pasta 24/7 !! or canada because he needs some love. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you... <3
Heros_Shadow posted over a year ago
Firebender-16 said:
I would live with Britain b/c he is like the best character in Hetalia and even though he sees magical creatures I could get use to it. He is also is a gentlemen so he would care for me and feed me food. I would love living with him :)
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posted over a year ago 
pumpkinqueen said:
France, obvious answer is obvious.
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France, obvious answer is obvious.
posted over a year ago 
PeachHero posted over a year ago
PeachHero said:
I agree- England. :D
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I agree- England. :D
posted over a year ago 
"England totally got a star stuck in his head, that's bad ass! *laughs*" - America (english dub)
yoki96 posted over a year ago
lol i was thinking bout that when i saw the pic
demigoddessrlz posted over a year ago
Natalya_Belarus said:
((Greece. Why? KITTYS!!!!))
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posted over a year ago 
Isn't Greece still suffering from economic crisis? Or are they even already expelled from the Eurozone?
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
((Well, I don't mean it like actually live there, I'm just saying I'd live with that character =w=;))
Natalya_Belarus posted over a year ago
GaHoolianGirl said:
Either Japan,Switzerland,Spain,Canada,or Greece.(I know its alot,but hear me out)

One,I find them all hot.

Japan would be for stability.Japan is quiet,and wouldn't be a pain.Also,we have many things in common,so I would feel comfortable with him.Also,he can make sushi,which I love.

Switzerland would be for finacial reasons.He is good with money and would keep an affluent household.Also,he has cheese and chocolate,which I love.(Though more so for the chocolate.)

Spain I would be for fun.His music is awesome,and I think Spanish dancing isn't half-bad.*usually hates dancing* He also has great food,such as churros,tomatoes,and quesadillas.

I would have Canada because I could b*tch about being ignored and having a total a** of a sibling.Also,I LOVE maple syrup and pancakes.He also needs more love!Go Canada!

Finally,I would have Greece.One,because of KITTIES!YAY!He is mellow,and wouldn't be a pain.I also particulary like Greek salad and things with olive oil on them,which he can provide.He would also tell great stories!(Greek myths)

Though,now that I look at it,I chose them mainly for food...I am such a glutton...To heck with it,I don't care.They woukd all be great living mates.
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posted over a year ago 
Quesadillas are mexican. And tomatoes are vegetables and originally from South America!! OTL
Keki-Nanshii posted over a year ago
Spain conquered South America,and brought tomatoes back to Europe,and though at first people thought they were posionus,but soon everyone warmed up to them and are used in many common dishes.Obviously,though,if Spain brought them back as food,they knew from the beginning they were edible.Thanks about the quesadillas though,that I didn't know.
GaHoolianGirl posted over a year ago
RayofHope said:
I would live with Lithuania because he seems so sweet and cute!He could aslo help me with my lithuanian. And he needs someone to love him! I would take care of him ALLL day and be so happy!! <3<3<3 As tave myliu mano Lietuva!!
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posted over a year ago 
Tinekraut said:
Wow, I really would like to live with Iggy but >////< I think I will only be having a hard time getting to sleep thinking that he's just there under the same roof as mine, and I'd probably only feel fidgety the whole time thinking he's just around (not that good at handling such things in real life).
So it's NOT because I'm worried about having to be the one to always try his cooking if ever I live with him... nor I worry about how we are going to have a decent meal, since both of us are not good in the kitchen.
I'd probably feel comfortable if I live with him not as anybody but his wife ;P (XDHaha, pardon me with my twisted mind.). Well, I can learn how to cook if I want to.

Anyway, I could just visit Iggy to do some wicked sorcery with him - black arts session. I guess I'd better live with Germany. I need to cure my laziness, I think he can discipline me. Living with him might finally compel me to mend my ways. Plus, Prussia is living with him, right? Bruder Prussia needs a company. I'd like hang out with him (Mein Gott sing-along, net surfing, what else?....). It would be a lot of fun. And Austria and Hungary is just nearby, and Italy is fond of visiting Germany. I'd like to meet them more often.
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posted over a year ago 
keyda123 said:
QAQ only one?! u-umm.......i would think....russia.....? america...?no....yeah america! he's really strong-- wait......maybe italy...?russia...? england, germany,japan france, china, spain, romano, canadia--GAH!! OTL i can't choose....
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posted over a year ago 
C- Cananda...
Heros_Shadow posted over a year ago
its canada!!!
demigoddessrlz posted over a year ago
MCHopnPop said:
Japan/Honda Kiku-san! He would be cool to live with! We would be able to speak Japanese with eachother and it would be fun to be around him!
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Japan/Honda Kiku-san! He would be cool to live with! We would be able to speak Japanese with eachother and it would be fun to be around him!
posted over a year ago 
niallhoran1 said:
canada he so cute and quite
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posted over a year ago 
Heros_Shadow posted over a year ago
Panda-Hero said:


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posted over a year ago 
Honestly, I.........well, simply put I love Matthew for reasons I wouldn't have room enough to post here. I don't even think I could describe it.
Panda-Hero posted over a year ago
Y- you are a véritable ami... true friend... Merci Panda-Hero!
Heros_Shadow posted over a year ago
^O-of course! :D
Panda-Hero posted over a year ago
demigoddessrlz posted over a year ago
Marth911 said:
I would like to live with Japan one he is a very cool guy and two he said that he lives by himself so I think that would be cool or to live with Greece all he dose is sleep and play with his cats and dig that would be cool too

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posted over a year ago 
Knightof8 said:
Japan because he is cool and composed, plus it is a beautiful country.
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Japan because he is cool and composed, plus it is a beautiful country.
posted over a year ago 
IntrepidKeris said:
Germany and Prussia, the Italies, or Greece.

The German bruders because, well, I think I could get along well with them. Germany would find me lazy, though, but I could live with him. Meanwhile with Prussia, we could have a lazy people party. xD (also they're both hot but I wouldn't tell them that)

The Italies because Italian culture is beautiful, and so is their food. :3 I would have SOOO much fun with Feliciano, we act about the same~ Lovino would be so pissed at me. XD

Greece because of the culture, the myths, and his kitties ofc. I want to learn Greek, and visiting would be awesome.

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posted over a year ago 
XDHaha, lazy people want to live with the Germans.
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
ArisaMAG said:
I would either live with Canada or America. America loves to watch horror movies, I can relate to that :L I get so scared at the end but I end up watching another one by the next day OTL

Canada's quiet, I like that. Even though I love horror, I prefer a peaceful place for me to be in. Canada's place would be perfect. And plus, I have many things in common with Canada's character so we'll get along just fine.
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posted over a year ago 
Actually... I enjoy watching s- scary movies from time to time, as well... But oh maple are they terrifiant...
Heros_Shadow posted over a year ago
Heros_Shadow said:
*whisper* I- I would have to choose... America... He is protective of me and I really appreciate it... Also... we both like to watch scary movies and... and Kumajiro gets along with Tony well... but broken hockey sticks he can be annoying...
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posted over a year ago 
Malalani_Hawaii said:
Mr. America. ^^ He's a good Big Brother. If not, I might go back to live with France. He wasn't to bad when I used to live with him, but if he tries things again I'll have to kick him again...

Actually, Mr. Canada and Mr. England are nice too...

I'll just stay with Mr. America. ^^;
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Mr. America. ^^ He's a good Big Brother. If not, I might go back to live with France. He wasn't to bad when I used to live with him, but if he tries things again I'll have to kick him again...

Actually, Mr. Canada and Mr. England are nice too...

I'll just stay with Mr. America. ^^;
posted over a year ago 
Keki-Nanshii said:
With Russia, because, among other reasons, I could get "close" to Estonia, fufufu~


...Well... apart from that, I L-O-V-E russian folk music and Russian language. It's very cold in there, and here in my state is very hot. I love cold. Also, I've never had the opportunity to see real snow with my own eyes. His (and of course the other slavic countries') is a very strange culture (including his language). He (Russia) is something I've never seen before, something I've never heard of, because they never teach you in school how really a distant country like Russia is. But, why does this happen? Is it because Russia was once the leader of the Socialist (called by many 'communist', obviously without knowing what any of these two economic-politic systems really are) Bloc, and thus the biggest enemy of the Capitalist Bloc? It's a pity that they still believe Russia is an incomprehensible nation where people do the equally most incomprehensible and strangest things in all the world. (anditsapitytoothatrussiaiscapitalistnow) I'd like so much to live with him and learn about his culture and history. His music, language and customs (I don't know why) give a nostalgic vibe to me, when I read or think about them they make me feel happy like I was in my childhood or something like that (not that I'm not happy now, it's just that I'm happy in another way).
And so, those are, people, my reasons for choosing to live with Russia.
(His Marukaite Chikyuu, Hatafutte parade, Winter and Pechka inspired me, LOL ^J^)
Oh, and Russia is NOT scary at all.
Ah, and of course, russian men are so friggin' SEXY.
Oh, oh, and I'm TRYING to learn Russian.
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With Russia, because, among other reasons, I could get "close" to Estonia, fufufu~


...Well... apart from that, I L-O-V-E russian folk music and Russian language. It's very cold in there, and here in my state is very hot. I love cold. Also, I've never had the opportunity to see real snow with my own eyes. His (and of course the other slavic countries') is a very strange culture (including his language). He (Russia) is something I've never seen before, something I've never heard of, because they never teach you in school how really a distant country like Russia is. But, why does this happen? Is it because Russia was once the leader of the Socialist (called by many 'communist', obviously without knowing what any of these two economic-politic systems really are) Bloc, and thus the biggest enemy of the Capitalist Bloc? It's a pity that they still believe Russia is an incomprehensible nation where people do the equally most incomprehensible and strangest things in all the world. (anditsapitytoothatrussiaiscapitalistnow) I'd like so much to live with him and learn about his culture and history. His music, language and customs (I don't know why) give a nostalgic vibe to me, when I read or think about them they make me feel happy like I was in my childhood or something like that (not that I'm not happy now, it's just that I'm happy in another way).
And so, those are, people, my reasons for choosing to live with Russia.
(His Marukaite Chikyuu, Hatafutte parade, Winter and Pechka inspired me, LOL ^J^)
Oh, and Russia is NOT scary at all.
Ah, and of course, russian men are so friggin' SEXY.
Oh, oh, and I'm TRYING to learn Russian.
posted over a year ago 
demigoddessrlz said:
either france or canada. canada cuz hes the cutest character in the show and france cuz well hes france
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either france or canada. canada cuz hes the cutest character in the show and france cuz well hes france
posted over a year ago 
smileyAqua said:
I'd live with america cause he's my fave character and he won't rush me to do my chores. :3
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I'd live with america cause he's my fave character and he won't rush me to do my chores. :3
posted over a year ago 
grey78 said:
If i could live with any hetalia charector it would be Russia. Id live with russia because after the baltics left him he seemed so lonely and i think he needs company.
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posted over a year ago 
Norge_and_Anko said:
Probably Japan or Norway.
Japan: two things- YAOI and ANIME. 'Nuff said.
Norway: we have a lot in common- annoying, strange friends; strong belief/use of magic; little brother to bug; emotional capacity of either a teaspoon or an ocean, depending on the subject; love of using condescension and sarcasm towards *cough* stupid *cough* friends.

YAOI... ;9 Pocky game! :D
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Probably Japan or Norway.
Japan: two things- YAOI and ANIME. 'Nuff said.
Norway: we have a lot in common- annoying, strange friends; strong belief/use of magic; little brother to bug; emotional capacity of either a teaspoon or an ocean, depending on the subject; love of using condescension and sarcasm towards *cough* stupid *cough* friends.

YAOI... ;9 Pocky game! :D
posted over a year ago 
MapleCanada said:
Canada! <3
because he's ADORABLE. Sweet as his maple syrup <3

(i already live in Canada XDD)
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Canada! <3
because he's ADORABLE. Sweet as his maple syrup <3

(i already live in Canada XDD)
posted over a year ago 
hetaku_chan15 said:
I would live at Germany's house. That way I get two deals in one. I get to live with Ludwig and Gil. The Beilschmidt bros just seem like a fun duo to live with.
Plus I could live with eating wurst for the rest of my life... nah I need my pasta. :D
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I would live at Germany's house. That way I get two deals in one. I get to live with Ludwig and Gil. The Beilschmidt bros just seem like a fun duo to live with.
Plus I could live with eating wurst for the rest of my life... nah I need my pasta. :D
posted over a year ago 
RussianTeacup said:
I my brain would probably choose Spain because he's sweet and can cook and wouldn't get mad if I didn't do my chores. But my fangirl would choose France cuz he's so frukin sexy. XD
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posted over a year ago 
Harpaw8 said:
Prussia, so we can pull pranks on everyone especially Austia. ^__^
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Prussia, so we can pull pranks on everyone especially Austia. ^__^
posted over a year ago 
Melaneebrown said:
Canada. He is really awesome and he's quiet just like me. He is very observant of other people, and makes sure he doesn't get in the way. I also think he's really cute, soooo.....
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posted over a year ago 
Touhoulicious said:
Switzerland and Liechtenstein, because they're nice and less crazy.
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posted over a year ago 
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