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Hetalia Question

Who are you known as to your fellow Hetalia-obsessed friends?

Depending on the day, I switch between England and Canada. I've got a sarcastic attitude, a bad mouth, and a wonderfully annoying little sibling. And then there are the days I must have accidentally turned on my invisibility powers like poor Canada. Teachers have skipped over me countless times when passing out assignments, and then there's my boyfriend. He and I will be looking for each other, and it will go a little something like this:
Him: "Hey! What happened? I was looking for you!"
Me: "...You were looking right at me." (._.)
I think you get the point. XP
Who are you?
Who are you known as to your fellow Hetalia-obsessed friends?
love that image *q*
ChigokuAru posted over a year ago
Well, most people tend to not notice me. I take advantage of that to prank them. (nothing dangerous)
hetaliageek posted over a year ago
Who do you think I am?
hetaliageek posted over a year ago
I don't have Hetalia obsessed friends. The only friend I have that's watched it likes it but isn't obsessed with it
OuranAfterHigh posted over a year ago
 MaybeBlue posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

ArisaMAG said:
For the time being, we have formed the F.A.C.E. family. I happen to be Canada in the family. I also found our real life relationship quite coincidental when compared to the F.A.C.E. family in Hetalia.

For one, at the moment, the only person that I actually know and close to is the France with us. I have never met with our America or England but I have chatted with our England at one time.
That kind of reminds me of when Canada was raised by France and was soon raised by England. But I'm only at that point since I have not yet met our America. I plan to though ^^
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For the time being, we have formed the F.A.C.E. family. I happen to be Canada in the family. I also found our real life relationship quite coincidental when compared to the F.A.C.E. family in Hetalia.

For one, at the moment, the only person that I actually know and close to is the France with us. I have never met with our America or England but I have chatted with our England at one time. 
That kind of reminds me of when Canada was raised by France and was soon raised by England. But I'm only at that point since I have not yet met our America. I plan to though ^^
posted over a year ago 
Oh, and we're also trying to find ourselves a Russia to make the FACE family into FARCE. Then if we find a Netherlands, we can be FRANCE haha...
ArisaMAG posted over a year ago
96neko said:
I'm Canada, simply because he's my favorite character. ._.
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posted over a year ago 
Animelover1220 said:
I'm America out of my 2 hetalia friend fans. (and sometimes Prussia because I say I'm gonna steal your vital regions a lot)
I call my guy hetalia buddy Italy and my girl hetalia buddy England. XD we are the EIA team? Lol 😝
The only problem is that I'm the only Extream anime lover in my grade so it gets lonely sometimes (I feel Canada's pain sometimes 😢)
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posted over a year ago 
RedPineapple said:
I've been called Canada before...and I think I know why..

1. I'm Canadian.
2. I'm extremely quiet...and people always have to ask me to repeat what I say...or not hear me at all.
3. The teacher will say someone is missing and ask where I am. Then I'll reply from the front row in the desk right in front of the teacher's desk..., "I'm right here..." >_>
4. It's pretty hard to make me angry..
5. It is rare that someone remembers my name..
6. I wear glasses.

I'm like this all the time...except for those moments when I'm in crazy-hyper sugar mode...which I'm in right now due to Skittles.. >_>'

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I've been called Canada before...and I think I know why..

1. I'm Canadian.
2. I'm extremely quiet...and people always have to ask me to repeat what I say...or not hear me at all.
3. The teacher will say someone is missing and ask where I am.  Then I'll reply from the front row in the desk right in front of the teacher's desk..., "I'm right here..." >_>
4. It's pretty hard to make me angry..
5. It is rare that someone remembers my name..
6. I wear glasses.

I'm like this all the time...except for those moments when I'm in crazy-hyper sugar mode...which I'm in right now due to Skittles.. >_>'
posted over a year ago 
GaHoolianGirl said:
I'm our Canada.I am Canadain,and have a loud,annoying younger sibling.People remember my name,but never remember how to spell it(But there's frickin x in it so I can't blame them).I am ignored by everyone except my few friends,my two main ones are America and England,two of the few people who notice him too!I am also a shy little introvert.

But things are slowly changing as I come out of my shell,and I am becoming,Romano.Every word out of my mouth is a curse word,and I look like Fem!Romano.
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posted over a year ago 
IntrepidKeris said:
Out of all my friends and sort-of friends, I'm the only one who's actually gotten into the fandom itself, and only one other has watched a bit of it.

But regardless of that, I think I'm a mix of Canada, Japan, and North Italy. I can go unnoticed for periods of time, I'm shy and don't like conflict, I'm quiet, polite, and can do my best or what my brain allows me to do, I'm pretty much weak physically, and I just so happen to be artistic.
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posted over a year ago 
Ah screwit, I'm Italy. Pastaa~
IntrepidKeris posted over a year ago
lumforever said:
My friends don't really watch Hetalia. But I get called America by my whole class so there's a bright side~ (:

I'm pretty loud/Nosy/Obsessed with Being The Hero/Leader/Thinks I'm the best thing in the world/Favorite Food is A Hamburger

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My friends don't really watch Hetalia. But I get called America by my whole class so there's a bright side~ (:

 I'm pretty loud/Nosy/Obsessed with Being The Hero/Leader/Thinks I'm the best thing in the world/Favorite Food is A Hamburger
posted over a year ago 
Logicalkit10 said:
I'm know as either Russia or Germany, it all depends on my mood. To sum it up I'm rather intimidating, cold, and serious.
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I'm know as either Russia or Germany, it all depends on my mood. To sum it up I'm rather intimidating, cold, and serious.
posted over a year ago 
ChigokuAru said:
I'm the England of my hetalia family (my hetalia cosplay group x3)
They call me England because i have a british accent..i'm horrible at cooking and i have these big bushy brows T.T
They are insane hetalia fans but i love em like a family xD

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I'm the England of my hetalia family (my hetalia cosplay group x3)
They call me England because i have a british accent..i'm horrible at cooking and i have these big bushy brows T.T
They are insane hetalia fans but i love em like a family xD
posted over a year ago 
Skirt_2819 said:
i am called igirisu by my friend who speaks japanese (as you all probably know igirisu is japanese for england) all my other friends just call me england. in fact i think in a crowd i am more likely to respond if you yell "england" or "igirisu" than if you yelled my actual name because only my family members call me that. i also have pretty bushy eyebrows am sarcasti and can mimic englands seiyuu perfectly (or so my friends tell me.)
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posted over a year ago 
HeartfulStitch said:
I would say I'm more like Italy :3 I find myself sometimes acting a bit similar to him. I also have a friend whose watched Hetalia but, isn't quite obsessed with it as I am, who has told me I am similar to Italy. PASTAAAA~!! *ahem* Though actually I'm not sure who I would be most similar to since well... I don't quite have any fellow Hetalia obsessed friends IRL D: *sits in corner and grows mushrooms*
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posted over a year ago 
HetaRose said:
I'm Russia X3 I am a VEEEEEERY creepy girl, but I'm very sweet when you get to know me.
I also order my friends to become one with Mother Russia.
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I'm Russia X3 I am a VEEEEEERY creepy girl, but I'm very sweet when you get to know me.
I also order my friends to become one with Mother Russia.
posted over a year ago 
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