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Hetalia Question

Have you ever cried during Hetalia?

Yes, I have, I'm such a dork. XD

Rev. War episode, when Britian started crying and America was telling him he didn't want to be his brother. I was like "Screw you America!!! How dare you make Britian cry! DX" But also my American side kicked in and was like "Screw you Britian, I'm a free country and you're not bossing us around anymore!" They love to play with my emotions. DX

Also, when Britian got sick and 'died'. Yes....I cried on that scene. XD Because I actually thought they killed off Britian and didn't know it was a joke. I was like "What....the.....Fruk." once he woke up. Mean Hetalia, messing with my emotions. XD

I don't know if this counts, but Jeanne D'Arc. OMG, her story can get me crying. I can't watch videos or read a stories with France & Jeanne in it without crying.
I forgot about the scene in Hetalia where they were all fighting and getting hit, I cried on that scene too.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
 pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

smileyAqua said:
I started crying on paint it white, when everyone started to turn into ailiens, because i thought it was all over(i especially cried for america)
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posted over a year ago 
OMG I forgot about that! Yes, I cried at that part too!
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
yea, so sad.
smileyAqua posted over a year ago
i like how Finland was smiling when the white came he sounded so happy, thats what i meant to say...
Aph-Finland posted over a year ago
SymmaGirl2 said:
That comic strip that you posted with France meeting the Jeanne lookalike.
I mostly cried because it was so sweet how France was reminiscing about Jeanne, but I also cried at how sad it was when they brought up Jeanne's execution. T_T
Then I cried at the Revolutionary War scene, of course. Poor Britain! T_T I felt especially torn because I'm British and American. I CAN'T DECIDE WHOSE SIDE I SHOULD TAKE. T_T
And then there was Japan betraying China... That was only shown in the webcomic, though. I freaking cried, even though it was played off as a joke, with China screaming and whatnot...
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posted over a year ago 
Jeanne. T.T I love her, she was a real hero. I really believe she's still watching over France to this day, giving her people strength. I hope she's resting in peace.
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
Agreed. Poor girl... I'm just so glad that she's still remembered as one of the greatest warrior of France. Five times better than Napoleon ever was.
SymmaGirl2 posted over a year ago
I love reading about Napoleon, but nothing can beat Jeanne. If I ever go to France, I'm going to pay my respect to Jeanne.(Hopefully she has a grave or a timple for her)
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
I wrote a report on Jeanne D'Arc in 8th grade. I cried writing it, and that strip made me cry a lot. She's really been an inspiration to me.
tdafan121 posted over a year ago
Shadowmarioking said:
Definitely the episode whenever America cleaned up his attic and it brought back all those memories.
;n; It was so sad...
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posted over a year ago 
vampiressJazz said:
Nope.... Though when I have read really deep fanficts I have cried... But other then that no.
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posted over a year ago 
Lulu_Kururugi said:
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posted over a year ago 
he said a bd word O,O
Aph-Finland posted over a year ago
Me_Iz_Here said:
Eh, not really. I got a little teary during the Revolutionary War scene, but not exactly crying.

The fanworks, however... Fucking Gutters. ;-;
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posted over a year ago 
obssesedTDIgirl said:
Part 3 on Anericas Stirage Room Ckeaning. I cry whenever I watch it. I hate watching it because it's so sad, but I always do and always cry.
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posted over a year ago 
SorenGuardian1 said:
uhh Nope i jjust laughed so fucking hard i fell on the floor banging my fist on the ground try to breath and stop laughing
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posted over a year ago 
MahoukoChan said:
I apologize for sounding heartless, but absolutely NOTHING about Hetalia made me cry. I have felt moved at times, but it's almost impossible to make me cry if you're not a family member.
HetaOni ALMOST made me cry but the developing tear didn't make it out of my eye sockets.
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posted over a year ago 
2525mred said:
no, never. all i do when i watch hetalia is laugh my face off.
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posted over a year ago 
LOL me too!!! XD
Firebender-16 posted over a year ago
never had either lol
Aph-Finland posted over a year ago
iamawesome7887 said:
Yeah! I'm with u~ the France and the jeanne of arc thing made meh cry a bunch~ and this fan video called hetalia we are one. Nd in the movie wer their famous landmarks turned white(then Romano cheered meh up sayin WHAT THE CRAPOLA HAPPENED HERE?!? XD) and cried wen they almost turned into aliens;_;
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posted over a year ago 
Aquarius18 said:
In the Paint It, White! Fight scene.
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posted over a year ago 
bubblegum_kiss said:
not in the actual hetalia but over fanfics ive cried my eyes out (for some reason i like to read really sad fanfics....)
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posted over a year ago 
AzulFlamma said:
Yes, a bunch of times.

Pretty much it's America and England's fault, since they're so... I don't know the word. >.< In the first volume of the manga, when America was cleaning out his garage I was sobbing the whole time. I couldn't help it, I got so emotional even about 2 hours after I read it.
Another time is when Italy came back to be with his "brothers" after he lived with Rome, and they were all mean to him. I thought that was sad. *cough*WEAK*cough*.
I also cried during the movie, when they were all turned into Pictonians and Italy was freaking out.
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posted over a year ago 
EbsIvsandRach said:
I cried when HRE left Chibitalia. ;A;
And when Italy declined Germany's proposal.
And during the Rev. War Scene.
And when England almost died.
And Paint It, White.
And Jeanne D'Arc.
And fan works.
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posted over a year ago 
tdafan121 said:
During the Revolutionary War episode, I cried. I literally have to grab a box of tissues to watch it.
And in the strip with France and the Jeanne D'Arc lookalike (Lisa was her name I think). I know a lot about Jeanne D'Arc because I did I report on her in 8th grade. Her story is sad already and I just... *sniffle*

I actually cried more than that, but I can't recall when. Also, I cry during a lot of the fan made Hetalia stuff. HetaOni left me bawling for days, even after I finished it. And Gutters did the same... Saddest. Fanfiction. Ever.
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posted over a year ago 
hetalianstella said:
It's really easy for me to cry from laughing so hard....XDDD
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posted over a year ago 
justinfan28 said:
not yet
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posted over a year ago 
Cheshire_Pasta said:
I've felt moved enough to have small tears but, I've never cried. I can say I was moved to small tears from Episode 5 of Beautiful World~ It was so touching and beautiful~ <3
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posted over a year ago 
Sho_sama said:
Hmm... I have sad moments but never cried on any of the episodes before. But that Jeanne D'Arc episode is just-*cries* Man... Goddammit France... ToT

One question thou, where did you watch the Rev. War episode? Can you give me a linj to which website you watched Hetalia? I'm in a bit of a pickle... Thank you!!!~ :D
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posted over a year ago 
Sho_sama said:
Hmm... I have sad moments but never cried on any of the episodes before. But that Jeanne D'Arc episode is just-*cries* Man... Goddammit France... ToT

One question thou, where did you watch the Rev. War episode? Can you give me a linj to which website you watched Hetalia? I'm in a bit of a pickle... Thank you!!!~ :D
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posted over a year ago 
RoseWolfLala said:
One word......... Davey ;-;
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posted over a year ago 
That made me cry too ;_;
hetalianstella posted over a year ago
^ Oh phew I'm glad Im not the only one who cried ^·^
RoseWolfLala posted over a year ago
Luffyxgrell88 said:
I cried of emberisment when France preposed to Iggy.
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posted over a year ago 
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