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Hetalia Question

Should the "MA" rating for Hetalia be lowered?

I personally think it should be lowered.
What does 'MA' stand for?
BeastBoyCahill posted over a year ago
"MA" stands for "Mature Audiences".
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
@BeastBoyCahill: xD
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

OtakuGirl13258 said:
i think it should be lowered to OT. i acctualy didn't know it was MA
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, it's rated "MA".
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
whats ot?/ (lol im a bit stupid)
dizzydiscgirl posted over a year ago
"OT" means "Older Teens".
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
HetaliaIsCool said:
It's because it's so stereotypical, they don't want young kids watching it and getting in their heads that the Italians are weak, or that the Swedish are socially awkward, or that Russians are scary. The sexual content is pretty bad, but I wouldn't say it's much worse than Baka and Test, that being rated Tv-14. In fact, I could say that Baka and Test is worse even, and Soul Eater has pretty high sexual content too. The swearing could be a problem too, but I watch it on Netflix, and f*ck is censored in Axis Powers and World Series, though not in Paint it, White. The violence definitely is not a problem, I mean, compare it to Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood, as much as I love that anime, it has quite the portion of blood.

I apologize for grammar or spelling mistakes. English is not my native.
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posted over a year ago 
pumpkinqueen said:
I was actually really surpized that it was rated MA. I thought it was just 13+ at first, because it didn't seem really bad.
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posted over a year ago 
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
I saw on a DVD on e-bay that it was rated M for course language and crude humour
OuranAfterHigh posted over a year ago
vampiressJazz said:
No offense or anything but your rating system is way too strict your MA is the equivalent to our R18+
in Australia Hetalia is rated M meaning any one can watch it but it's reccomended to ' mature' audiences 15+ so if it was rated MA15+ I think that rating is fine. But in your case it should be lowered to 15+ what ever your equivalent of that is.
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posted over a year ago 
I think 15+ might be the equivalent to OT. (Older Teens)
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
Oh like on the manga.
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
bubblegum_kiss said:
ma meaning 18+ right? i have no fucking idea why it has that rating to begin with...thats the rating you give on something with a highamout of sexual content and language. people have some issues with WAY overdoing it with the ratings on things... (not just hetalia but in general for some reason when people put ratings on manga and anime they just really overdo it and i dont understand why...).

it doesnt make sense that it would have that rating sense the only thing there is cursing... wouldnt that give it a like 13+ rating or something like that? really confuses me...
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posted over a year ago 
ikr? It's just a little cursing...
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
NadeshikoDiana said:
Actually,even though my country is strict about R18 stuff,in here it's rated M or T ^^'
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posted over a year ago 
Oh, ok.
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
starwars748 said:
Hell ya
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posted over a year ago 
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill said:
o.o Uh, yeah!! Dey mad, bro?
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posted over a year ago 
ikr? xD
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
hinata3125 said:
I didnt know it was rated MA till like 2 weeks ago,and I was surprised....i thought it was rated tv 14 or pg+,it didnt seem very vulgar to me....
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, TV 14 sounds like a good rating.
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
MCHopnPop said:
Wow it's rated TV MA?..I didn't think it would have been that high I thought it would have been maybe thirteen/fourteen and up like I said it does seem a big high but ratings are there for a wouldn't hurt to change it but that's up to the raters or whomever rates the shows.
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posted over a year ago 
Yes, I agree, but Funimation should be a little less strict about their ratings.
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
kitmolly123 said:
Yeah. I think it's only rated that because of the language that's used in the show.

Like,I remember watching the show in English subs, and it was rated PG-13. So I dunno,the rating for the show confuses me a lot.
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posted over a year ago 
Same here.
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
xcv_2013 said:
I know MA seems too much, but I agree whole heartedly it should stay. Reason is the fans. The anime should not be for 13above. Or below.

Reason is, many people who are not mature take this anime so so so seriously. Many incidents have happened in which the Hetalia fandom now has a bad name.

Examples are that fans online actually make racist slurs and fans *coughweeabooscough* at conventions get so crazy that theyy forcefully make other cosplayers do things they don't want to. Hitler signs at holocaust museums in cosplay. (Please keep in mind that most of their uniforms are real army uniforms)

Also, at a Ask a Nation panel, a young man asked China, "How do you feel about the low paying, horrible jobs America gives your people?" Everyone was silent. Then my friend picked someone else for questions.

MA is just fine, honestly. Nothing less, thanks.
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posted over a year ago 
What these fangirls do sickens me.... little kids should stick to watching kids shows not shows which they can clearly not understand the concepts..
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
I went to the con I saw several Hetalia cosplayers thank god they were sane XD
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
I'm actually under age but I see the concept. people sometimes think that just because it's on hetalia it's true. It's just stereo types. Not all americans like hamburgers or are loud and obnoxious. What people make of the show is purely fanbased
Antarctica14 posted over a year ago
MahoukoChan said:
I've seen things (that shall not be mentioned) for "Mature Audiences" that make Hetalia a Little kid's show in comparison.

The FANBASE should be rated MA in comparison lol
I would say 13+ as a good rating.
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posted over a year ago 
ikr? It should be 13+..
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
weneegee said:
but hetalia isnt MA, my DVD's say that its just M....but if it is MA i wouldnt be surprised i mean, it does have france in it xD that and the amount of stereotypes in it to and people could get easily offended by it
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, but Funimation's official rating for it is MA.
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
That's similar to the rating in Australia, 15 and older right?
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
Yeah, I think so.
izfan9500 posted over a year ago
Aquarius18 said:
I think so. It's not as vulgar as some MA shows such as South Park (though I watch both). However i've seen worse on abc family. I think to about PG14. Give or take.
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posted over a year ago 
Sandfire_Paiger said:
Yeah. Maybe TV-14 or OT.
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posted over a year ago 
iamawesome7887 said:
possibly, only to liek +13 cuz its funny and doesnt relly hav THAT much adult content :3
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posted over a year ago 
Miss-Dreamstar said:
It should be lowered to TV-14. I mean, it's not explicit or anything, just swearing and some bad language/sexual references, which probably would be in the TV-14 category.
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posted over a year ago 
tdafan121 said:
I think it should be lowered. It's the jokes they use that make it MA, but I think Older Teen would fit better. If I were working the ratings, I would make it OT. It wasn't like there was anything that made it MA other than a little swearing and a few adult themes... but I've seen other things that are like that. For example, Baka to Test has very blatant perverted things in it and it's rated TV-14 I think.
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posted over a year ago 
ive seen that it is wayyyy worse than hetalia! its like a pg-13 movie so TV-14 is a good rating
maddiethebubbly posted over a year ago
Antarctica14 said:
I think it definitely should. Many kids watch it even though It MA (im one of them) though hetalia says a curse now and then they bleep it out. I mean come on kids these days watch shows a LOT worse than hetalia.
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posted over a year ago 
TomboyChick said:
I understand why they'd give it the MA. Slurs, strong language, and the who kazoo of sexual themes. But still I don't understand that high; Family Guy is worse than this show an yet it gets a Pg-13 rating. Little kids don't need to be watching crap like this anyway; it'll mess with their minds. So yeah OT or Pg-14 would probably be best.
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posted over a year ago 
tears-to-t said:
It should be lowered...its just not worthy of such a high rating.
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posted over a year ago 
souleater4ever said:
I don't know about this but please don't put hate comments on me cause I really don't know... it depends on the audiences in many countries. Like South Korea, however, got offended on Hetalia because the way how South Korea acted in the Hetalia and now there's no South Korea appearing in Hetalia but only in the ending. It could offended some people through stereotypes or slightly racism(personification) and it implied gayness. From what I've seen in Hetalia, it shown France naked, from the one episode, but you don't see anything but his butt and alot of cursing. But Hetalia is tame with no sexual intereraction.
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posted over a year ago 
Hungaryfrypan said:
Of course it should!
Yes, there may be some crude language, but I see that commonly in most other anime.
Also, yes, it does have sexual references, but not to the point of where I would turn it off due to disgust.
All episodes that show sexual stuff often have something to censor it, so it isn't really a big deal.

I'm a Christian and honestly, the bible has things worse then Hetalia in it; gore especially.
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posted over a year ago 
Penform05 said:
As far as I know,mother rating should be lowered. Of course there is some suggestive material and innuendoes (such as certain characters and on-point interactions) but that's part of the fun of the show! Plus, it is (somewhat) about the wars around the world so there will be a tad bit of violence coming from there, but it's mostly drama when it comes to that. I'd say make it a rating like PG-13 or so. Teenage audiences should be able to handle it perfectly fine without aid and enjoy the show for its dirty humor, as well as adults.
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posted over a year ago 
ROTGgirl2004 said:
Well, the content in Hetalia also consists of:
really racist jokes
sexual content
at times it seems to me that it should be 15+, but in a way Hidekaz had it right for it to be 18+. they don't want kids watching it and getting offended, learning to cuss, saying racist jokes, etc., its to keep from other countries being offended. remember south korea?
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posted over a year ago 
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