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Hetalia Question

Why you like your favourite pairings? Real reasons please not fangirl reasons.

What's your favourite pairing? I know this has been asked hundreds of timed before but what makes you like it? us it for real reasons? Like the two countries gave strong relations or is it the typical fangirl response ' omg they're so cute!'

I like fruk and I like it for a number of reasons. Mainly because of the history. France and England seem to hate each other they fought wars against each other but yet they've fought wars together. It's like the ones who seem to hate you really love you. The sexual tension between them add to the intensity. I could go on for ages but I want to let you guys say why you like your favourite couple.

Please if your going to answer put depth into your answer you know how you would be in a English essay. Not ' I like its because it's cute' that's not a proper answer
I don't know why, but I find it funny how hardly any UsUk fans have answered.
Edvygrl8 posted over a year ago
Lok I have guess they realised they don't have a proper reason for liking it XF
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
 vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
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Hetalia  best answer

pumpkinqueen said:
France & England, because they are always there for each other. They act like they don't care and hate each other, but yet they are always together. They call each other friends and even compliment each other. Also unlike America, France was actually worried about England when he was sick. Staying right by his bed looking after him. They have so much screen time together, you hardly see one without the other. Too me, they have the most strongest relationship in Hetalia.
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France & England, because they are always there for each other. They act like they don't care and hate each other, but yet they are always together. They call each other friends and even compliment each other. Also unlike America, France was actually worried about England when he was sick. Staying right by his bed looking after him. They have so much screen time together, you hardly see one without the other. Too me, they have the most strongest relationship in Hetalia.
posted over a year ago 
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Athenabeth said:
In the Christmas strips when Prussia sees Hungary and Austria together he starts saying how happy he is that he’s alone, and then you see that he’s crying. I think that was more about Hungary being so happy with Austria than about being alone. He was upset that he didn’t have anyone, but I think it made it worse that it was Hungary and the guy he’s always fighting with.

In the anime when Prussia sees Hungary with her shirt ripped in a very revealing way, he throws his cloak at her and walks off. He’s usually portrayed a pervert and Hungary wasn’t trying to cover up or stop Prussia from seeing, so it would have made sense for him to stare. She didn’t really care if he was staring or not, she was too busy dealing with the confirmation she was a girl. She wasn’t going to stop him, it would have been the perfect opportunity for him to stare, but he didn’t. I think if had been some random woman he would have, but because it was Hungary he didn’t out of respect. Not respect, something like respect. Not wanting to take advantage of her is more accurate. I can’t really put my finger on it, but in my opinion it was only because it was Hungary.

When Hungary finds out she’s a girl she starts acting like one. She wears dresses and stops doing some of the things she did before. Prussia asks her to go hunting with him and she declines, but she is visibly struggling not to say yes. That’s probably just because she wants to go hunting, though it might have something to do with wanting to hang out with Prussia. The point was Prussia asked her to come with him even though he knew she was a girl. He didn’t really care if she was supposed to act like a girl, he wanted her to be like she used to be and go hunting. That’s the Hungary he liked, the one that was being herself and not putting on an act to meet social standards of what a girl should be.

They were friends when they were younger, the sort of friends that want to strangle eachother half of the time but still friends. I’ve always thought you had to be friends first and I love childhood-friends-to-teen- romance stories. That’s just me, though.

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In the Christmas strips when Prussia sees Hungary and Austria together he starts saying how happy he is that he’s alone, and then you see that he’s crying. I think that was more about Hungary being so happy with Austria than about being alone. He was upset that he didn’t have anyone, but I think it made it worse that it was Hungary and the guy he’s always fighting with. 

In the anime when Prussia sees Hungary with her shirt ripped in a very revealing way, he throws his cloak at her and walks off. He’s usually portrayed a pervert and Hungary wasn’t trying to cover up or stop Prussia from seeing, so it would have made sense for him to stare. She didn’t really care if he was staring or not, she was too busy dealing with the confirmation she was a girl. She wasn’t going to stop him, it would have been the perfect opportunity for him to stare, but he didn’t. I think if had been some random woman he would have, but because it was Hungary he didn’t out of respect. Not respect, something like respect. Not wanting to take advantage of her is more accurate. I can’t really put my finger on it, but in my opinion it was only because it was Hungary. 

 When Hungary finds out she’s a girl she starts acting like one. She wears dresses and stops doing some of the things she did before. Prussia asks her to go hunting with him and she declines, but she is visibly struggling not to say yes. That’s probably just because she wants to go hunting, though it might have something to do with wanting to hang out with Prussia. The point was Prussia asked her to come with him even though he knew she was a girl. He didn’t really care if she was supposed to act like a girl, he wanted her to be like she used to be and go hunting. That’s the Hungary he liked, the one that was being herself and not putting on an act to meet social standards of what a girl should be.  

They were friends when they were younger, the sort of friends that want to strangle eachother half of the time but still friends.  I’ve always thought you had to be friends first and I love childhood-friends-to-teen- romance stories. That’s just me, though.
posted over a year ago 
Vocaloidcode01 said:
I don't like any of the pairings.

*fully prepared for beating*
I don't like Yaoi, and you fangirls are just going to have to deal with the fact that they can't have Hetalia all to themselves to give it the appearance of pure yaoi.
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posted over a year ago 
What if I like the Hetalia yaoi just because I'm a pervert?
Keki-Nanshii posted over a year ago
GemonkDruid said:
My all-time favorite pairing is SpainxRomano. I love it because... well, face it. Romano's not the most pleasant person to be around. Most people gave up on him, including his grandfather. But not Spain. Spain fought Turkey (and to a lesser extent, France) for Romano, to protect Romano, even though he was really badly injured and became impoverished as a result of it.

I just think that a real couple is one where you've seen the worst of your partner, and can still love them and stick with them in spite of their turn-offs.
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My all-time favorite pairing is SpainxRomano. I love it because... well, face it. Romano's not the most pleasant person to be around. Most people gave up on him, including his grandfather. But not Spain. Spain fought Turkey (and to a lesser extent, France) for Romano, to protect Romano, even though he was really badly injured and became impoverished as a result of it. 

I just think that a real couple is one where you've seen the worst of your partner, and can still love them and stick with them in spite of their turn-offs.
posted over a year ago 
Me_Iz_Here said:
My first one is HongIce. Yeah, it's a crack ship that got really popular, so there isn't really any historical accuracy. I think. But I can see them getting along because of their similar personalities. Like how they're both quiet and don't show much emotion, and how they both find their family members annoying at times. Yeah...can't exactly justify this one very much. ._.

As for rational ships...I would probably say PrussiaxAmerica. This pairing isn't very well known, but I love it. Part of the reason I like it is because of the history behind it. Like how the Prussians helped out the American colonies during the American Revolutionary War. I've read some really good historically accurate fics about them during that time, which is what actually led me to ship them in the first place. Another reason is their personalities. They just have a lot in common and seem like they'd get along well. They're both pretty egotistical (Prussia saying he's awesome and America saying he's a hero), they have siblings who basically think they're annoying, etc. If they aren't a couple, I could definitely see them as being bros.
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My first one is HongIce. Yeah, it's a crack ship that got really popular, so there isn't really any historical accuracy. I think. But I can see them getting along because of their similar personalities. Like how they're both quiet and don't show much emotion, and how they both find their family members annoying at times. Yeah...can't exactly justify this one very much. ._.

As for rational ships...I would probably say PrussiaxAmerica. This pairing isn't very well known, but I love it. Part of the reason I like it is because of the history behind it. Like how the Prussians helped out the American colonies during the American Revolutionary War. I've read some really good historically accurate fics about them during that time, which is what actually led me to ship them in the first place. Another reason is their personalities. They just have a lot in common and seem like they'd get along well. They're both pretty egotistical (Prussia saying he's awesome and America saying he's a hero), they have siblings who basically think they're annoying, etc. If they aren't a couple, I could definitely see them as being bros.
posted over a year ago 
bubblegum_kiss said:
first of all i gotta say i would not be writing an english essay on why i love the couples i love, so its not based on history like yours, but i never like a couple just because theyre 'cute together', im not that shallow...

ok first of all gerita. i love love love their interaction and relationship and i fell in love with this couple right from the beginning. i think their contrasting personalities make them perfect for eachother (like 'opposites attract' kinda) and it also adds humor to the relationship, which i really like.

The reason i love franada so much is again because of personalities and interaction with eachother (which is gonna be a main factor for pretty much all of my couples cause im into personality and character). I think france is one of the only characters who really cares about canada, and i personally interpenetrated it as romance, and i dont have a great reason behind it but that is what clicked in my head (and i dont think that's too much of a 'fangirl reason')

ok and then usuk. for this one the history aspect does actually play in alot. i love the history and kinda angst behind it. but how they manage to come together again and i also again their personalities.

and sufin, ok i just plain love the 'married couple' relationship so much! (i love this kinda relationship with my other pairings too, but its more obvious with sufin). and i dont know how to explain some of it without sounding completely fangirl-y but honestly i think this couple is extremely adorable, and not just because of their looks but because i think that the actual relationship is as adorable as the way it looks.

ok i like spamano and pruaus a ton too, but i dont wanna make it too long... i hope my answers were not completely confusing.
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posted over a year ago 
'like' an essay response, you have heard of a similie have you not. Meaning depth and sophistication.....
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
i think my reasons have depth...
bubblegum_kiss posted over a year ago
NyoHetaliaCreed said:
First off, they've had good relations in the past and now, so real life more or less justifies it. I also love their interaction and it's one of those 'opposites attract' pairings that I love. The interaction between them is also why I love HRE X Chibitalia (even though it's your personal opinion if it's the same thing as GerIta).

Oh come on, the relations, the history along with some similarities in personality and interests character-wise. This pairing just can't go wrong for me, it ticks all the right boxes for a real-life based Hetalia pairing.

Reasons are a mix of my reasons for the above pairings. They have shared history and good relations, along with having interactions with each other which are more or less 'opposites attract'. Strangely, I like Nyo!Ameripan just a bit more that the normal Ameripan. I don't know, I find it hard to explain. But I also like England x Japan for these reasons minus the opposites attract thing because they aren't too different from one another (well at least on the scale of America)

Egypt x Cyprus
Ever since Cyprus became an official character I have supported this pairing, mostly because of good relations and looking foward to getting closer ties with one another. Now we just need them both getting more screentime, showing more character and interacting with one another and I'll be able to explain this a bit more than I'm able to right now. I like Turkey x Egypt as well for pretty much the same reasons. But there's just something about Egypt x Cyprus I like more than the other, much more popular Egypt pairing.

More character-based than history-based here. Another 'opposites attract' pairing. But it's just that Romano seems to be so down on himself all the time, though you can't really blame him having been 'abandoned' in a sense by others and others being interested in you and your brother simply because your related to this massive empire. But Spain seems to genuinely like him, and he doesn't give up on him. Seriously he kept Romano despite him not being the best person at doing chores and being a lazy git.
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posted over a year ago 
Ameripan. <33
pumpkinqueen posted over a year ago
xCarriedAway said:
Austria x Hungary || Sweden x Finland
I like these pairings for the same reasons: their historic relationships, clashing personalities, and the adorableness. I love how opposite they are, yet they still find a way to make past their differences. In addition, there is actual, legitimate history behind their relationship; they aren't crack pairings. I'm not a big fan of crack pairings.

HRE x Chibitalia
Besides the sweet hugging and the sheepish embarrassment between these two, I like this couple more for the head-canons that go along with it, particularly "what would happen if Germany really is HRE?" or "if HRE and Italy were to meet again, what would happen?" The fanart people make for this couple on Pixiv is very stunning as well.

Spain x Romano
NO, NOT AS AN ACTUAL COUPLE. I like to think of these two like brothers. Specifically at the time when Romano was young. For some reason I absolutely, positively love seeing these two as a broship. I don't even know why. I kind of ship them as adults, but I like the fluffy aspect of their relationship more than the smutty.
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posted over a year ago 
all those ships make sense :)
Aph-Finland posted over a year ago
NadeshikoDiana said:
Netherlands x Japan
Yes,I know this pairing isn't really popular :)
Both of them actually have a good relationship but nobody really notice it. In history,when Japan was shutting in for around 200 years,Netherlands was the only person that told what's happening to the world. Although,they got farther from each other because of World War. In 1942,both of them have a triangular relationship because both of them were fighting about the colonization of Dutch East Indies (Indonesia)

Japan x Belarus
Most people doesn't really know about this couple yet
A lot of fans call this couple the black and white combination. Both of them also have a past that's very alike. Japan got a nuclear bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945,while Belarus got the biggest Chernobyl incident in Gomel and Mogilev in 1986.

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Netherlands x Japan
Yes,I know this pairing isn't really popular :)
Both of them actually have a good relationship but nobody really notice it. In history,when Japan was shutting in for around 200 years,Netherlands was the only person that told what's happening to the world. Although,they got farther from each other because of World War. In 1942,both of them have a triangular relationship  because both of them were fighting about the colonization of Dutch East Indies (Indonesia)

Japan x Belarus 
Most people doesn't really know about this couple yet
A lot of fans call this couple the black and white combination. Both of them also have a past that's very alike. Japan got a nuclear bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945,while Belarus got the biggest Chernobyl incident in Gomel and Mogilev in 1986.
posted over a year ago 
black_amaranth said:
Well, before any of you attack me with the 'OMG IT'S INCEST OMG OMG!!' comments let me say this: they're NOT actual brothers!! And I think that the Revolutionary war was enough of a proof!

So there.

Now with my reasons: well for one there's the fact that, unlike some other pairings (NOT specifing) it is actually really obvious how much they care for each other. The only moments when America grows serious and melacholic Is when he is reminded of England, and England always gets emotional whenever America is involved. Also, I find the history that they share interesting, unlike most pf the fans who seem to think that the more wars between countries, the closer they get (no offence, but you have to admit some of the pairings the fandom created are really just based on a war between the two respective nations, like, for example, AmeViet) I think nations would grow closer to their ALLY and not their ENEMY! And currently, the US and the UK share what is probably the closest alliance. And really guys, if you look through some of the strips, you'd notice how England sometimes gets flustered around America.

I understand how some people see them as brothers. I actually felt somewhat awkward when I first started liking UsUK, but then I saw the strip where a British soldier/officer asked America and England about if they were brothers. England immediately became flustered while America just confusedly asked:'what're you talking about?' (or something like that, can't remember well) there's defiantly sexual tension between them, as confirmed by the country of love himself, France, in one of the episodes ( can't remember which one)

I could go on even more, but I already feel as if I'm about to be murdered just for saying that my OTP is USUK.
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posted over a year ago 
Aph-Finland posted over a year ago
mikuhondajones said:
AmeriPan. Even after the events on WWII, they still manage to become best friends and acted that nothing bad happened between the two of them.
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AmeriPan. Even after the events on WWII, they still manage to become best friends and acted that nothing bad happened between the two of them.
posted over a year ago 
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