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Hetalia Question

Ever feel like a Hetalia character?

I do. I feel like England most of the time. I have a younger sibling who I want to smack with a chair on a daily basis, I get irritated with some people very easily, and then there are other things that involve my France-like friends that I'm not going to get into.
I also fell like Russia sometimes, but that's only when my sister threatens to beat down my bedroom door or you know, attack me with various sharp objects... O_o
What character do you feel like?
Ever feel like a Hetalia character?
 MaybeBlue posted over a year ago
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Hetalia Answers

Vocaloidcode01 said:
I feel like Russia a lot~ *face darkens* I can't wait to see how the other children are going to beg for their lives~
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posted over a year ago 
SheWolf11 said:
I'm Italy when I'm scared and eating pasta XD I'm America most of the time. I'm Britain when all the immature boys in school are acting like a bunch of Frances. XD
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posted over a year ago 
Animeshnica posted over a year ago
Sonicishot said:
Yeah. When something goes wrong in band class, I scream: "AIYAH!" Really loud, at lunch, when I'm not happy, I head butt a wall and shout: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" really loud, when I see a cute little kitten in science class, I scream: "Kawaii, aru!" really loud, and I look so much like China in real life, it's not even funny. o_O
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Yeah. When something goes wrong in band class, I scream: "AIYAH!" Really loud, at lunch, when I'm not happy, I head butt a wall and shout: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" really loud, when I see a cute little kitten in science class, I scream: "Kawaii, aru!" really loud, and I look so much like China in real life, it's not even funny. o_O
posted over a year ago 
ashlynhnh posted over a year ago
trainofdoom82 said:
Are you kidding me? All the time.

I'm Nyo!Hungary after all -w-
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posted over a year ago 
DmitryVladimir said:
All the freaking time.... =_= My friends make me feel like Canada (nearly all the time). They end up not noticing me or forgetting about me. I feel like a lost England at certain times I would rather not say... I do get angry very very easily though XP I hate people with a bloody passion...
But that's when I'm not being a little Russia. XP I threw a fork at a kid who sits across from me at lunch. That's not bad, da?! *laughs happily* ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
I am with you on that.
vampiressJazz posted over a year ago
darkmintoutau said:
I used to feel like Canada until this year. Now I feel like a mixture of Russia & England -w-
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posted over a year ago 
TDIfangirl said:
Sometimes I feel like Italy-Goofy, random, just wants everyone to be friends..other times I'm Canada, shy and in the backround, and other times I'm America, like Italy but I talk a lot more.
And I'm China when I gush over cute things. :3
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posted over a year ago 
amutokitty said:
I'm almost always Germany. I'm stalked by idiots who won't leave me alone. Sometimes I'm Italy, the bane of everyone's existence. Other times, I wind up being Russia and scaring everyone with my evil laugh. I can also do a pretty good kolkolkol. Scares the hell out of my friend. Cause she doesn't watch anime.



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I'm almost always Germany. I'm stalked by idiots who won't leave me alone. Sometimes I'm Italy, the bane of everyone's existence. Other times, I wind up being Russia and scaring everyone with my evil laugh. I can also do a pretty good kolkolkol. Scares the hell out of my friend. Cause she doesn't watch anime.



posted over a year ago 
i have a laugh like shion sonozaki so thats what my friends call me now and im like russia to because normally im quite but then ill say somthing very random and creepy and it scares the hell out of my friends
ashlynhnh posted over a year ago
lucy32 said:
Life makes me feel like Lithuania too damn often. But at my best I'm more like Germany.
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posted over a year ago 
kazamiuchihafan said:
i feel like canada because nobody notices me or remembers my name (IT'S ANA! ARE THREE LETTERS SO HARD TO REMEMBER?! AND TECHNICLY THERE ARE TWO!)
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posted over a year ago 
who are you ?... lol
ashlynhnh posted over a year ago
kanada dayo :P
kazamiuchihafan posted over a year ago
vampiressJazz said:
probably England and Canada. The Canada part is explainable but England not so sure XD
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posted over a year ago 
Ditto... Hard to explain my Iggy-ness too:P
DmitryVladimir posted over a year ago
poniesaremybffs said:
i feel like Italy all the time. pasta!
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posted over a year ago 
ultrasonic34 said:
Sometimes I feel like America, sometimes I feel like Japan, and sometimes I feel like...Prussia.
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posted over a year ago 
fake_alibi13 said:
When I am with my little sister I feel either like Russia or Germany (depending on, if she acts all italy, or if she is more like a scared Lithuania :P) Sometimes with friends I feel like prussia when Iam all hyper or Russia again depending on my mood.I try to be Canada when I am with annoying relatives...
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posted over a year ago 
2525mred said:
all the time! i feel like Japan all the time because i hate it when people get in my personal space(it feels quiet weird) and im silent. im also like China because i love Hello kitty. i am also like germany because when somebody has the nerve to pick a fight with me, I GO ALL GERMAN ON THEIR HINEY!
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posted over a year ago 
ChocoLuvr101 said:
But according to my friends (who are bigger Hetalia fans than me) that I remind them of Germany and Russia.
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posted over a year ago 
MrMoonbeam13 said:
Heck yes! When ever I get mad I start going 'kolkolkolkolkolkol' People look at me like im insane XD
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posted over a year ago 
tdafan121 said:
In a very bipolar way... very much so XD

Most of the time, I get ignored so I feel like Canada a lot... I mean, even when I'm very obviously raising my hand, I never get called on in class and people walk into me like I'm not even there T.T
But with my friends... oh gods... XD Most of the time with my friends I feel like England, since they're all total IDIOTS with dirty minds and I get annoyed by them CONSTANTLY XD
And anywhere else, I'm typically just a total happy-go-lucky airhead like Italy XD Especially when we go out for Italian food ^w^ *is asking my Mom to go to my favorite Italian restauraunt right now*
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posted over a year ago 
RenderedUseless said:
I sometimes feel like....


Mostly because I'm quiet and ignored most of the time... I feel like a ghost that's floating around... Waiting for someone to listen to me... Also, my little sister pushes me around a lot, and when I want to say something to her, I just can't.... Neglegted... *sighs*

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I sometimes feel like....


Mostly because I'm quiet and ignored most of the time... I feel like a ghost that's floating around... Waiting for someone to listen to me... Also, my little sister pushes me around a lot, and when I want to say something to her, I just can't.... Neglegted... *sighs*
posted over a year ago 
Mentalist100 said:
I feel like Japan because like him im shy 100% of the time ^.^;
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posted over a year ago 
ashlynhnh said:
i feel like america and russia alot
im like america because im loud and hyper and i eat very unhealthy but im still thin
i feel like russia because all my friends call me voilent my grandparents asked me if i was going to grow up to be a murderer and my english teacher called me creepy but thats most likely because i drew a girl holding another girls severed head... so yea im odd
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i feel like america and russia alot 
im like america because im loud and hyper and i eat very unhealthy but im still thin
i feel like russia because all my friends call me voilent my grandparents asked me if i was going to grow up to be a murderer and my english teacher called me creepy but thats most likely because i drew a girl holding another girls severed head... so yea im odd
posted over a year ago 
Tawnyjay said:
I'm kinda a mix between Canada and Italy, because I'm very quiet (Canada) and VERY obsessed with pasta (Italy). I also run away from things I'm scared of, so yeah (Italy).
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posted over a year ago 
Sometimes I'm sarcastic like Britain...
Tawnyjay posted over a year ago
Me_Iz_Here said:
I've felt like Italy (most of the time), Canada, America, and Russia. And sometimes even France xD.
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posted over a year ago 
themusician726 said:
most of the time i'm italy because i <3 pasta and pizza, am an airhead and a coward, but i turn into america when it comes to my friends because i'm really loud, an idiot and i wear glasses
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posted over a year ago 
Italy_Symmetry said:
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posted over a year ago 
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