Heroes Quote Game

symone posted on Jan 19, 2008 at 11:45PM
Hey! :)

Well this game is in a lot of forums on fanpop and I thought it would be fun to play here.

So for those who don't know the game....you take a quote from Heroes and the next person has to say who said it and (if you can) the episode its from and then do your own quote.

heres mine

"who needs god when you have me"
last edited on Jan 20, 2008 at 01:04AM

Heroes 178 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 178

over a year ago duckey94 said…
Jessica Sanders!

Here's my quote:
"You’re not a fighter but that’s okay, the world needs nurses, too."
over a year ago wisteriawoman said…
over a year ago symone said…
mama patrelli talking to peter rite
over a year ago miss_little said…
wisteriawoman quote - Hiro looking at menu

My quote-
"Did you every get the feeling you were meant to do something, extraordinary"

over a year ago symone said…
peter talking to mohinedr pilot episode

mine that noise in you heart wat is it ... murder
over a year ago miss_little said…
Dale Smither and sylar. just before sylar kills dale.

my quote-
"they say that man uses only a tenth of his brain power. Another percent,and we might actually be worthy of God's image. Unless, of course, that day has already arrived."
over a year ago conheroes said…
Mohinder lecturing a class in the pilot ep.

my quote:

"...some people may talk down to you, but, I am not going to make that mistake."
over a year ago addicted2heroes said…
Linderman to Micah in Landslide..
my quote-
"That's right, we're aliens! We've come to anal probe you!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nina4921 said…
Zach to Lyle in that episode where Claire meets her "biological parents".

My qoute-
"You don't need superpowers to be a hero."
over a year ago symone said…
micah talking to niki to save monica

heres mine

your working with him , thats all i need to know pow ...
over a year ago chels125843 said…
victoria when she goes to shoot peter for being with adam

"I accidently set my grandmother's house on fire when i was six. Caused a blackout in four counties in ohio when i was eight. I spent my ninth birthday in a glass room with an IV of lithium in my arm. I've lived in this building for sixteen years. Ever since the shrinks diagnosed me as a sociopath with paranoid delusions, but they were just out to get me because I threatened to kill 'em. Im 24 years old and Ive never gone on a date, never been on a rollercoaster, never been swimming, and now you know everything there is to know about me. I dont have the luxury of being more interesting than that. Later Alligator"
over a year ago MrAlex said…
Elle when she's talking to Peter in his cell

''Stings like a bitch, doesn't it?''
over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
Bennett to elle

"What's your superpower? Punching bag?"
over a year ago suggy said…
Elle to Mohinder.

"Make mummy proud"
over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
Angela to Sylar

"You gotta embrace your inner freak."
over a year ago chels125843 said…
zach to claire

"dad's making waffles" (:
over a year ago Panikmachenmann said…
Sylar to baby Noah.

"Remember what dad said? God gave you a big sister instead of a brain"
over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
Meredith to Flint

"This is usually the part where people start screaming"
over a year ago raknaff said…
Sylar to Peter

"When you talk you look like a fish. Like a giant Carp".
over a year ago santosblack said…
Kensei to Hiro

"My destiny is to shoot you? The universe can't be that lame."
over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
@Raknaff, "This is usually the part where people start screaming" was said by Sylar,but to Issac..
over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
for santosblack's quote, Claire to peter

"I wasn't begging for my life. I was offering you yours"

over a year ago symone said…
sylar to jesse

"i understand you've been dreaming about me"

over a year ago raknaff said…
Arthur to Angela

"This is my tough guy walk."
over a year ago symone said…
ando t hiro
and raknaff it was Arthur to hiro

If I had known you were coming, I would have made extra!
over a year ago raknaff said…
Sylar to Peter
sorry I keep on messing up the anwsers

"As long as I have breath, anything you love I will lay to waste. I swear... You will suffer."
over a year ago swimswamswum said…
Adam to Hiro (course u'd pick adam :P lol)

"It itches like a mother f—!"
over a year ago raknaff said…
Elle to Bob
You know I couldn't resist doing an Adam quote swimswamswum! :D

"You've got a power by definition, you're better than she is."
over a year ago swimswamswum said…
West to Claire? god that was hard

"So silly, trying to be something that you're not." (lol this is hard, i think)

EDIT: symone - nope :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago symone said…
sylar to peter i think

"you should have never come to odesa to save me you should have never become my friend or my hero now i cant leave because i have a favor to return"
over a year ago raknaff said…
Claire to Peter

"They all look the same to me."
over a year ago raknaff said…
@ swimswamswum is it Sylar to Candice/Michelle
over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
Ando to Hiro

"We need to set a trap. That's what Batman always does with Catwoman"
over a year ago raknaff said…
Hiro to Ando

"I'm the defensive player of the year".
over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
Claire to Knox and Flint

" Hope is great. We need caffeine."
over a year ago addicted2heroes said…
mohinder to sylar

"No way! I scare me, you do it."
over a year ago symone said…
hiro to ando

i hate heroes
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Sylar to guy with shotgun and elle

"Every town and city around the world has a place where the wise men gather. The Greek oracle of Delphi. The Library at Alexandria. The Hall of Justice"
over a year ago chels125843 said…

"-we can't just take what we want anymore!
- Says who? "
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago raknaff said…
Elle to Sylar :D

"I haven't had a drink in months, and they make a mean appletini."
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Adam to hiro and Ando?

"The universe has decided our fate."
over a year ago raknaff said…
The Haitian to Nathan

"I'm going to make you pay for everything you've ever done."
over a year ago chels125843 said…
Peter ?

"ugh! Glasses himself!"
over a year ago raknaff said…
Elle to Sylar

"This bar is the go-to destination of specials for hire."
over a year ago chels125843 said…
Adam! (:

"hey girls!"
over a year ago chels125843 said…
i guess i made this too hard :s
it was elle who said it. when she walked into the house and saw claire & noah in the eclipse part 1.

ill make it easier this time ;)

"my name is sylar!!!!"
over a year ago alexapetrelli said…
In like Season one...I think...lulz

"Sorry, I've got plans for this little piece of paper, Pikachu."
over a year ago raknaff said…
Tracy to Hiro

"From cheerleader to stone cold killer? Who's the monster now?"
over a year ago chels125843 said…

"-Do you think it's permanent?
-what our powers going away or us?"
(two people, obvs.)
over a year ago raknaff said…
Sylar and Elle?

- "You're hurting me."
- "I know."
(two people,Duh)