Heroes Sylar And The Cockroach

danrowe posted on Sep 01, 2007 at 02:37PM
I have a theory about Sylar and his cockroach partner.Well, not really a theory about their friendly relationship and their constant appearance together, but a theory on Sylars constant living state once killed. :)

I have been thinking and Sylar seems to be invincible whenever he is killed. He was killed early in the series when Parkman shot him twice to the ground.But he got up and disappeared.

He was killed when he and Peter fell off the building.But he ran away.Again.

He then got killed by Hiro and his not-as-impressive sword through the heart.But no, he slides under a drain.Wonderful.

Now this may be the worst theory ever, but Sylars similarities to a cockroach pop up now and again, most of the time when he is killed.

Sylar can take the powers of others. Maybe when he was a trainee in the department of brain eating(or whatever he does), he came across the little cockroach. Now Sylar, who can see living things powers and seek them to be his own, probably saw that the cockcroach was basically invincible, it can survive whether its trodden on by a common tramp or survive the world's biggest nuclear bomb.He probably wanted this power for his own, and did his bit of brain surgery on the cockroach for himself.

This explains that whenever Sylar is killed, he can survive nonetheless.

As i said, it doesn't give an excuse for the pathetic bond between the cockroach and Sylar, but maybe this cockroach was the brother of the cockroach that Sylar experimented on. :)

This suggests that the only way Sylar can be killed is for his brain to die.Doing this, he loses all of his powers and the strength to survive.

Tell me your thoughts on this outburst of the connection, and if you hate it, kindly tell me why i am wrong.

If not, praise me. lol

Heroes 6 replies

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over a year ago dojiboy9 said…
Impressive. i have noticed as well that the cockroach is always around sylar somehow :P

when he was captured by Bennett, the cockroach was in there.. i know it! it was in the episode he was captured and experimented on, near the beginning, or end where it shows him like near-dead bleeding kinda

and the fact that he could have "Sylar"-ed some cockroach to gain its invincible powers could make sense

BUT... i somehow believe that the cockroach is Uluru... the rock monster that Isaac painted already. think abotu it.. uluru looks exactly like that!! but giant... and molly already said tat another bad guy is coming!!!! so its ULURU.. :P lol
over a year ago doonis said…
If he can't die, why did he need to kill Claire?
over a year ago jim0032 said…
I think Dojiboy might be more on the right track. I think the cockroach will introduce another character. Maybe this is the entity that Molly said sees her. The cockroach was also seen during a point when Sylar wasn't around and (I think it was HRG or Parkman) were locked in a cell. I think the explanations are coming, but I like that you guys have offered up some good theories.
over a year ago Zevolta said…
Uluru is not going to make an appearance. Tim Kring said he was only a character in the comic books. And the whole thing about the cockroach, its just there to show how these people are evolved, yet they are vulnerable. yet the cockroach (who hasnt really had any drastic evolutionary changes) can survive pretty much anything.
over a year ago debzed said…
gd guesses pepole...but now iam more conffused about whats goin on lol :P 2 many things could happen
over a year ago mcstylin said…
Your theory makes some good sense. That Sylar's brain needs to be impaled, similar to when Peter got the glass shard in his head, Claire got the stake in her head and Linderman was killed by DL's hand through the back of his head.

A lot of people think the cockroach is just plain symbolism too. It would be cool if it's related to a hero or part of Sylar's power. It might just be his calling card for murders, death.