Heroes The Heroes Survival Game

R-S-Lee posted on Jul 17, 2007 at 03:24AM
Okay, so this is a little game I found on the "The Office" spot. I thought it was cool, so I am going to bring it to Heroes. It's called The Survival Game and here are the rules:

1. All characters start with 15 points.
2. Anyone can cast a vote adding (++) or subtracting (--) from any character.
3. You vote for 3 characters at a time.
4. When any character's total reaches 0, he/she is eliminated.
5. When half of the field is eliminated, you can only put in a vote of one (+), but the two negatives remain the same (--). This is just so the game doesn't last forever.
6. You can't vote for only one person. For example, you can't just deduct 6 points from Linderman, you must add or subtract from 3 different people.
7. Also, no voting over and over and over again within a short time span (i.e. 10 minutes). Give some other people a chance to cast their votes, too.

Please post your vote along with the standings of the characters in rank order. This helps immensely with all the math and keeps everything in line.

I didn't add the characters that were only in one episode, just didn't really see the need to.

ALSO! Something fun: The poster who removes a character (i.e. deducts the last 2 points from Sylar, thus leaving him with no points) gets to come up with a creative little tale about how the character died. And please, be creative people. It makes for much better reading.

You can supply a short phrase as to why you added/subtracted from each character.

Here's the list! (make sure that it is posted into every reply. I know it's going to end up getting very long, but if necessary, we can always just start a continuation of this post into a new topic. This will make things much easier.)

Mr. Bennet: 15
Claire Bennet: 15
Simone Deveaux: 15
DL Hawkins: 15
Isaac Mendez: 15
Hiro Nakamura: 15
Matt Parkman: 15
Nathan Petrelli: 15
Peter Petrelli: 15
Micah Sanders: 15
Nikki Sanders: 15
Jessica Sanders: 15
Mohinder Suresh: 15
Sandra Bennet: 15
Hana Gitelman: 15
The Haitian: 15
Audrey Hanson: 15
Mr. Linderman: 15
Ando Masahashi: 15
Eden McCain: 15
Janice Parkman: 15
Angela Petrelli: 15
Claude Rains: 15
Theodore Sprague: 15
Chandra Suresh: 15
Gabriel "Sylar" Grey: 15
Thompson: 15
Zach: 15
Charlie Andrews: 15
Lyle Bennet: 15
Charles Deveaux: 15
Meredith Gordon: 15
Sanjog Iyer: 15
Brody Mitchum: 15
Kaito Nakamura: 15
Heidi Petrelli: 15
Tina: 15
Molly Walker: 15
Jackie Wilcox: 15

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