Heroes Who do you think flew out of the plane?

hm94991 posted on Feb 03, 2009 at 03:06AM
After watching the first episode of the fourth season, "A clear and Present Danger" *spoilers* Someone flew out of the plane with a bag still over their head. Who do you think it was?
last edited on Feb 03, 2009 at 03:06AM

Heroes 19 replies

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over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
No one special i think it was just someone insignificant, maybe the guy from memphis. Also GO MOHINDER for trying to save peter but peter could have just flown out surely.
over a year ago sylar_rocks said…
What Rock_Smurf_77 said except...
I don't think peter could have flown out!
I think his new ability is same as Rogue from X-men. He can absorb one ability at a time. He lost his super-strength when he touched Tracy!!
over a year ago Galbraith said…
Dunno why, but I have a feeling it was Maya (most likely is someone insignificant though) - and I think you could be right sylar_rocks, didn't think of that (not that I know any of the x men anyway) - can't wait for the next one =D
over a year ago want2watcheroes said…
I hope Peter keeps his powers he aborbs =(
over a year ago SylarNight said…
i think by injecting himself, Peter just got HIS ability back.


ooh! i hope it was maya that flew out! (lolz)
over a year ago Galbraith said…
According to Heroes wiki:
"In the last scene when the plane is going down, we can see a masked fugitive who falls off of the plane, yet we can't see who he/she is. However it is probable that the fugitive was a (yet) unknown hero, since Matt, Mohinder, Hiro and Tracy did not wear a mask anymore."
over a year ago hm94991 said…
hahaha... hey what if Peter's new power IS the one-touch one-power thing, and he touched Sylar. hmmm... intereszting plots!
over a year ago jighooligan101 said…
Probably someone insignificant although one or two major characters may be injured.
Also to be nit picky its still season 3 just a new volume
over a year ago hm94991 said…
"Volumes" And "Seasons" Are the same things, I think.
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
No there not lol volume three and four are both parts of season 3!! But i dnt think it reli matters!!
over a year ago papa said…
Hopefully a guy who can fly!
over a year ago The-Stig said…
(please be Tracy, please be Tracy) no idea...
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Oh and I think maybe peters power is his normal power, but because he had been drugged and was still recovering it only worked partially and so could only absorb one power at a time by touhing. If this is true then i think it is a good idea otherwhise peter would have absorbed everyones powers causing him to overload.
over a year ago chels125843 said…
random. thats what i think.
i pray to god that it couldve been maya :P
but i doubt it.
over a year ago addicted2heroes said…
it was a guy wearing a black suit..meaning none of the convicts as they were all wearing orange.. it was one of the guards then
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
No but someone also flew out hu was in an orange suit and strapped to a chair, also it wasnt random chels as we were tlkin bout ti earlier :P but it seems tht he can only have one power at a time.
over a year ago addicted2heroes said…
oh well i dont think its anyone significant then.. they didnt even show him in the next eps recap.. they showed the black-clothed guy instead.
over a year ago haddy said…
big smile
i think that it will be a new character that shall be a help to the heroes later, maybe someone who can teleport..as the mask will have come off in midair
over a year ago Galbraith said…
It wasn't Maya 'cos she was in contact with "Rebel" after the crash.