Heroes Worse Than Sylar

PkmnTrainerJ posted on May 22, 2007 at 10:19PM
With what was said in 'How To Stop An Exploding Man', what are your thoughts on what could be worse than a guy that cuts open people's heads, eats their brains to gain their powers, and is willing to explode simply to kill (Oh, and kills his own mother just before Mother's Day in America and paints with her blood)?

I think someone that is capable of mass killings in a similar way to Sylar, but does it for no reason. I also think it could be a she, despite what Molly said. Someone who, like Molly says,can see you, even if a regular person thinks about them. Someone who already has all of what Sylar wants, someone that already has the powers they need.

Anyways, fellow Heroes fans, what are your thoughts?
last edited on May 22, 2007 at 10:21PM

Heroes 31 replies

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over a year ago dallasterps7 said…
I think a person might be the kid that entered peoples dreams. Think about it, he might be able to see Molly too. But it is doubtful because I don't think he is more powerful than Sylar. So my choice would have to be Simone's dad because he somehow talked with Peter and he was friends with the old generations of heroes. however, I hope it is someone with multiple powers like Peter or Sylar. Hopfully making a better final battle than the one between Peter and Sylar.
over a year ago TARDIS said…
Maybe he was the one that took Sylars's body, if Sylar didn't survive that is.
over a year ago shamo said…
Yeah, I agree, I believe it's Simone's dad
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
I have a new theory on how Sylar survived. He was not that cockroach, he was already in the sewers, whereas the person who is worse than Sylar (who I believe is also the main antagonist in Origins) who has the Animorph power I mentioned in the pick. Then 'Worse Than Sylar' transformed into a cockroach because of the impending nuclear explosion, and will now meet up with and team up with Sylar.
over a year ago fate-late said…
Maybe it is peter and nathans mom, she is quite sinister, and she wanted the bomb to go off, and we dont no a lot about her yet either...
over a year ago terry374 said…
I wouldnt be so certain that the one who's worse thinks that they are a bad guy. Look at Linderman, he thought that he was the good guy, and was going to heal the world, but was willing to take an acceptable loss.

I think we will find out a lot more about the previous group of heroes in the next series, and I would suspect that it will be another from within their group.

I think a more interesting question is what was Charles Devauxs power, I suspect that he had the ability to "summon" people from other points in time and space, kind of the opposite of Hiro, I also suspect that it would give him the power to see the future (we know that one of their group had the power, as they knew about the bomb), he could well end up becoming a mentor to Peter, summoning him back in time whenever he feels Peter needs advice or guidance.
over a year ago fatevilpigeon said…
I'd like to think it's safe assumption to make that the previous generation of Heroes had enemies. Ones with powers at that. Maybe this "worse than Syler" guy is one of them. Or their leader.
over a year ago harold said…
Just to point out: you could be worse than Sylar but not be as powerful as Sylar is. Honestly, if the Haitian was evil, he could easily be worse than Sylar. Another example of something worse than Sylar would be a "mind-rider": someone who can jump from body to body, possessing people. In terms of power, such a person could be worse than Sylar (if the rider is able to use the victim's powers while occupying their body). Here's another idea for someone worse than Sylar: someone who reanimates the dead.

I like fatevilpigeon's idea, too, though I also have my suspicions about Charles. I don't think Charles yanks people through time; I think he has "absolute vision" - able to see through any disguise/subterfuge/power to see the real person there.
over a year ago Nagrom said…
I think it should be someone similiar to what Harold said, but someone who can possess people and steal their powers and their memories when he/she leaves them. once left, the victim would either be powerless or in a vegetative state. This wouldn't be really worse than Sylar, unless he/she has been doing it for a long time and acquired a few powers. Perhaps the reason Mr Petrelli committed suicide was to stop this person acquiring his power and his mind.

Why didnt the haitian stop Peter from exploding?
over a year ago mtippets said…
What if Jessica turned into the next villan?
over a year ago Genesisnine said…
I think sylars gonna run into the worse guy and get killed in the season premiere i also think that charles power is to bring or send people to the past or future in their dreams which would explain peter seeing himself explode and going back to where he spoke to charles let not forget peter doesnt cousiously get someones powers they get obsorved by proximity so he might have taken charles power before he knew that he could also that would explain why he had the dream of him flying when the only people with power that we know about were his brother and know charles.(his mother might have a power but we dont know that for sure while charles has to have some kind of power in order to have spoken to peter)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago brimaho said…
I submit the possibility that Molly's "worse than Sylar" comment has been misinterpreted. Molly's only justification for saying this was that he (she repeatedly said 'he', btw) could see her. But consider that this would freak out any little kid. So it doesn't necessarily say that "worse than sylar" means bad, but only scary to an 8 year-old. If we've already seen him, the best bet is Charles. I agree that he must have some dream creating power (Peter couldn't have teleported for that scene - Bennett found him in the alley and woke him up. But that would mean he's still alive. I think the second best bet would be Claude Raines. Perhaps he is tracking her for some reason. Being invisible, Molly wouldn't know he's there until she looks for him. He sees her because he is within line of sight of her, but Molly confuses this for being able to see back at her from anywhere, so she doesn't want to look for him again.
over a year ago Niwdog said…
Erm...I dont think "Worst than the Boogeyman" is someone we've seen yet. It's been said somewhere that it's not someone we've seen yet. But I'm all for the Mind-rider theory, it works.
over a year ago Cuzzy said…
I think the cockroach in the finale is just a symbol. In the first episode Mohindra mentions that the cockroach is the most evolved out of all creatures. So I think whoever took Sylar, is the most evolved and has the greatest powers out of all the heroes, and I agree with the previous insert, it is someone we havent seen yet. I love the whole metaphor at the end of the good guys ascending up to heaven, and the bad guy going beneath the ground.
over a year ago padresalvi said…
yeah, i agree that it was that cockroach. haha. maybe someone who has control of animals.
over a year ago duckgoddess said…
I think the 'worse than the bogeyman' person is someone we haven't seen yet so that rules out Charles Deveaux and Angela Petrelli. I like the idea of him being the one who took Sylar's body and being someone who kills for absolutely no reason, which shows absolute madness
over a year ago wickywills said…
I believe that its Molly's imagination that 'created' the one "worse than Syler", since i think Molly has the ability also to create reality from her imagination, and that all of Molly's nightmares have created something that can do pretty much anything. Therefore the other Heroes will have to convince Molly that the nightmares arn't real and that they are just her imagination, OTHERWISE they WILL become real!

...think i just confused myself!
over a year ago harold said…
Whew - that's pretty "Twilight Zone: the movie" isn't it? Scary.
over a year ago krider22 said…
OK I think most of these comments will never happen...Simones Dad is dead, and he most likely won't come back. Matt Parkmans dad was put into tim krings words and secrets..maybe he is the unspeakable man who is worse then Sylar?.. and when Mr. Nakaymuri was pushed off the building...That guy was the size of like a 17 year old! Notice: all the old heroes (linderman charles petrelli) are old! Not skinny thin and muscular haha. Kinda weird right??? Maybe this HEROES guy is hiros power? "Out of all of them, I never expected you.."Mr nakaymuri was mention "all of them" Theres been mention that there was a lot of old heroes and that some of them abandoned the good side, soemthign referenced by the new guy saying "Some of them had a great calling, a destiny" So one of them has a pretty big calling known to kill all the old heroes...Hiros dad needed to give his son a legacy passed down..."rebirthing the world" said mr linderman. Why would they need to rebirth it? Was it before or after the "all of them" came out and did what?

Please reply your agreement or disagreements cause I'm confused with my own thoughts on season 2!
over a year ago tric7400 said…
Maybe its Lord Voldemort, you can't get much worse than him ;D
over a year ago doonis said…
I think it might be West.
over a year ago duckgoddess said…
Maybe West killed Kaito, which fits the physical description and the killer flew away so it kind of fits.

*spoilers for 204*

We do know that Molly's nightmare guy is Parkman's dad. What power does he have that enables him to see Molly and does it have anything to do with how Matt can read minds?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago danrowe said…
I think duckgoddess may be on the right lines.

It is possible that Matt's Father can SEE peoples thoughts, instead of Matt's ability to HEAR them.

Maybe Parkman's Father has used experience to focus on people all over the world(like Molly), which allows him to see what she is thinking or dreaming, and being able to intervene at any time.

It sounds incredibly complicated but it's just a possibilty.

over a year ago harold said…
Just wanted to point out that we saw the cockroach again when Sylar killed the kid from New Jersey. Since Sylar didn't use any power to kill the kid - he beat him to death with a brick - I suspect that the cockroach is a symbol of Sylar's vileness. It could also reference Mohinder's blab about the cockroach being the most evolved creature - a perfect symbol for Sylar, in fact: advanced (in terms of evolution) but disgusting.

Edit: Whoops! I plumb forgot to talk to the actual thread topic! OK, here goes: I may just be too enamored of my earlier idea, but I'm getting more convinced that Mr. Parkman (Sr.) is a mind-rider, or at least someone who can trap people's minds and then use their bodies. The end of the episode, with Molly faintly crying for help, makes me think that her psyche is trapped in her body, but no longer in the "forefront"...I was really expecting the horror ending where she'd open her eyes and they'd be a different color (or something hokey like that), whereupon she'd say "I feel much better now" or something. Thankfully, they didn't do that (yet) - that sort of creepy behavior is limited to Sylar, so far.

I also think that the mind rider idea would work well with what happened to Angela Petrelli: I don't think she broke those mirrors and gouged herself (but of course I could be wrong). Nathan - who is a small man - could have been possessed by this guy to bump off Kaito and fly away.

But then again, I'm really attached to this idea of mind riders. In Hemingway's terms, it's one of my "darlings" - I actually wrote it into a treatment for a TV series a couple of years ago.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tric7400 said…
I know how I would keep Sylar occupied and it wouldn't be by playing dead...
over a year ago abhinavg90 said…
hey dont be so harsh on sylar
hes just a nice guy.. mistaken
he doesnt kill. he takes powers from those won dont deserve it
so he isnt evil. hes just mentally ill.. he wants to be spcecial
over a year ago dojiboy9 said…
Worse than sylar, aka "the nightmare man" , in molly's case is Maury Parkman, matts dad, apparently, as shown in the series (Maury, i think, cuz it was on some thing... just trust me).

He has the EXACT same ability as Matt (his son). But his ability is much more powerful (due to the experience he's had). He can not just HEAR thoughts... he can SEE thoughts. and FEEL thoughts. and to an extreme degree, he can make another person HEAR thoughts and SEE thoughts and FEEL thoughts... thats how he inflicts "nightmares" kinda.

HE HAS TO BE IN CLOSE CONTACT... just like Matt.

Notice how, he "went after Bob". He literally left the building, and walked and is going after Bob. He has to be nearby. Or else he could inflict nightmares upon anyone he wanted just by thinking of them. NO... he has to be within a few dozen metres.

(note that the nightmares can't hurt you. You can only think you're being hurt or something, but it is impossible to do physical damage... he makes u think ur getting hurt/attacked, so u fight back.. or fight urself.. or bang into something... like angela petrelli was scratching at herself from the nightmare)

NOW.. why could he attack molly from LONG RANGE!? Because of molly's power. She locked onto him using her own power, and in doing so, she "connected minds" with him. Once this has occured, he can do anything to her, as if she was standing in the same room. But this can only happen once her "mind" is actually nearby.

While molly sleeps... she thinks about different things and stuff. She may have accidentally thought about him some times in her dreams, and so her power subconsciously activates... causing her to see him, and he can see into her mind as well... but his powers dont work on her when she isnt thinking about him.
over a year ago the_bunkster said…
hangon, are you sure that he eats there brains? i thought he just took out their brain to see how it worked adn then sumhow got the power like that, eating their brain is totally disturbing
over a year ago --heavyrocker-- said…
i think that the person worse than sylar could be kensi who may have the power to teleport as he has the sword
i reckon i could be wrong but its just a theory
i think that charles's power is to summon people any where and anytime in the past or future
also i think sylar will be killed by this "worse than sylar person" and then the "worse than sylar" may take his identity
over a year ago harold said…
No, I think it was pretty clear that Parkman Sr. was the "worse than Sylar" person Molly meant. But a note on the Sylar discussion: we can only hope that the Sylar storyline will end somehow...that, or improve. Of course, I don't want the protagonists to become ruthless killers, but it's getting ridiculous with Sylar in every episode to no purpose. Along those lines, I'd be happy to have Sylar disappear for a while - a season or two, perhaps? - only to return again with a vengeance. In that way, it would be more like a comic, where the villains go underground to nurse their wounds and hatreds for a while before putting new plans into action. The way the show has been doing it, it's like The Real World: Sylar edition, and totally boring.
over a year ago ipodfan said…
i think it is maya or her brother but i don't relay no but i will keep up to date with the sierras