Heroes what do you think Linderman's plan is with Mika?

topstarxx posted on May 08, 2007 at 01:32PM
i don't think it remains clear, does he need Mika to help get rid of Sylar? and if so what will Mika do?

Heroes 11 replies

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over a year ago papa said…
Another fan, Harold, had suggested that he'd be using Mika to fix the election (presumably by messing with the voting machines/computer tabulation or something).
over a year ago Muse_Fan86 said…
Linderman might turn out just to be a common thief... while all the commotion of the explosion is happening, he's got MICAH to rob the banks with his ability?
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
Micah, not Mika.

I think, like Harold, that Micah will rig the election, but he'll go against it and make sure Nathan doesn't get elected.
over a year ago yoshi8710 said…
if Michah makes sure that nathan dosnt get elected, then how come he (sylar) is president in five years gone?
over a year ago rookyboy said…
Beacuse they are tryin to change the future and it can be changed.
over a year ago pimpin1 said…
Micah is going to rig the election to make Nathan win using his power. Micah will probably not do it though. I think that Sylar will kill Candice in the next episode
over a year ago Niwdog said…
Mika? Who Mika that wierd girly singer guy, who has song named something like "Love today"? I didn't know he was in Heroes? Oh!
over a year ago ciaran said…
dono u spelt micah wrong
over a year ago ayvid said…
I quite think Harold's idea makes a lot of sense. If he can make an out of service atm work, Micah could easily change the votes. And yea, he does seem rather opposed to following orders, so I'm not decided on what exactly he will change the votes to!
over a year ago tubby2002 said…
That makes a whole lot of sense to me. I have to agree with Harold also and say that I think Micah is going to be used to rig the election. Although, I am not sure how doing that is going to be 'saving the world' as Linderman put it.
over a year ago thecon said…
That makes sense. Maybe Nathan doesn't win, but then the question is who does? We haven't seen the other candidates yet, maybe there is a surprise in store there?