Heroes Thoughts on Heroes Chapter 20 "Five Years Gone"

rodthemod posted on May 01, 2007 at 06:01AM
Wow. What a killer episode. So much good stuff.

All along I was worried that future Hiro was Sylar or Peter using Candace's power. It was so sweet when Sylar revealed himself as Nathan.

So the big questions:
*What's up with Peter's scar? How did he get it?
*How the hell did Peter survive the explosion?
*Looks like Ted bit the dust since Sylar was busting out some Ted-like moves in his battle with Peter (poor dude)
*Despite enjoying the episode, on reflection I have a hard time imagining someone as unstable as Sylar maintaining the necessary illusion of being Presidential.
*Why would Sylar allow Parkman and The Haitian to live? Given his propensity to slice-n-dice all the Heroes he comes in contact with, why lay off them? I can understand having Parkman run around as his flunky, but having The Haitian's power seems critical to me. With the Haitian's power he could probably best Peter in a 1 on 1 fight by neutralizing some of Peter's abilities.
*What kind of power does Matthew Jr. have?
*Where is Linderman in all of this? And can his power counter Sylar by bringing the dead heroes (like Claire) back to life?

I'm sure there are other questions, but those are a few I had. Let's discuss!

Heroes 15 replies

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over a year ago dave said…
Another fantastic episode! This final 5 is really strong so far. I was totally thrown off by Nathan being Sylar. I thought that his greed for power could have changed him into someone that selfish and cold. I really liked the stark contrast between future Hiro and present Hiro and the reasoning behind why they were so different (loss of Ando). And it was cool to see HRG being a good guy and harboring Heroes. The showdown between future Sylar and future Peter was pretty intense too even though they didn't show anything. I wonder if Sylar got some kind of ice power (his hands turned blue). Could have collected some more cool powers in the 5 years since the explosion.

I still wish there was some more explanation around Hiro's acts of terrorism and why Parkman would be okay with taking down other heroes. Same goes for Mohinder.

If you paid close attention, they mentioned the "Linderman Act" four years ago during the news segment referring to the capture of 200 heroes.
over a year ago eve said…
Anyone have a link to episode 20 yet? :P
over a year ago Petrelli-fan said…
Please somone post us an ep 20 link!
over a year ago carowould said…
For the love of GOD: post a link someone. Heroes fans in the UK have no way to watch until you do, and all this discussion is driving me crazy with suspense!
over a year ago flyman said…
oh my goodness. PLEASE someone post a link to episode 20! i'm dying not knowing what's happening!
over a year ago Lucica said…

it's not a very good feed - can someone please load it to veoh?
over a year ago flutterly said…
I used Bittorrent and got the episode hours ago..

I don't understand how Peter still has the scar. Since they saved Claire in this new timeline, it means that Peter should have her regeneration power. So he shouldn't still have a scar.
over a year ago Lucica said…
I posted a video on the front page, but it hasn't appeared yet... maybe I did something wrong. Anyway, here it is:
over a year ago Pinkishgirly said…
OMG i can't belive Claire died!! Did she really die???
over a year ago Muse_Fan86 said…
I thought this was going to happen... this episode was SO unnecessary but then a tiny part of you was thinking "what if?". Sure if you took this episode out of the rotation, it wouldn't actually bare any difference on the rest of the story and how things turn out in the "present", but it's nice to at least feel they NEED to succeed, if not, Sylar becomes President, Parkman becomes the next Heinrich Himmler (look him up, will make sense), and Nikki and Peter hook up... hmm, would never have guessed all that in a million years (seriously not being sarcastic).

But another reason for this episode is the writers probably wanted to show that anyone can die at any given moment, past, present, or future. But then another thing I've realised is maybe there are certain things in the past you just can't change... I mean Claire didn't die at Homecoming but definately did five years into the future. Charlie didn't die from Sylar, but by a brain tumour, and in Future Hiro trying to change the past, it didn't do anything. Just makes you think there's another way about the series.

AND FINALLY... and I mean it this time :p to Dave earlier saying "I wonder if Sylar got some kind of ice power (his hands turned blue)" he's always had an ice power as the first murder that we heard Sylar commit (in episode order, not chronologically in the Heroes Universe) when Slyar tried to kill Molly and her family, the folks were incased in ice blocks... that in itself shows either Molly's mum or dad had that power before Sylar nabbed it. Must be Molly's mum or dad as Molly now definately has a power... but what? Must be big as Primatech say she's the only one that can stop Sylar :S

And I'm done :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago harold said…
So I was really impressed with this episode, "Five Years Later" (season 1, episode 20) - it made me interested in the series again, when my interest was really flagging with the inferior episode 19 before it (where everything was predictable and the whole episode was just connecting dots). Of course, I always have liked "alternate reality" stories...

...except that what we've seen isn't an alternate reality. It was very clever of the writers to throw so much in there to attempt to confuse the issue, but if you re-watch it, you'll realize that - so far, at least - the Heroes have not changed anything from the timeline that led to the future depicted here. Future Hiro makes a comment about Sylar killing Claire and getting her power - but we find out he's WRONG - Sylar didn't have Claire's power when Hiro attacked him (because Claire was still alive in the future), so "Present Hiro" going back to the present to attack him again is merely repeating history. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

It's pretty clever, and it's nice to see how the Heroes can continue to make mistakes like that.

Flutterly, I think that Peter must keep the scar to remind himself of what happened, since - as you say - presumably he could heal himself otherwise. I'm just glad that he was still keeping his hair out of his face!
over a year ago felipevito said…
peter shouldnt have a scar because he has the same power as claire, the healing power.

what i dont understand is what happenned to nathan petrelli.

and how did peter and nikki get together??
over a year ago watever said…
Did DL (in d future) die cos of d explosion or cos sylar killed him?? cos Nathan (sylar in disguise)reached through the door and pulled Peter out(could DL get people thru barriers?)...oh, and dat means Sylar killed d girl that morphs too!
over a year ago rookyboy said…
Have you noticed that clarie was alive meaning that they did save her but not saved. This could mean that its unstopable.
over a year ago harold said…
Exactly, rookyboy! Nothing has changed, and there's no sign in the show so far that they *can* change anything (since they haven't, yet). Hiro thought/thinks/will think that saving Claire is key, because he (incorrectly, as it turns out) assumes that Sylar survives his attack because he has Claire's power.