Heroes of Olympus RP Club The Getting to know Forum

Blaze_of_Ares posted on Apr 28, 2013 at 04:21AM
Yeah, get to know each other here and do whatever you like...

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 9323 replies

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over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Wow that was random
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
Spike, its been a while. Nice to see back.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

Your kind of forum Spike
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
I'm reading it at the moment and it certainly sounds like that.
And it sounds like the dragons survived further than they did in the original timeline, which I am completely okay with, because, you know, dragons are cool. If memory serves then Sheepstealer and Cannibal were not confirmed dead at this point in time, just missing. The Dornish are part of the seven kingdoms, which is great because I love the Martell's, and ya-boy-Bloodraven (Pretty much the coolest character around) is around doing his thing, hating Blackfyre's and ruling behind the scenes. (Although he isn't Hand of the King in this version to my knowledge, can't imagine ol' Brynden is happy about that.)
I'm thinking up a number of characters to travel together in a small band. A Blackwood, a Bracken, a Hightower, a Ironborn bastard, a Martell, a marcher lord of some description, maybe a Dondarrion? And a exiled some islander, who will probably be the most reasonable character as he is the only one who doesn't have a blood feud with someone else in the party. (Blackwood's and Bracken's are like cats and dogs, Marcher lords have fought the Dornish for generations, the Ironborn and Hightower's are almost polar opposites.) I feel I'm way less tempted to make a super OP character when I have a fair roster to play with. This will take a while though, not even mentioning what it took to get all these characters together, plus I need to catch up with the current plot-threads in the forum. I'm thinking Oldtown will be a focal point for this, considering it's one of the five true cities of Westeros and a huge port, wellspring of information, etc. It's no wonder why it was the "Center" of Westeros before King's Landing.
Oh, and I can quote Targaryen succession from back to front, because it's "super-important".
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
I wrote myself a bio for a half dozen characters, dunno for sure how I'll apply them to the story yet though, but I have a rough idea.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
So many words... Good ol' days. So I finally bought Dark Souls two Scholar of the first... Damn, haven't raged so hard in ages.
Spikegilfer1997 commented…
One of the games I have purchased but can't play because my computer is made of cardboard *Le sigh* over a year ago
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
Yep, I bent the timeline a little so we can have our favourite beast. You should read the lore I made, if you have the time that is, its quite long. There are two dragons currently, Vermithor and Kasyx, both MIA.

The world of that RP is in chaos right now and there are two parts of the story. One is Westeros, mainly Dorne and the other in Essos.
And sadly, Lord Brynden sees no more(As far as we know). The Fire has been doused and the Blood was washed away.
I won't elaborate further and spoil the story for you.

I'm excited to see what you'll cook up in this Role Play.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
What about the Blackfyre Dragon? I was under the impression it was with the Black King.

The two stories revolve around what happens after the Fall, which is when Prince Aelor fled to Essos. There is Rise of the Dragon Which describes the hardships the company in Essos faced to help their dragon become a King. Then there is The Black Reign, which tells the tale of Aeden and Rakhelis' journey to muster a rebellion against the Blackfyres. Currently, the two are in Dorne, but are heading West.

As far as how to properly join, you must decide first which story you would like to invest in first, creating your main character in one of the Articles, which you can message me for the Form. But after that you've free reign to develop any and all characters you like.

In terms of joining the Rise of the Dragon, it'd be best to wait until they reach Pentos.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
oh god... The conversations that happen when Spike comes back haha
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
The Blackfyre's came about after the extinction of the dragons. They are usually referred to as "The black dragons" because their sigil is the inversion of the Targaryen (As bastards are wont to do, apparently the inverse colors of the Stark sigil is Jon's banner. One that he never uses, because you know, Night's Watch) Why the Tagaryen sigil had a red dragon instead of a black one to begin with, I don't know.

I'll probably start off with "The Black Reign", or at least, that's what the band of characters I've thought up would be suited to, I'll investigate "The rise of the Dragon" later. My internet connection during the weekend is kinda sketchy, so I'll probably do more during the week.
Rogue475 commented…
information that is already known I'm afraid. Blaze and I are fairly well versed in the lore of Game of Thrones, though I've not finished Book one. (Meh...) over a year ago
Spikegilfer1997 commented…
I've gone off the show completely since season four. From what I've heard about season five it seems like a good decision over a year ago
Spikegilfer1997 commented…
Well, I've heard they just make Dany into a generic badass stoic Queen archetype, but it's Stannis I got miffed about. That and "Ramsay's twenty good men" nonsense. over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
No season five wasn't terribly wonderful. Some cool fights, but mostly deaths that weren't at all needed.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Hey Spike, two things; you might think to get Whatsapp, it's the app Blaze and I use to plan stuff out for the stories. Also what are your thoughts so far on how you're going to join?
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I see. Funny when I know what happens at the end of season five even though I don't watch it.

in other words, Modern History Essays suck -_-
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Spike, it's been eight days since we've heard from you.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Wake the Fuck up!!!!!
Don't let this club die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wake the Fuck up!!!!!
Don't let this club die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I'm here! :)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Now stay here! ^_^
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I will, don't worry
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"There is no greater story than the history of mankind, from the striking of the first fire, to the landing at Iwo Jima. This story is the ultimate in best-sellers, the longest running tale in our existence, and every man, woman, and even child, is apart of this experience. Yet some chose to deny this history, this story, believing instead that the world remains to be made, and that history is dictated by the present and the future. By denying the past, humanity itself is dooming our future."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
We need new forums to post in.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Yeah we do. I'm not sure what they could be about though
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Blaze, get in this discussion!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
He's sent me a message without posting here...