Heroes of Olympus RP Club Camp Demi-Titan 2: New Beginnings

darkling_menace posted on Dec 03, 2012 at 11:50PM
(I'm remaking Camp Demi-Titan because the old one is a disaster zone to me now, this isn't a sequel. Heres the story for those of you who are new, and for those who know it, there are a few changes.)
During the second Titan war, when the Titans were losing, they decided to take a page out of the gods playbook, several of the Titans mated with mortal men and women to create an army of Demi-Titans that were much stronger and powerful than demigods. But when the Titans lost the war, the Demi-Titans were never put into battle,and they were abandoned by their parents, many of them hated their parents for what they did to them. The Demi-Titans could not find any allies with gods or demigods, but they still try to, so they made their own society, where they train to get ready for the next war with the Titans, or something worse. It was named, Camp Demi-Titan. (The metal that Demi-Titans use to make weapons is Dark Titanium, metal forged by Metis in Tartarus itself, and Demi-Titans don't heal with ambrosia and nectar, instead, we have pomegranates planted and grown by Rhea)

Now for some rules:
#1: Don't be overpowered, or have powers that just plain don't make sense. (I will determine what is overpowered)
#2: Your characters must have no connections/relations with the gods or demigods. (unless they are convenient to some kind of plot)
#3: Don't stray from anything I establish. (I had a bunch of people going to Camp Half-Blood and stirring things up, I'm not having that here)

To join, just fill out this profile.



Titan Parent:

Mortal Parent:




List of Titans to use:
Asteria, Atlas, Oceanus, Hyperion, Coeus, Crius, Iapetus, Mnemosyne, Tethys, Phoebe, Themis, Eos, Selene, Leto, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Metis, Pallas, Perses, Astraeus, Helios, Lelantos, Menoitus, Styx, Dione.

Eli Mason, Prometheus (darkling_menace)
Cara D'Lassio, Atlas (Nicolicious)
Reina Nightshade, Atlas (JasmineValdez)
Jack Mitchell, Oceanus (ConnerandTravis)
Blaze Takumi Phoenix, Hyperion (Blaze_of_Ares)
Alvin Hamilton II, Oceanus (Alvin2442)
Blake Angelo Carter, Pallas (Blake_Angelo)
Brian Mc'Knight, Prometheus (Rogue475)
Cato Tycho, Astraeus (Hades_Shadow)
Lucine Ayla Chandrakanta Shatterwind, Selene (percabeth_forev)
Kiera Mason, Phoebe (ShadowRanger)
Raymond Brown, Hyperion (whitedragon12)
Leighton Tait, Menoitus (hippy-hoppy)
last edited on Jan 03, 2013 at 08:56AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 527 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 527

over a year ago darkling_menace said…
Name: Eli Mason.

Age: 18.

Titan Parent: Prometheus.

Mortal Parent: Priscilla Mason.

Powers: Can control fire, create life from clay, and can regenerate wounds (after a day).

Weapons: A gray metal unlit torch that can create a blade of fire from the top. (kinda like a lightsaber)

Looks: Tall, medium length straight black hair, wears a dark brown trench coat, a black T-shirt, dark blue jeans, and black boots.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
(I'm gonna join but not use the same character. I'm starting again. You don't mind if I join cause I think partly killed your other forum? If I did I'm sorry)
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(yes you did, i accept you apology, and this RP is about new beginnings, so you can use a new character if you want)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
(Ok. Thanks. I'll start again. :) )

Name: Cara D'Lassio

Age: 18

Titan Parent: Atlas

Mortal Parent: Tanaya D'Lassio(Deceased)

Powers: Imcreased Strength, Stuff to do with dirt, I dunno.

Weapons: A brown bow called Cliffhanger and a Black Greatsword called Grimsever.

Looks: Tall, Brown haired, Medium build, Wears a Green hoodie and brown cargo pants.

over a year ago JasmineValdez said…

Name: Reina Nightshade (Zoe's sister)

Age: 14

Titan Parent: Atlas

Mortal Parent: Unknown

Powers: Summon balls of light, like mini-stars, also can summon shadows. Occasionally, but rarely she can summon portals that look like black holes. Slightly increased strength and endurance compared to other Demi-titans

Weapon: A sword made of fused Celestial Bronze,Stygian Iron,Dark Tartar, and Imperial Gold, it appears swirl like pictures of galaxies.

Personality: She's usually nice, but sometimes dark and mysterious.

Looks: Blonde hair with a black streak, copper colored eyes. Usually wears jeans, black combat boots, and a black Aeropostale hoodie.
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(any daughter of Atlas would technically be Zoes' sister but okay)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
(Lol....wait that men's I'm Zoe's sister.)

I walk around camp.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(i'll try to join tomarrow)
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(thats right NicoL)
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Name: Jack Mitchell

Age: 15

Titan Parent: Oceanus

Mortal Parent: Sarah Mitchell

Powers: Control over sea water.

Weapons: A sword made of whatever the metal demi-titans use with a pouch filled with sea water in the center.

Looks: Jet black hair, sort of muscled, tan. Tallish, bright blue eyes. Usually has a blue shirt and blue shoes.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
(Cool :D)

over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I sit at the beach, thinking about my mom.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…

I walk to the Forge and start crafting a dagger.
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(celestial bronze?)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
(Where is your Dark Tartar C&T!)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
(I'll fix it tomorrow. It won't allow me to fix it now. I'm on my iPod so yeah.)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…

I cool the dagger and walk back to my cabin.
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
On the way I bump into someone. "Sorry." I say.
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(fact: Dark Tartar ore is partially explosive, any exposure to fire will cause the surface of it to explode in a shower of sparks and flames, the fire cannot be put out by conventional means, and it can also burn under water. The only way to prevent surface explosion the metal must be forged, and to prevent your face from burning off, Camp Demi-Titan has a closed furnace for smelting the ore given to us by Metis, the Titaness of crafts and wisdom)
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(Jasmine, your characters powers make no sense)
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
(How? They're exactly like the last forum, you were okay with them then.)
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(because i didnt look at it in the last forum, why do you think i made a new one?)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
(Don't bitch peeps.)

over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
Name: Blaze Takumi Phoenix

Age: 17

Titan Parent: Hyperion

Mortal Parent: Kyoko Takumi

Powers: (Must I repeat this?) Light and fire

Weapons: A gold katana and a bronze katana

Looks: Pic (I'll change my appearance)
last edited over a year ago
Name: Blaze Takumi Phoenix 

Age: 17

Titan Parent: Hyperion

Mortal Parent: Kyoko Takumi

over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(you must repeat this, and bronze?)
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(is the name of Camp Demi-Titan just cursed now wtf?)
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
(Pretty much.)
I sighed and look at my sword.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Name: Alvin Hamilton II

Age: 17

Titan Parent: Oceanus

Mortal Parent: Adrian Ewing

Powers: Hydrokinesis

Weapons: A 4ft long Dark Tarter sword.

Looks: Sea Green Eyes. Jet Black Hair. Tanned Skin.
Name: Alvin Hamilton II

Age: 17

Titan Parent: Oceanus

Mortal Parent: Adrian Ewing

over a year ago Nicolicious said…
(Why isn't anyone Rping?)

I walk away to the Arena and start slashing dummies.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Yeah, I haven't got a Dark Tatar katana yet)
I bring 3 boars back "Dinner everybody...." I drop them near the firepit and walk off. I go to Eli "Can you get me some Dark Tatar? I need one to make a weapon"
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
we keep it in the armory, get whatever you need
over a year ago Blake_Angelo said…
Name: Blake Angelo Carter

Age: 17

Titan Parent: Pallas

Mortal Parent: Maria Carter

Powers: Controls any type of weapons

Weapons: A sword was a spear as it's hilt

Looks: Picture
Name: Blake Angelo Carter

Age: 17

Titan Parent: Pallas 

Mortal Parent: Maria Carter

over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Okay thanks" runs to the forge and start forging
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I walk to my tent and pass Blake. "Hey." I say smiling.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I walk out the forge holding a katana made of Dark Tatar (Why Tatar...it reminds me of Choclate...) "Done! My weapon of mass destruction"
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I look at Blaze and shake my head. "Oh titans." I mutter,

(I was thinking. Would we say Titans or gods still?)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(lol....Ippy was orginal lord of the Underworld...I guess we would cuss as mortal cuss...?)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Why can't we use Dark Caesium? Caesium is the heaviest metal on earth. Unless you wanna stick to Dark Tatar)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I walk to the forest to test out my new weapon
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(Tartar, as in Tartarus, where the metal is from, but i guess we could have the name of an actual metal like bronze, gold, or iron, but maybe a different metal, to the periodic table! And as for the "do we say gods or titans?" thing, im not that sure, i think we should just say titans, i'll think of a reason why later)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Cause we hate our parents and say it to mock them ? Holy Hyperion! Crius Crap! XD)
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(well i feel like an idiot for not thinking of this in the first place, but the new metal is Dark Titanium, literally named after the titans, and in its purest form, can become quite explosive when exposed to nitrogen, but Dark Titanium does so with fire)
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(Since Kronos isnt on the list, does that mean I cant transfer Nero over?)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(yeah i was gonna ask if we could use titanium, since Zephyr is Brian's Titanium sword.)
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(no Kronos, the king of the titans didnt want anymore children, godly or otherwise, he learned his lesson the last time. We're using this different version of Titanium, Dark Titanium comes from Tartarus, it was supplied to Demi-Titans during the war, and the camp has the remaining metal that was left after the war)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Name: Brian Mc'Knight


Titan parent: Prometheus

Mortal mother: Kelly Mc'Knight

Power: I can Summon and control fire (while also being immune to fire)
i also have the ability to control humans, demigods, and few monsters (who were once humans) - although i get very exhausted moments afterward, therefore i rarely use that ability.

Weapon: Zephyr; my sword is made of a titanium alloy in which the blade was doused in Dragon flame therefore the blade will not melt or break and if i so choose to can ignite the blade) , and the handle is made of black ebony.

Personality: Confident, Energetic, Rebellious, Smart, and a Lone Wolf

Looks: Black rugged hair, green eyes, medium build, moderatly handsome, Black jacket, red shirt, blue jeans, with black converse sneakers
Name: Brian Mc'Knight 


Titan parent: Prometheus 

Mortal mother: Kelly Mc'Knight
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Will this work, i changed a bit since last time?)
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(there is no part for personality, i got rid of that after realizing that personality is something that can change a lot, well for me anyways)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Okay, i just copied and pasted from my original Profile)