Heroes of Olympus RP Club Camp New Blood

darkling_menace posted on Nov 12, 2012 at 04:21PM
After the war with the giants, the Greeks and the Romans learned to live in peace and coexist, and the demigod heroes who fought and lived grew up and had children of their own. These children lived with their parents at the demigod camps, but after a while, they wanted to be more independent, so a group of them left their parents and went to form a camp of their own, Camp New Blood. The camp is hidden within the forests of michigan, tree nymphs guide the New Bloods to the camp, the camp is more like a small town, similar to the one in Camp Jupiter, but smaller. The new bloods live in hotels with each of their own rooms, and there is no designated breakfast, lunch, or dinner time, they choose to eat whenever at one of the few diners. There are also places to train, like Camp Half-Blood, there is an archery range, a running track, a river, a forge, a gymnasium, a training arena, and a large field for camp games. The camp is run by several minor gods, they watch over us and protect us, but in their off time, they also run shops. Thats pretty much all i have for now, feel free to ask any questions and i'll add details when they come up, fill out this for to join.

Rules: rulebreakers will recieve an X by their name until they follow the rules, and will be striken from the list after 3 weeks if not changed.
1) You can only be descended from one Olympian.
2) You cannot be descended from a Titan or any other immortal being, just gods.
3) You cannot be overpowered (What is normal for a Half-Blood, may be overpowered for a New Blood).
4) Your characters mother and father cannot be characters from the book.
5) You can only have one natural power, any other power must come from a magical item or weapon



Mothers Name: (preferably maiden name)
Mothers Immortal Parent:

Fathers Name:
Fathers Immortal Parent:



Other Info:

The New Bloods: (The two gods names mean who you are descended from)
William Hart, Apollo/Eros (darkling_menace)
Reina Jackson, Poseidon/Athena (JasmineValdez) X
Zachery O' Connel, Jupiter/Unknown (Rogue475)
Stevie Marin, Hermes/Hypnos (darange)
Kris Smith, Hephaestus/Atalanta (ConnerandTravis)
Ember Green, Jupiter/Aphrodite (KatieK102) X
Parker Green, Jupiter/Aphrodite (KatieK102) X
Cirno Smith, Hermes/Iris (Anima_135)
Blaze Phoenix, Mars/Bellona (Blaze_of_Ares )
Cara De'Lassio, Thanatos/Athena (Nicolicious)
Angel Talkmna, Eos/ Hades (werevamp246)
Andrew Hamilton, Poseidon/Nike (Alvin2442)
Ella Hamilton, Poseidon/Nike (horse22133454)
Stephanie Adriene Mae Grigori, Alethia/Eros (percabeth_forev)
Kiera Mason, Apollo/Khione (ShadowRanger)
last edited on Dec 03, 2012 at 12:35AM

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