Heroes of Olympus RP Club Make a Demigod of a God Who is a God

Nicolicious posted on May 19, 2012 at 01:02AM
This is an RP where you can be the child of a Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse or any other god from another ancient civilization or even a game or something :D

Here is da form

Immortal Parent:
Mythical history your parent is from(e.g. Norse, Egypt):
Mortal Parent:
Gods side or Dalton's and my side:


Norse Demigods:

Egyptian Demigods:
Seth Diablolos-Set-Darkling_menace

Roman Demigods:

Greek Demigods:

Aztec Demigods:

I'll add the other ones later :P
last edited on May 28, 2012 at 10:16AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 85 replies

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over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Tezcatlipoca-God of magic, war and death
Aztec Mythology
As I always look
Nice, calm, courageous and speaks her mind
A serpent called Ölüm(death)
None yet
Has extreme ADHD and slight Dyslexia
over a year ago torrent said…
Immortal Parent:thor
Mythical history your parent is from(e.g. Norse, Egypt):norse
Mortal Parent:black widow
Looks:like thor
Personality:just like thor
Pet/s:a norse seamonster called jormunder
Girlfriend/Boyfriend:none yet
Other:when his father was struck down by jormunder he took mjinlor and made it his own and later tamed jormunder and ended up bonding with him
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I walked through camp glancing at the greeks
over a year ago torrent said…
I fly into camp with mjinlor and jormunder and I angle down twoards the ground and I hit causing a massive explosion and the crater I created is sparking with electricity and I walk out and throw mjinlor at a dummy and lift my hand and mjinlor atomaticly comes back to me and I summon lightning and start to do an awsome dance routine along with the posiden cabin zeus and hades cabin and when where done we all gather and a group and and laugh are butts off*man I love doing that
over a year ago torrent said…
That was fun*I walk to my cabin sit down and cry I shouldn't be here I should be out there helping the avengers I am the son of two avengers to heros a god and a super assasin
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I walk past Thor's cabin and here crying "Damn I gotta help someone again." I open the door and see Dalton sitting on the floor crying "Dalton?"
over a year ago torrent said…
what cara cant you see i hate life here i need to be out there ever since my dad died and my mom retired the avengers have been in trouble alot*i stand up push pass cara and call jormunder and i fly out of camp*if i cant help save the world mabey ill help destroy it
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"I'm alone." I say as he flys away
over a year ago torrent said…
I fly above the avengers helicarrier and force lightning to strike it down and call upon jormunder to tear it apart and he does leaving it a scrp heapand I see sheilds getting up from the rubble so I fly over to him*you should have let me help save the world*I hit him in the face with mjinlor and break his neck
over a year ago torrent said…
From the darks of hearts to the lights of hights I summon loki he of ancient evil he of black magic and fire and trickery the snake in between the gap and uncle to me bring him here to me*loki appears*hello uncle
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Name: Jack
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Immortal Parent: Thor
Mythical history your parent is from(e.g. Norse, Egypt): Norse
Mortal Parent: Dead
Looks: Kind of like Thor
Personality: Easy going
Pet/s: none
Girlfriend/Boyfriend: none yet
Other: Trained with my dad, is fast.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I walked into an entrance, looking for my brother, Dalton.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I leave Dalton's cabin and walks into Jack. "Sorry." I wipe away tears
over a year ago torrent said…
*I fly into camp with loki and start destroying it and I use mjinlorjack to knock out
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Why so sad there? It's okay."
over a year ago torrent said…
I fly down to jack*hello brother what brings thee hear are you here to help save the world or destroy it if you choose to save we are enemys and I will kill you but if you choose to destroy it tthen we are friends and I welcome you with open arms
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Destroy. Dad always taught us to destroy. Or was that someone else?"
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"oh damn. I'll join you guys cause no one respects Aztecs"
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"The more the merrier." I smile.
over a year ago torrent said…
good because fury is dead trust me i killed him myself oh and loki i lied*i break loki's kneck and absorb his powers and i seperate them among me jack and cara
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Okay...so who are we gonna kill...wait we need a base and we need to recruit Demigods"
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"What kind of demigods live here? Norse? Roman? Aztec? Greek?"
over a year ago torrent said…
Every kind and I know just how to play them like a deck of cards but ill need your help I need you guys to create an illousion of zeus and hades to have them banish us all then leave it to me
over a year ago torrent said…
The illusion zeus and hades appear in camp*
Zeus-I king of the gods banish you all for stealing my lightning bolt and hades key of the dead
me-you can't banish us from something you don't own perpare you will have war on your hands and not just with the greeks with all types of demigods to along with the norse gods and godesses along with the egyptian gods and the aztec gods and godesses
over a year ago torrent said…
And jack I lied*I punch jack making him fly 3000 yards to the right*dad was one of the good guys see I hate dad because he said I would never be good enough to join the avengers but aparrently I'm strong enough to beat them to a pulp
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I land in rubble of a cabin. "Dad was concerned of your angry issues. He wanted you to become calmer and not freak out about every little detail." I said sprinting back.
over a year ago torrent said…
i had no anger issues he was just an ass to me*i swing mjinlor hitting jake over his head knocking him into a coma
over a year ago torrent said…
Jack do you want to know the true reason dad died it was because I killed him and blamed it on jormunder I struck him down with his own weapon I struck him down with mjinlor so good bye brother*I begin to pummel jack with mjinlor till his face gives in*goodbye*I say with a evil glint in my eyes
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I wake up. I snatch mjinlor. "You are evil. You are not my brother." I smash Dalton's head. "Never try that again."
over a year ago torrent said…
i let mjinlor hit my head then i lift my hand and mjinlor flies into it*brother when dad died mjinlor chosse me so say goodbye to your old life*i put mjinlor to his head send an electrical shock erasing his memories
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I black out. I wake up an hour later. "So sad brother. You think you can erase all my memories? Cute. But cuteness doesn't win the war." I grab a hammer. "Any last words?" I smile evilly.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I stand there laughing like mad
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
Name: Seth Diabolos

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Immortal Parent: Set God of evil

Mythical history your parent is from: Egypt

Mortal Parent: Karen Diabolos

Looks: Tall, skinny, long black hair, eyebrow piercing in left eyebrow, demon tattoo on his right shoulder, wears a black sleeveless shirt, blue jeans, white sneakers, and leather gloves
Personality: Psychotic, cynical, ruthless, heartless, of course only now he doesnt show the power of tru evil, that'll be for the future

Gods side or Dalton's and my side: (i dont get this one, so i wont answer it)
over a year ago torrent said…
Yes duck boy that is a toy hammer oh and you forgot I am stronger seeing how I have all of loki's powers along with dads and grandfathers see I killed them all*I grow to be 300 ft tall*your puny hammer can do nothing*I step on jack
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I shadow travel away to the woods of Mexico and sit on the ruins of my dads temple
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*is standing in a desert in Arizona, creating sandstorms and burning desert creatures with my red staff*
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I pray to my dad and see a jaguar coming towards me. He recognizes me as a Jaguar Warrior so he bows and sits by me
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*a large dust devil is heading toward me, its pretty large and red, i brace for impact, but the dust devil stops in front of me and a person forms in it, its Set*
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I dodge the foot. "You didnt realized that I trained with avengers. I also trained with some superheroes as well. Like flash, superman, captian America, hulk, spiderman, ironman, batman, and others. I have learned skills that it will take you a thousand years to learn. Sadly you have that much time left." I throw a spear into Dalton's eye. "goodbye brother. Forever."
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
(i know this whole thing is made up and not real, but Flash, Superman, and Batman arent even in the same universe as Hulk, Spiderman, Iron Man, and Captain America)
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
(Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo If you read that, I said I was trained by OTHER superheroes)
over a year ago torrent said…
i pick up jack*i trained those heros and i have now trained you end simulation*camp dissapears and where in the helicarrier*see i have been an avenger for the past 5 yrs
over a year ago torrent said…
but we still need to over throw the gods they have been expirementing on demigods trying to make super human demigods
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Kind of like Captain America? Right?"
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I sigh and sit down on the metal floor of the hellicarrier "Can we like go kick but or something?"
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I sit down next to Cara. "You say you are a demigod of an Aztec god? That's cool."
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"Yeah but I don't talk to him much"
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"I haven't talked to my dad in a while. He's dead. He kind of ignored me when he was alive." I sigh. I look out of the helicopter. I see the landscape quickly go by. "Dalton? How fast are we going?"
over a year ago torrent said…
Uh jack where not moving at all the earth is see flash well I brought him here and he is having a little fun and jack if you didn't realize dad was resurected and the super human demigods are worse take percy's powers multiply them by 3 billion and you don't even scrape the surface of it its that bad and they plan to use them to destroy all who defy them but thankfuly I have the serum and I am going to inject it into every demigod who comes here*injects it into me jack and cara*ohh I feel a tingiling oh and by the way that's good*