Harry Potter Have u seen HP7,waht do u think of it?

969164516 posted on Jul 22, 2011 at 10:53AM
I haven't seen,so um...

Harry Potter 3 replies

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over a year ago Mechanica said…
I thought it was fit to be the ending of the well-loved Harry Potter series...T_T Sadly I only had the opportunity to watch it just yesterday...Because I was too busy to watch it the whole week. I was sad when Fred died in the(Fred and George, in my opinion, are one of the sexiest twins I've ever seen), forgive me if I'm wrong and George was the one who died, I feel bad for not being able to tell them apart sometimes. I'm not going to do any spoilers >.< I'm sure you'll enjoy it...I think it's really slow though.
over a year ago EllenBell said…
Mechanica, no offence but I think you're wrong on that last bit. There isn't a dull moment in this film. From our favourite three wizards breaking into Gringotts Wizarding Bank to the epic battle between Voldy's Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix (feat. the hogwarts kids, the good ones anyway) this movie is action packed and, in my opinion, the best of the lot. Some truely horrible deaths (J K isn't afraid to kill the good guys) and it was Fred who died. And it has a satisfying ending. There's some obvious pairings in the NINETEEN YEARS LATER part and you get to meet the next generation. Although it may come as a suprsise, Voldemort isn't always one step ahead. A vital (and fatal) mistake is made, leaving Harry holding the cards and Riddle meets a sticky, but a well deserved, end...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Uneccisary Bellatrix explosion...