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Harry Potter Question

Why do many Fans hate the Weasleys?

In fanfiction, I've seen recently that many people decide to hate on all the Weasleys in the form of comedic bashing (very cruel humor ensues at the expense of everyone's favorite fictional ginger family). While usually in hand in hand with stories of manipulative Dumbledore, (which makes sense, as the Weasley family would be very close to Dumbledore) I fail to see why people would hate ALL weasleys, as most of them are not really worthy of hate. Percy (who chose his Job over his family) and Ron (who abandoned his best friend when he needed him the most, and when his family wasn't there) are the only two Weasleys I can see as worthy of any hatred. But Molly and Ginny also receive the bulk of the bashing, and their characters are portrayed as less cowardly or selfish than Ron or Percy.
A good example of Bashing on the Weasley Women was in Chapter 11 of the Crack'd Mirror. I didn't read to much after I realized it was hating on Molly, but to sum up what I DID read, basically Harry, Luna and Hermione (who are a group pairing in the story) abduct Ginny after she was guarding Hermione due to the orders of Dumbledore. After watching Harry shag Luna unconscious, Hermione wakes up Ginny, gags her, puts a pig snout on her, and starts degrading her. From Ginny's POV, she likes it, but Hermione calls her an unworthy slut, 'Gin-pig', and than shoves a fist so far up Ginny's...........errr you get the idea...........and continues degrading her in front of harry.
As for the Molly Bashing, basically the Weasley Matron is depicted as a bitter drunk who is pissed that Ron has a harem, and accuses both Moony and Moody of wanting to steal her daughter's virtue.
What have the Weasleys done to make people hate them so?
 FantasyNerd47 posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

Flickerflame said:
I don't hate any of them personally, but I'll try to guess some reasons.

Molly: I think that her unofficial adoption of Harry as a son comes across so strongly, some people feels she neglects her own children in comparison. I've seen some people complain that of all the children's friends, only Harry and Hermione were ever seen visiting. Also, Bellatrix fans hate the fact that Molly killed Bellatrix.

Ginny: Mostly I think it's fans of Harry/Hermione or Harry/Luna there. They don't like the end pairings so they hate Ginny, think she "stole" him. And I've seen some claim that she's a Mary Sue, but I don't really see how.

Ron: again, people who dislike the final pairings, as well as temporarily leaving the group in the final book (like you mentioned)
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posted over a year ago 
Nailed it! For the most part, I personally don't hate characters due to shipping.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
I know I'm gonna sound really hateful here but, here we go;

Ron: I don't hate him as much as I used to, but I still don't like him. Mostly because of how he treated Hermoine in books 1-4 (particularly 1 and 4). I didn't care for how he acted in book seven either.

Ginny: She kind of just annoyed me and comes off as kind of unflawed and Mary-Sue(ish). Plus she had a hand in Bellatrix's death (yes I know it was Bella's fault for attacking the girl) but still, I have a very strong Bella bias).

Arthur: Was just boring to me.

Percy is kind of a prat.

Fred and George are fine. Bill is alright too.

And Molly >.> Main reason is because she killed Bellatrix, not even gonna deny it. But I have been asked why so much I just decided to type an article on it. Feel free to disagree, just don't be rude about it please; link
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posted over a year ago 
Pith said:
The only Weasleys I don't much care for are Percy and Ginny. I liked Percy until he turned his back on his family. As for Ginny, she felt more like a plot convenience than a real character to me. With Harry marrying Ginny and Ron marrying Hermione, it was like JKR just wanted everyone in the main three to be connected, and it felt forced to me.
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posted over a year ago 
Book-Freak said:
Personally, I don't hate the Weasleys. There are times when I dislike various members of the family (I don't like how Molly treats Hermione in GoF or Fleur in HBP and I find Fred and George to be quite cruel sometimes, like when they pushed Montague into the Vanishing Cabinet) but I don't hate them. The only thing that makes me dislike the whole family is when fans insist that they are the perfect family, because they aren't perfect and trying to make them seem perfect makes me think of all their flaws.

As to Percy and Ron, I don't think either are worthy of hate. I have a grudging respect for Percy, because he chose what he thought was right over his family, which must have been extraordinarily difficult for him (though probably made easier by the fact that all of his siblings tease him all of the time). It doesn't matter to me really that he made the wrong choice - he was doing what he thought was the right thing to do based on his understanding of the situation.
I don't hate Ron either. When you are put into a highly stressful, difficult, frustrating and dangerous situation, your behaviour reflects that, and that's without considering the horcrux and the fact he was cooped up for months with no news about his family, which would have been horribly difficult for Ron because he loves his family more than anything in the world. To be honest, I don't blame him for leaving. I think a lot of people wouldn't have lasted as long as he did.

I am not entirely sure why Molly is subjected to so much hate, but I think it's because she can be annoyingly protective of Harry and her children. Ginny gets hate because she is only a major character in the second, fifth and sixth books, and there is huge behind-the-scenes character development between the second and fifth book. As we don't see her becoming a confident and brave young woman, some people think she went through this amazing change over night just so she could be Harry's girlfriend.

And for that fic... If you're going to read a fanfiction where the characters are so out of character, you should expect some weird stuff to happen. OOC and character-bashing generally go hand in hand in fanfiction because there a very few characters in the Potter universe which are hated. If you take them out of character it's easy to hate.

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posted over a year ago 
stefanvh_hpgw said:
Simply put, they go in the way of the Harry/Hermione ship. So naturally, the Harmonians will bash them.
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posted over a year ago 
shenelopefan said:
I think they hate Ginny because of the ships, as well as Ron. Harry is shipped with a lot of other characters in the saga and because of that, Ginny and Ron are like "intruders" in some way. About Percy, we all hated him for what he did on the books, but at the same time, we can forgive him because he regreted his mistakes and "came back" to the good side of the Hogwarts´Battle. But I don´t see any other reason to hate Molly, Arthur, the Twins or Charlie. Molly is like the mother that Harry never had, Arthur is the cuttest thing, I mean, he wanted to know everything about the muggles. Fred and George are excellent characters, funny and amusing. Charlie appeared sligthly on the films, but he was´t bad at all. So I wouldn´t have a reason to hate them
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I think they hate Ginny because of the ships, as well as Ron. Harry is shipped with a lot of other characters in the saga and because of that, Ginny and Ron are like "intruders" in some way. About Percy, we all hated him for what he did on the books, but at the same time, we can forgive him because he regreted his mistakes and "came back" to the good side of the Hogwarts´Battle. But I don´t see any other reason to hate Molly, Arthur, the Twins or Charlie. Molly is like the mother that Harry never had, Arthur is the cuttest thing, I mean, he wanted to know everything about the muggles. Fred and George are excellent characters, funny and amusing. Charlie appeared sligthly on the films, but he was´t bad at all. So I wouldn´t have a reason to hate them
posted over a year ago 
torrent56 said:
Unfortunately some people decided they like specific characters that are not the Weasleys for whatever reason so they go ahead and bash the Weasleys who only showed normal human flaws. The haters would then go ahead to make up all sorts of lies that may also contain lots of hypocrisies as can be seen in some of the posts here.

For example, Ron did not ‘abandon’ Harry in DH, which is a gross distortion of what the word actually means. It was Harry being butthurt who told Ron to go home after Ron told him the truth that the camping trip was a waste of time. Instead of trying to work out a solution, Harry just became angry. For some reason, Ron is the one entirely at fault and Harry had no obligation to support his friends or to show concern for Ron’s family. Ron is supposed to just roll over and take whatever horrible things Harry said just because he is the protagonist?

Another example is the complaint that Ron treats Hermione badly which hypocritically ignores the fact that 1) Hermione does not see it as such as otherwise she wouldn’t hang around with him and 2) Hermione can also be very harsh towards Ron and the people making the complaint just ignores it.

As for Ginny, lots of people complain about her being a fangirl of Harry Potter which conveniently ignores the fact that pretty much everyone in the wizarding world had the same reaction when they first met including all the adults. It also distorts the fact that after PS, Ginny stopped being a fangirl and she actually liked Harry for who he is rather than his fame, which is vastly different from real fanboys like Colin Creevey.

A good example of the lies being told about Ginny is the claim that she apparently is a useless girl in battles because all she was seen doing was to dodge the hexes thrown around, which ignores the fact that dodging/avoiding other people’s hexes is just as important as throwing curses yourself in a duel, but then the haters are rarely rational, sigh…

The other Weasleys get the same kind of irrational hatred, but not as much because they aren’t as heavily involved in the shipping wars.
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posted over a year ago 
oblivmione said:
I don't hate all Weasleys but yeah….
Ron: sometimes he's a cute dork and i like him but Hermione deserved better than him

Ginny: she's soooo annoying i mean come on i love bonnie and she plays wonderful but omg i can't stand her and harry AS A COUPLE?!
Molly: She's my goddamn godmother I LOVE HER
Arthur: boring! thank you, next
Fred& George: MY BIG BRO'S ok? love these comedians
Bill: no big screen time so bye
Percy: pRaT!!!

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posted over a year ago 
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