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Harry Potter Question

What happened to Voldemort's body when he destroyed the last Horcrux?

I'm not going to call it dying, because... it wasn't.
But still. What happened to the body? Did it spontaneously combust?
 lucius_malloy posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

buckingbronco said:
It might have just rotted and been eaten by birds

bird: Yummy who are we eating
bird2: the most evil dark wizard ever
bird; *gulps and flies off*
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posted over a year ago 
Loool... nice bird scene :)
mimifaith posted over a year ago
Faolan_Chroi said:
Harry WAS the last hrocrux and nothing happened to the body, the piece of his soul in there was seperate and it's destruction only ended Voldemort's immortality thus allowing Harry to kill him. And I think Harry came back to life because after ending his existence as a horcrux his being as a human came back into play
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posted over a year ago 
That sounds very accurate and makes scence.
Moonbeam1953 posted over a year ago
yermam said:
They put him in the bin!
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posted over a year ago 
Hagrid said:
Well, there's a fine question. Grawpy tried to eat him at firs' but we were worried that 'is spirit might come back or something. So what did we do? We burn 'im, didn't we? And chuck 'im in the good ol' black lake. Gives me the collywobbles though!
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posted over a year ago 
Gaah! You're no supposed to say anything!!! XP
jbduenweg07 posted over a year ago
*not* supposed to I meant...
jbduenweg07 posted over a year ago
Well, why not? You asked the-- oh, I catch yer drift ;)
Hagrid posted over a year ago
mimifaith said:
The elves secretly took it and cooked it... no fist years... that's NOT beef you're eating ;)
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posted over a year ago 
KishuandIchigo posted over a year ago
LoveFredW said:
All that matters is....HE'S DEAD!
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posted over a year ago 
nymph_tonks said:
i dont know. not at hogwarts yet.
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posted over a year ago 
LadyNottingham said:
You meant when Harry destroyed the last Horcrux ?
Voldemort became human again, in the physical sense of the term. He just died like the countless victims he had killed with an Avada Kedavra, when his curse intended to Harry, backfired on him. End of the story.

After, maybe Voldemort's body was burnt. Fire purifies many things.
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posted over a year ago 
lexbff said:
its body dissepeared along with him

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posted over a year ago 
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