Hairspray Introducing Be Sprayed

besprayed posted on Apr 07, 2008 at 05:08AM
Be Sprayed is a new Hairspray forum which can be found at link We celebrate all things Hairspray from the original movie to the Broadway show to the new movie-musical.

We are currently holding a creative writing contest where the winner will recieve a rare Japanese Hairspray movie-musical poster. The objective is to create an original character that could fit into the world of Hairspray or expand on a pre-existing small character. The only catch is to be eligible to enter, you must be a member of Besprayed.

The plus side of that is we are also holding a recruitment contest and if you post a link to the creative writing contest, anyone who joins from that link would be your recruit. In addition, when we reach 200 members a random drawing will be done so a new recruit will also win a prize simply for joining. Both of these members will be recieving a Broadway Hairspray notepad which has never been sold at the theatre.

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