H2O Just Add Water Why!

zaray13 posted on Aug 26, 2010 at 04:34AM
why isnt h2o on nick in california anymore please tell me what has happened sence the summer of 1 or 2 years ago

H2O Just Add Water 3 replies

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over a year ago mikethecat said…
me too same way they stopped in middle of season 1 !!!
over a year ago xmermiad said…
here too they dont show it!
over a year ago anjariel said…
have ypou tried other cahnnels like disneycahnnel or australian cahnnels maybe??
and i can try to tell you hav the previousley seasosn ahve bben `til now :
let s see:
middle of season 1 ..
well i guess it benn like from cleo singin like a sirean out of the moons afcet on `em and rikki tryin `to get that 3rd lockte from a lewelery store and souch..
oh yeha!1 and a dr. demman are comin to town and mazes and even dares llewis allmost too much.. am not shuer if this is in nr lie though..
and after ath its like lewsi that gotta get soem dan that dr.demna STOLE from him bakc as it is from the girls..
and ta the end of season 1 its like found what cleo rikki and emma si over all expertations and ghye allmost see and end..
biut just just..
they barely get away and the gets dr: denman into a cronre and gets rid of her by doin a il`time in the moonpool at a moom eclpise ?+ was that righ ro??
and then it edns good.
with lewis afloted on a water twirl craetd of cloe sayin: " noone messe with mermaids"!
and season 2..
well lats jus` say it upgrades both here and there ..
the gilrs get more pwres and can now do a good ha<ndle on even the weather!
and they at rthe beginnin`ther makkse a hughe stormm over mako!
and get lewis in a nned fro new chlothes poor dear!!
heheh thats a good one you!!
se hes all naked at mako s beahc aznd rikki are tryin on heatin his chlotes os they `ll be drioed fatsweer and whosh she burns `em up!!
and then its that new gilr in town charlotte..
at firts she seem as all others but afterwasrd..!!
ohh you should just SEEN hwo that cahrlotte is drivin around with PORR clkoe rikki and emma not to TALK abput POOR POOR lewis!!
see. he gets porely as its is intalged WAY more tah he should with that charlotte and fits allmost spoils the scert but barely kkeps it still safe..
but whne cahrlotte after wareds gets more and more paranoiaed as lewi s arw so msuch with cleo his REAL love and emma and rikki his REALl friends and the REAL mermaid s there she does bothe stalein and evemn as lowas it si SYIN`on lewis to get the knowledghe seh whnats to though she do NOT deserves it no!
and allso she claims that one of mrs chatthma from seasom 1 s friend s are her granny somethin that is irrlevhant to it all at all no mater what!!
and I belive with all i got to belive with that its not so and that the brand new season 4 will tell suy lil`out of eahc about THAT matter you!
and is bein a M;ERAMN in the comin season 4..
but i season 2 how ever ist blowin up to a werry ugly end as charlote manges to be come a mermaid even though she WAY to mean to even dserve as much as a fin!
then `em others do as good as they can eventhough they rthaer would goenaway and give a.. you knowhm??
in it but stillthey gostt keppå the secrte a secrte .. see??
and allso whne cleo aer as the firts o `em spottin charlotte as mermaid in the water after lewsi did lil`before she gettin werry weery dreadfully scerd and sad..
as nopw can charlotte do what ever she whats rto and use their secret even against `em!
so the girls cloe emma and rikki tells lewis to not be a mosue but a MAN and say tha thisg a MAN shuod,say and get it done good again..
and he tries poor dude but its goin rather poor.. as he is scerd and sad over him and cleo havoin shuc a big love trouble of the whole thing..

and lweis bitrhday is coimn`pu and charlotte are dceiidns and syain and dion all .
yeha she even go as fra as sayin she know lewis better tha HE does sommethin`she CAN`t as she havemn known him as long as cleo hhas..
and cleo and lewis has been freinds since aged 5!
so at t5he edn on season 2 oits cleanup time at mazko and charlotte get s her fair sher: a tickety STRAIGHT outa there..!
and cleo get s her STOLEN locket bakc allso..
that was taken from her of that PATHETIC and DREADFULL RUDE chrlotte cllaimin`she was a mopre worthy it and realer mermaid tha cleo amnd jsu`grabs it off!!
you sholdu ahve SESEN it!
i was on the whereg opf SMASHIN`up my scrrenadn even morwe..!
but it ends good.. and celo and lewios are a lovers couple clooser tha EVER still they!
the its season 3..
there its like scholl vacation at the beginnin`and they meet belle a new girl intoen again but thsi time a GOOD one.. she are discovered as amermaid like cleo and rikk too as she helps out cleo whne a water tenbtacle attcas `em
atleast they belive so in the stars..
and then they gte to knoe belle and she say she has ben mermaid sinnce she was 9 and had her mermaid gift in IRELAND!!
an whole other palce than in australaia!
and she can make wtare into gelly!!
somethin`lewis are seemin to LOVE you!
and cleos dad ahs a new girlfrind athe he allso later on in this 3rd season get s mariageed to. and kim cloes sis are all of a sudden became a tten and a good handfull for both cleo s dad AND cleo as well.
and as the time goes they allso meet will a nwe boy in town with a ragher strangely alike someone else sorts sis in his family..
wil falls in love with belle and she with him..
she wanna tell him but `em other girls say her a few words abot bein`carefull..
still she wanna tell will..
and after a time she get spoiled out as amermadi amd tells him lal but jus`about her slef at the beginnin`..
but then at out ofALL rikki s bady he whate so badly to know it all tha he gien em other girls that as a retur to him helpin`em savien rikki whos gotten ehrslef intangeld into gys makin false money in a bot tha gte lit on fire..
but it ennds good there too..
and then at exams time they find that the water etntecale aer a frindly ioen that whnat `em all to know about a metwor abot to make a giag hit! on our poor planet and the belle rikki and cleo gotta save it!1
wich they do.. AND they survive it aswell.
and fater they graduate s from chhoosl and its angood sumervacation more watin`for `em ..
hope this was to a lil`help and please dont be upset over my writin`as i am gonna re do that whos nedded..
:D and love..Anjarile..:D!