Grey's Anatomy Very disappointing season finale

sfdude posted on May 20, 2006 at 08:01PM
After that amazing buildup from the second to last episode, what a disappointment! Burke was fine. Izzy will obviously be back. And that prom?! You have got to be kidding me. I'm sure no one else was dying while they were slow dancing to Journey songs.

Grey's Anatomy 2 replies

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over a year ago yahooboy said…
I totally agree, I was expecting something really dramatic like Burke dying or something crazy like that. I'm hoping that the Lost season finale will be better.
over a year ago dave said…
I dunno, I thought that it was okay. I don't think they needed 2 hours for it though. I honestly think they probably should have ended the season last week though with that cliffhanger of Burke getting shot and Denny left hanging. What I was most irritated by was the whole Meredith and McDreamy hooking up again. Is she that weak and pathetic? Her character is getting on my nerves.