Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy, among the best TV shows of all time

Sapphire_1015 posted on Dec 21, 2006 at 06:01PM

Grey's Anatomy is fighting other shows to get to the top places at the Best TV shows of all time poll: link You will see Grey's Anatomy is not at the 'final round', the top 40. I think that's because many Grey's Anatomy fans haven't heard about it.
However, it can be nominated at link You just have to type "Grey's Anatomy". It's currently on 21st place, but with our help it can easily arrive to the first place -it was 31st just a few days ago. If it gets enough votes, it will replace one of the less popular shows at top 40! A show can be nominated every 60 minutes.

Let's spread the word and Grey's Anatomy will be among the best shows, as it should be!

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