Grey's Anatomy Reaction?

tinydancer posted on May 18, 2007 at 04:26PM
I was just wondering what other people thought of the final episode of series 3? I liked it personally, lots of drama and a good way to leave things hanging and people wanting more! Confused by the whole MerDer thing though, she really needs to make her mind up! Liked the Alex/Ava thing even it was sad, and was suprised at George failing, what will happen now?? in general I thought it was a good finale, cos it left things hanging and now I'm dying for season four to start! What does everyone else think?

Grey's Anatomy 10 replies

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over a year ago PiskeUI10 said…
This ending SUCKED. The only good thing is that Richad and Adelle seem to be on the mend. What the fuck, all new interns?? But it's still "Grey's Anatomy" because one of the new girl's last names is Grey. Give me a break...very disappointing.
over a year ago tinydancer said…
Yeah but its not like they're gonna ignore them now that there are new interns now? And its not like its the END, there is season 4 after all! If this was the final ever I would think it was a terrible ending, but this way I think it sets up some nice drama for season four! Maybe its just me :)
over a year ago pearlsandivy04 said…
I'm a little confused at Christina's reaction to Burke being gone "I'm Free" and then she has a panic attack, what kinda shit is that.....I agree Meredith does need to make her mind up, her and Derrick belong together....and whats with the new intern girl, and the last name Grey way too much (what is she going to fall in love with derrick in the 4th season-whatever)Awh, I love George-what is he going to do? and Callie knows about Izzy, she has to have figured out somethings going on. But all in all it was great drama... i loved Burke's vows :-)
over a year ago happygolucky11 said…
i personally hated this seasons finale. i know there have been so many rumors about burke leaving and i don't mind because i don't like him. i hate how george left but i know the real reason is isaih washington calling him something very offensive that made him come out to say he was gay. merideth really needs to make up her mind though. derrick has been trying to get her love forever and now that he has it he doesn't want it? i really wanted cristina and burke to get married. i don't think sheperad should have been named chief. i personally don't like him. he gets too much attention. the whole callie and george thing, what's going to happen? george won't be on the show so what's going to happen? and why would george leave izzie hanging without letting her know that he loves her. i know for sure that i won't watch next season if they start showing the new interns. it's supposed to be the original five: alex, george, izzie, merideth and cristina. no new people. george better come back though. he's the "glue" izzie and george like need to be together!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bulale said…
It wont be the same with george missing!!
i found it dissappionted because i really wantted christina and bruke to get married, they were so good together. Also, the whole thing where meredith wouldnt commit - its not a very had decision- does she not want to be happy!!
However, the alex eva storyline was really gd and i hope he finds her int he next season. Also, the fact merediths half sister is going to be an intern will be interesting. i felt sorry for baily though becasue she didnt get chief resisdent, she is better than callie.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mj22 said…
Does anyone else think that george may have failed his exams on purpose so he could get out of the whole callie and izzy dilemma at work? and i really thought that the cheif might have named bailey as cheif of surgery when i saw callies name up for cheif resident. I really hope they are just leading u to think they have broken up cz she didnt actually say it to him and i really hope george doesn't he is the glue! i also hope alex finds eva! All in all it wasnt the best finale of greys could have been better!
over a year ago beermestrength said…
The Grey intern is Thatcher and Susan's daughter -Meredith's other sister mentioned once that she had a sister in med school at Harvard. I seriously haven't thought about next season yet because I'm too worried that the writers will be wicked dumb and focus on the new interns. That would suck, because they left so much unresolved with the regular cast that new people would just be confusing and weird. Also, when Cristina started freaking out and Meredith had to cut her dress off of her it was the saddest thing ever. I really didn't expect that at all - I thought that Burke and Cristina's weddding would be the only good thing about the finale, but it wound up being the saddest and the most shocking. The finale certainly was shocking, I can say that.
over a year ago Marisa-Rachael said…
wel.....i saw burke leaving before it even happend! He was always trying to make christena into sumone she wasnt..i mean shes ace leave her be! and i think she was happy in one way but sad in another as she truly loved him!
and wasnt Mers sister the girl in the bar taht hit on McDreamy? whatch derek fall for her sister as shes alot like merdith btu can commite or sumthing shitty!
if george doesnt come back ill cry! hes soooo lovly and hi and izzy need to make babies not george n callie! i ahte callie! she stole bailies chief resident! i mean come on....we no how ace she is!
and YAY richard is staying! to be chief! thats what i wanted! and bles adel for loosing hers and richards baby:(
over a year ago TT1992 said…
Is there going to be a 4th season??? if yes, when???
over a year ago north2south555 said…
The season finale of greys anatomy was good but SO depressing! They could of atleast givin us 1 happy couple at the end!!! After everythin Derick and Meredith are off, burke and cristina didnt get married and he left her (so sad) alez and ava, george and izzie (hu belong 2gether!)! It was just depressing but good! Also am abit dubious about season 4, new characters and all! What will happen to the old characters? will they just dissappear? wots george goin to do now? a new grey? i dont think i could handle it lol so obssed with the show nd cant believe hav to wait ages 4 season 4! rant over :)