Grey's Anatomy Who gets chief?

Marisa-Rachael posted on Apr 25, 2007 at 10:01PM
who does everyone think will get Chief?

sumone else???

Grey's Anatomy 12 replies

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over a year ago tinydancer said…
I dunno, Burke was the interim chief when Chief Webber had surgery so maybe him... I think McSteamy would be a HILARIOUS chief tho :)
over a year ago dave said…
I personally think Derek will get the job (and probably rightfully so). Burke (if they don't fire Isaiah Washington!) doesn't seem as compassionate or able to deal with different types of people because he's got so ambitious and self-confident. At least Derek seems like he would be a good chief, but no one will top Richard. I really hope he changes his mind and doesn't retire!
over a year ago tinydancer said…
Yeah that would be ideal, hadnt really thought about Richard leaving, it would be better if he didnt retire cos I think he's a great character.
over a year ago oooohtone said…
If he leaves.. obviously we know it won't be Addison, haha. Between McDreamy, McSteamy, and Burke.. it really could be any of them. I don't think McSteamy really deserves it since he just started there and made it pretty clear that the only reason he is even still at Seattle Grace is because of the possibility of being cheif. That's the only reason he stayed. It seems like Richard promised it to both Derek AND Burke. But now who knows because of Burke's surgery and Derek being with Meredith. I just hope if Derek gets it he doesn't drop Mere because of it. Either of them could handle the job and would make great chiefs.
over a year ago Marisa-Rachael said…
yer i agree i want richard to stay...tho i think if he does retire hel stay on as a father figure to Mere spech with her falling out with her dad over this death
over a year ago cressida said…
I think the reasoning Richard gave Derek about his hesitations on giving him "Chief" (i.e. protecting Meredith) are CRAP! Very good for the emotion rollar-coaster of the show but still crap!

I'm still rooting for a Richard-curve ball in which he gives it to Bailey. (Didn't he once tell her that she'd made an excellent chief?)

McSteamy would indeed be hilarious as Chief but of the men I think Burke is first in line for the position.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Marisa-Rachael said…
bailey cant get it shes only a resident not an attending which means shes not qualified for the job richard says she will get it in due time.

im voting for McDreamy as im in love with him! though if he dumps mer that love shal go away LOL
over a year ago katie said…
i want derek to get it although hes head is all over the place at the mo! - anyone think that the way mer is goin on at derek "communicating" with him telling him EVERYTHING shes doing is REALLY anoying? shes wrecking dereks head

Richard is prob gonna stay cos he has renewed his contract with the show so even if he does retire he prob gonna still be around!
yeah Bailey cant get it cos she not an attending which sucks cos she would KICK ass!!!!!!!
over a year ago merbelle007 said…
i definitely think it's going to be mark. addison is leaving. richard won't give it to derek. and burke is pretty much out of it because he screwed up. i think it's going to mark.
over a year ago bulale said…
With the whole Addison leaving thing. if she says that she will leave, maybe they will offer her the position of cheif to make her stay
over a year ago waleed_saleh said…
I think Richard should stay on, but if he doesn't then the new Chief should be the Natzi. See how she sets everyone straight and fights for her interns and patients, and always does what's right. Underneath her hard shells lyes a passionate heart which reminds everyone in Seattle Grace why they are there in the first place: to help make patients feel better!
over a year ago Janeth said…
I think Richard is very good as a chief, it is so sad he is leaving his post, I do really hope he change his mind, but between Derek and Burke I prefer Burke he is an excellent cardiothoracic surgeon and excellent person, so I think he would be an excellent chief.