Grey's Anatomy Violence on Grey's Anatomy! (Spoiler)

lachick posted on Apr 12, 2007 at 04:43PM
I just watched a segment on where they said that in an upcoming episode of Grey's Anatomy, Meredith gets slapped HARD by someone close to her...and it's a MAN who slaps her! Who do you think it could be? I'm pretty sure it won't be Isaiah Washington because that would not be good for his image. It's probably McDreamy, because they can't keep the couple happy for too long, there has to be some tension...and a slap definitely causes tension!

Grey's Anatomy 14 replies

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over a year ago o-m-g said…
yeh i think McDreamy is gonna McSlap her.
over a year ago mmmjim said…
i dont think it would be mcdreamy- a man hitting his girlfriend on a made-for-women's tv show would probably be the end! or the end of their relationship- meredith wouldnt stay with him. i think it would be george, someone more forgivable..
over a year ago MegG said…
I really hope it is not McDreamy!!! What about McSteamy? That would cause a lot of drama!!! Oh yeah lots of drama! lol
over a year ago clale200 said…
i agree with mmmjim :P very bad, people would go up to him in like a shop and slap him... naive audiences who actually think he slapped her, old ladies wiht handbags would be out in force!

:O what if it's her dad? oooooo...scanadalous!
over a year ago dave said…
Wow I hadn't thought it might be George or her dad...very good theories! I totally agree clale200, old ladies would be smacking him everywhere he went. Not good. Maybe it will be Burke, he deserves a few slaps. :)
over a year ago Nav said…
Hmm. How about Richard? I don't know, maybe if she plans on doing something to her mother or whatever...
over a year ago Marisa-Rachael said…
what about alex.... seems like an alex thing to do... n i bet they slap her by accident like she gets in the way of george n alex figthing yet again or sumthing....
over a year ago oooohtone said…
I could see it being George. Since if it was almost anyone else everyone would get pissed, but George is so loveable and forgivable. Plus, they are good friends, and if Meredith was freaking out about something I could see him slapping her and saying to "Snap out of it."
over a year ago rittergal said…
I head that it's going to be her dad who slaps her. Rumors are that someone close to her is going to die, her stepmom, and it may be to fault of Meredith , accidentally. It's just a rumor, but I really don't see George or Derek slapping her. I don't think it's in their character.
over a year ago tinydancer said…
Ahh her Dad, that would make more sense... good thinking! Especially if those rumours about her stepmom are true!
over a year ago oooohtone said…
If you look at the preview for episode 23 (it's posted under videos) it's her dad that slaps her. We all know her stepmom is going to die, maybe she dies and Meredith says something bitchy and her dad slaps her. Or maybe I'm totally off. I don't know.
over a year ago katie said…
she deserves a good slap at the mo she needs to see what shes doing to Derek!!!!!and stop being so goddamn self-centered!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago -sIn-EaD- said…
Umm, it's her
Dad that hits her!
Coz, someone close to him dies in surgery, and Meredith scrubs in.
Derek sees and it brings them closer together.
over a year ago mj22 said…
how do u no the step mum dies? do u no how she dies?