Gossip Girl Question...

hallemay550 posted on Oct 03, 2008 at 07:17AM
I don't want to make anyone mad (who's a fan of B), but I want to ask a question.

People have been saying that S is being a big bitch in these latest episodes. What I don't understand is: Blair is such a little bitch, and I love that about her, and lots of people have said that they love that about her too, but now that S expresses herself and shows her bitchy side, people hate hate hate her! I know that S is being a little bitchy to B, but look at what B did in 2x05! She was treating S like her enemy, not her best friend.

I don't want to make anyone mad, I just wanted to ask people about this and see what they thought. I really want to discuss this topic, because I never really got to ask people why they think S is being such a horrible person, when B started the whole thing, and has always been this way, yet they still love B.

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