Glee Wheel of Fortune (Glee Edition)

fetchgirl2366 posted on May 12, 2011 at 02:56AM
All you have to do is look at the topic and the asteriks below and figure out what the clue is by guessing letters. whoever guesses right gets 5 props and will put up the next topic and clue!!

,=comma (duh)
|= space

Topic: Quinn's quotes
***'** | *** | *** | *** | ***** | ******* | **** | **** | *** | **** | * | ***** | ** | **** | **** | ***.
last edited on May 12, 2011 at 11:39AM

Glee 68 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 68

over a year ago Brittanagleefan said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CrimeDramaBee said…
Well... I got it, but I feel like I'm crashing the fun, so...

Fetchgirl- If you want me to post it, just say so, but if I'm right, than this will answer Brittanagleefan's letter A.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
oh, forgot the lines for the spaces. sorry.
anyway, that's right
over a year ago CrimeDramaBee said…
big smile
"You're not the one whose parents will burn her like a witch if they find out." Thanks. who sets up the next round? You or the last round's winner?
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
you do
and congrats!!! you get 5 props as well
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
wait--you knew that from the picture i submitted for that contest, i'm guessing
over a year ago CrimeDramaBee said…
Hehe it was my first guess. Actually, I tried to think of all her quotes that started with "***'**" which I figured was either "You're" or "You've".
over a year ago CrimeDramaBee said…
Two liner from Finn & Rachel.
Rachel:*'*|***********. **********|***'*|*|****.
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
letter: a
over a year ago CrimeDramaBee said…
Finn: *a****|**|**a*|***'*|*a**|a|**********.
Rachel: *'*|***********. **********|***'*|a|****.
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
letter: e
over a year ago CrimeDramaBee said…
Finn: *a**e*|**|**a*|***'*|*a**|a|**********.
Rachel: *'*|***********. **********|***'*|a|****.
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
Finn: Rachel is what you'd call a controllist.
Rachel: I'm controlling. Controllist isn't a word.

Is that right?
over a year ago CrimeDramaBee said…
big smile
hehe- Yup!
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
Brittany: ******|***'*|****|***|***|**|*****.|****|*­|**­***­,|*­'**­|**­**| ****|**|*****|****|***|****|*****.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CrimeDramaBee said…
Letter: R
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
nope. sorry
over a year ago CrimeDramaBee said…
Letter: T
We need more people. :(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
yeah, it's kinda boring without them

Brittany: ******|***'t|****|**t|***|**|t**t*.|****|*­|**­***­,|*­'**­|**­**|­***­*|*­*|*­***­t|*­***­|**­t|*­*t*­|**­***­.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blossom18583 said…
letter: A
over a year ago CrimeDramaBee said…
Letter: S
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
Brittany: ***as*|***'t|****|**t|a**|**|t**t*.|****|*­|s*­***­,|*­'**­|**­**|­***­*|a­*|a­***­t|*­a**­|**­t|*­*t*­|**­**s­.
over a year ago Albiee said…
Letter: L
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
Brittany: *l*as*|***'t|**ll|**t|all|**|t**t*.|****|*­|s*­*l*­,|*­'ll­|l*­**|­l**­*|a­*|a­**l­t|*­a**­|**­t|*­*t*­|**­**s­.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Magy6 said…
Letter : I
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
Brittany: *l*as*|***'t|**ll|**t|all|**|t**t*.|****|I­|s*­il*­,|I­'ll­|l*­**|­li*­*|a­*|a­**l­t|*­a**­|**­t|*­it*­|**­**s­.
over a year ago Brittanagleefan said…
Letter: E
over a year ago CrimeDramaBee said…
Letter: m
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
Brittany: *lease|***'t|**ll|**t|all|**|teet*.|**e*|I­|sm­ile­,|I­'ll­|l*­**|­li*­e|a­*|a­**l­t|*­a**­|**­t|*­it*­|**­**s­.
over a year ago loopylou098 said…
please don't pullout my teeth When I smile, I’ll look like an adult baby, but with boobs.
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
@loopylou098, you win!! you do the next clue!
over a year ago jeh2002 said…
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
@jeh2002, it's already guessed by loopylou098 (if it wasn't, that letter is already in the clue)
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
over a year ago loopylou098 said…
over a year ago loopylou098 said…
^Sorry it took so long:) haven't had access to a computer for a while. sorry guys :)
over a year ago Albiee said…
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
@loopylou098, no worries ;)

letter: s
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago loopylou098 said…
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
letter: e
over a year ago loopylou098 said…
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
I don't mean to guess and not let people answer, but i think the last word is "Fabra-ic"
over a year ago loopylou098 said…
yes that's right
over a year ago ninjacupcake88 said…
@loopyloud098: It's less Hebraic and more Fabra-ic.
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
awesome :)
over a year ago ninjacupcake88 said…
Was I correct? I'm pretty sure I am, but I need confirmation.
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
you were right
over a year ago ninjacupcake88 said…
Yay! :D

***|******|**|*********|****|*****|***|**­*|*­**|­***­***­***­|**­*,|­***­**| *****,|***|********|****|***|**|**|*******­**|­***­***­**.
over a year ago fetchgirl2366 said…
letter: a
over a year ago ninjacupcake88 said…
***|******|a*|******a**|*a**|*****|****|*­­**|­­**­*­|­**­­***­­**­*­*­|*­­**,­­| **­***| **a**,|***|*a******|*a**|***|**|**|*******­­**­*­|­**­­***­­**­