Glee needs more African American characters

tns31091 posted on Feb 16, 2012 at 07:57PM
I am posting this because I noticed on this site how people are just so rude to the character Mercedes. I think with this next season coming up there should be more African American characters and Hispanic Characters.

Glee 12 replies

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over a year ago Cheraine21 said…
There will be anyhow one; Alex Newell. I don't now when, but I know he'll get at least 2 ep's. Maybe more? ;')
over a year ago 60abbye said…
I honestly haven't noticed any hate for Mercedes based solely on her race.
over a year ago Crime-Drama-Bee said…
Anyone stating dislike for Mercedes isn't basing it on her race. From what I've read and wrote myself, it's because she is lazy, self-centered, and that she keeps breaking Sam's heart.

And I know you wrote this to target Pink_Love. Leave her alone.
over a year ago tns31091 said…
@crime-drama-hate nazi, i asked about more African american characters yet you take this back to the nazi Pink_Hate, im not the one who joked about racism. Now, let me ask this again, do you think we need more african american characters.
over a year ago Pink_Love said…
stop bullying people, by calling me Pink_Hate && calling CDB crime drama hate. your the only one who is obsessed with skin color.
over a year ago ForsakenMoon19 said…
@tns31091 now you're just being unescessarily cruel!!! CDB is my friend and I won't have you bully her or anyone on this spot!!! Yes racism is no joke we get it, preaching to the choir babe but what you're doing right now is considered hateful and ignorant! You need to stop this ridiculous crusade and think about your own life right now. This glee spot is supposed to be a fun place not a place to rant and rave about race and prejudices, we get it! If you insist on going on about this maybe you need to find another spot that adresses these issues you have. But please stop posting hate while you're here, it's making everyone upset and uncomfortable.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Crime-Drama-Bee said…
Are you really calling me a Nazi right now? That is quite a nasty insult there. And just so you know, I'm not caucasian myself.

To speak realistically, it's Lima, Ohio, and the population of African American and Latin American students is pretty accurate. If they were living somewhere else, or in an urban area, I would say that yes, they could use more characters of color, but since they're not, and it's Ohio in the midwest, then no. And it's also very unlikely that a group of 12-ish kids includes the amount of ethnic, religious, and sexual diversity that it does, and I'm greatful that it does.
over a year ago piperlovegood said…
I live in Texas and grew up in a neighborhood where I was a minortiy(older part of the town that was mainly Latino) My dad worked along the side with everyone as a wealder. You really need to stop calling everyone nazis and racist, I'm not saying them things aren't a problem because sadly it still are but because someone doesn't like Mercedes doesn't mean we don't like people of color, I don't have a problem with her but people who do dislike her for the same reason a lot of people dislike Rachel. She's pretty opinated and goes through selfish phases and it sticks out more to the fandom because she's not always like that(Rachel gets away with it more because she's always like that, that double standard sucks). Maybe it's because she's hurting Sam so much, but their is just as much and more hate for the other characters. We can't change the colors of our skin, I can't tan I just get bright red and freckle and peal, and next to my dark hair I look even whiter. It not healthy for anyone to try. Not that I want them to.

My school was pretty diverse but I live in a suburb of Dallas and we share a border with Mexico and Louisanna so we had floods from both borders. Ohio isn't so lucky there's an episode where Mercedes says there's only 5 black guys had the school. Yes it would be nice if there was more color. But it's pretty diverse already. There are only 15 glee members and the New Directions already a butt of many jokes. Mercedes and Matt are probably the only ones because there is such little intrest in glee in the first place. I'm sure if Glee survives season four there would be more to come but nobody here has any power to put to the show if you want to make a stament twitter Ryan Murphy about it.
last edited over a year ago
I live in Texas and grew up in a neighborhood where I was a minortiy(older part of the town that was
over a year ago klaine_forever said…
^LOL I love that image! This forum has turned into an argument and I am very scared *runs home*
over a year ago sheerika said…
i know half the people in this convo is my frineds
over a year ago klaine_forever said…
@tns31091 Calling CDB nazi is going WAY to far
over a year ago mangie1995 said…
OK, why doesn't everyone just all calm down?

@tns31091 calling her a nazi was uncalled for and I think you should apologize because that was too far.

I do however agree that glee should have more african-american characters because it'll show people more ethnicity and could even be a way to explore more culture's which is something I feel alot of modern teen shows lack.

I'm sure pink_Love didn't mean to cause offence but yes she shouldn't have joked about racism because it's not a subject to joke about and I think she should also apoligize because we all say or type things we don't mean sometimes and the only way to move forwards is to take responsibilty and forgive each other, otherwise we're all just going to keep fighting and everyone's going to be miserable all the time and nobody's a wins.

What I think CDB meant to say was that it's not just Mercedes who get's hate and few of us aren't guilty of hating, I know I've said some rude thing's about Rachel's character that I shouldn't really have done and I've seen other's saying plenty of thing's about other characters that they probably shouldn't have too.

So now can we please all just bake a cake of rainbows and sunshine and we'll all just be happy? :)