Glee Geting to Know Ya'll

piperlovegood posted on Feb 11, 2012 at 07:15AM
Here's how it works you have to pick 3 basic thinks about yourself

1:You Habits: Somethig you are wearing, What kinda of sleep you got last night. Very phyical things

2:YOU:Hair Color, Skin Tone, Race, gay/straight. If you have one toe longer than the other. Things that you can not change with out cosmedics.

3 Glee: Brittna is your OPT. Reading or Working a few glee fanfions, Working on a glee fanart. Browzing the web for spoilers for the next glee episode. ete


1. My computer is to damn slow, which sucks when you have insomia
2 I'm a natual Dark- Brown hair
3 Reading a long fanfic that takes the Final Destnation idea and puts it in to a glee setting.

Glee 13 replies

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over a year ago ninjacupcake88 said…
Habits: I feel sick today, if that counts. My immune system is awful and I'm really fragile and get injured/sick easily.
Me: I have dirty blond hair, I'm straight, I'm short, when people first look at me they think I'm a lot younger then I actually am. I'm unnaturally pale (someone once thought I was albino, but I'm not)
Glee: I write Glee fanfiction and I'm going to try and start covering Glee songs on my youtube channel, Klaine will now and forever be my OTP and Chris Colfer is my role model<3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SBTA81 said…
Habits: I cry easily (every sad movie) but am mostly cheerful and love to laugh. I'm shy around people that I don't know very well and like to stay in the background. I love animals. My worst habit is definitely being messy. I leave stuff lying around the house (mostly clothes) all the time and I never make my bed.

Me: I have long brown hair, green/blue eyes and am pretty pale. I'm straight. I'm tall (5.9) and often wish I was a bit shorter. I have lots of freckles on my arms and some on my face. Somedays I hate them, somedays I'm okay with them. I love my hair because it's thick and wavy.

Glee: I love Glee and every character in it. Sam's definitely my favorite. I think Chord Overstreet is amazing and I love his voice. I could listen to him sing and speak for hours. Plus he seems very sweet and he's hilarious.
over a year ago piperlovegood said…
Habits: I chew entirely too much bubble gum. I drink very little other than Dr. Pepper. I watch a lot of horror movies. I forget to take my meds and until I ache all over I don't remember.

Me: I'm about 70% lesbian. Sholder leanth dark brown hair, never died and won't cural even with a gallon of hair spray. Very pale with some freckles. I'm shorter than Rachel and still have to shop in the kid section for most of my clothes. I have Nerofibomatosis and because of it I have small growths on my legs, on on my back, and a large one on my right hand; I also have coffee colored spots everywhere. I am on goverment disablity because of my spine and the growth on one of the nerves that the doctors won't touch. I was born in north Texas about 20 miles from the OK border. and so were my parents and their parents.

Glee: I have two OTPs and that is Wemma and Brittana. My ex-fiannce got me into glee and I got my BFF, her sister and my mom into it, and it's frusterating because with mom I'm always on spoiler alert. I haven't written any glee fanfiction yet but have been writting since the 6th grade and posting for the last 3 years. I'm nervous to write anything because I aways end up in another universe.
over a year ago 60abbye said…
Habits: I wear jeans and a t-shirt everyday. I drink too much diet coke. I hate trying to fall asleep, but when I do I never want to wake up. I get headaches from using my ipod and computer too much. I love dancing, singing, writing and directing. I am such a dork and a huge nerd and get wayyy too worked up over grades and such.

Me: I have blue eyes, dark brown hair and fairly pale skin. I'm 14 but I don't look like it (I frown upon wearing makeup, which really does make me look about twelve). I have a few freckles on my nose but nowhere else. I have really bad excema on my arms and legs. I live in Maine and hate the weather here.

Glee: The whole cast is amazing and I can't imagine Glee without them. Tike and Klaine are my OTP's. I have the biggest crush on Darren Criss. Tina and Mike are my favorite characters EVER. Furt is my OTF and will be forever. I know I will get a lot of hate for this, but I don't ship Brittana romantically but I do love them as friends. I don't usually read fanfiction, but Little Numbers and Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You are my favorites. Glee is one of the few TV shows I actually like and care about. It is the gayest show on television and I love it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sheerika said…
Habbits:I love eating chocolate and ice-cream and all these yummy food
one of my biggest habbits is squeling and smiling when i see finn hudson and i am truely obsessed with him

Me:I have black long hair and i`m not that tall i`m from fiji my skin is a brown-ish tone i look really young for my age i am straight.

Glee:I love glee and i am obsessed with it and i love finn so so so so much i totally ship finn too i love listinig to mercedes and all the girls and i think most of the boys in gleee is hott mostley finn!!! i relate to at least one thing from all the glee members and i love glee
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago edp said…
Habits: I easily get sick. I hate PE lessons and every sports branch I ever tried. I am very shy around people that I don't know very well, all you can hear from me is a one word answer. But if I know the person and I feel somehow close to that person, you can't stop me, I'm so long-winded.
Me: I'm 5'5. I'm straight. I have hazel eyes with brown hair. I wish I could say it's long but I've recently got a haircut and now it's as short as Quinn's, I already start regretting. I originally have a pale skin but I'm still a little suntanned. I look quite ordinary for my age.
Glee: I am addicted to Glee. I've started missing it already, how will I bare 2 months after winter finale? I have a celebrity crush on Darren Criss. My favorite actors from Glee are Darren and Naya. Blaine and Quinn are my favorite characters. I still ship Fabrevans and I'm proud to say that. I love 'every' character and everything in it.
over a year ago Pink_Love said…
Habits-I only drink water. I go to college. I have the same Boyfriend for almost 4 years.

Me-light Brown hair & eyes,5'1,20 years old,medium length hair but I am letting it grow out, I am tan.

Glee-Love Rachel~! && Finn~! So i naturally love Finchel. also like Quinn but mainly because I love Dianna Agron.
over a year ago klaine_forever said…
Habits: I dress super crazy:thigh lengh socks, matching cequine hat and shoes,suspenders on extra-mini shirts, ect. I am in year 7 so I have just started HS. I suck at sport but I love cooking and technology. I'm the complete OPISITE of shy, people discribe me as annoying.Im a hopeless speller but I can see that you spelt 'getting' wrong

Me- Medium blonde hair with lots of natural highlights but I want to dye my hair pink. I have blueish -gray wide eyes. My hair is really long and I love it exept the colour. I'm not short or tall. People say im pretty and I have won beauty padgents. My nose looks like Quinns! I am 12 years ols and Australian

Glee-KLAINE OTP!!! but you already know that. I love Kurt, Blaine, Santana, Emma, Finn, Becky and Figgins. My fave episode is The First Time which I have seen literaly about 30 times. My least favourie charecters
are Sebastian and Artie but I loved Artie in Micheal.

I included a picture of my cat because I think you will agree that she is beyond epic

last edited over a year ago
Habits: I dress super crazy:thigh lengh socks, matching cequine hat and shoes,suspenders on extra-min
over a year ago piperlovegood said…
1: I have one little boy in my life that I'd break my back and spend lots of money on just to keep him from crying. Hotwheels and horsey rides can never be turned down for me, even with all my back problems. He belongs to my BFF who is more than that but I don't have a better term for it; she made me the godmother.

2: I have anoying black hairs on my chin (I pluck them but I always tend to miss them.

3: I finally got my mom caught up on glee and convinced her to replace watching Biggest Looser for it. :D very happy about that. Still reading entirly too much fanfiction ranging from Horror to Fluff, to FutureFics.

He he was at the start of December he was running around hyped up on apple juice(which is what's in his sippy cup.)

@Klaine_forever your cat is adorable, even if I'm more of a dog person.
last edited over a year ago
1: I have one little boy in my life that I'd break my back and spend lots of money on just to keep hi
over a year ago belledjac said…
Habits I've been trying to stop biting nails
I have dark brown hair and olive skin tone
I have a cat Lenny and an annoying little sister
I'm known at school 4 the annoying person who will never stop talking about glee.
over a year ago Nicky23 said…
Habits: I do not wear the most stylish/best of clothes, I very rarely get sick (maybe a little bit too unoften), I love Animals especially dogs, I sleep pretty well most nights and have some pretty weird dreams/nightmares often.

Me: I have long darkish Blond Hair, Blue eyes and have a pale white skin tone, Im 16, not very tall (5'3) and Im Straight. I used to have Braces but recently got them removed (yay)

Glee: I am obsessed with Glee never miss it my OTP is definetly Klaine! but I love Bittana too. My Favorite characters are Blaine, Kurt, Quinn and Santana. And I also Am totally in love wih Darren!!, Chris and also Dianna.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sheerika said…
LOL what I wrote 10 months ago :P
over a year ago Clara_Valentina said…
big smile
Habits: I'm a smart person and more intelectual than artistic, I have a white cat which desespair me sometimes, I love food and talk in public, write and read are one of my biggest passions, I love help others in which I can, I'm very communicative, I hate the injustice as much as I hate Hittler (LOL), I'm not very social person but I am friendly I guess, my favorites subjects are History, Social Sciences, Math (almost everybody hates it XD) and phisic, what more I can say? idk

Me: I have brown hair and eyes, 16 years old, I'm skinny, and average height, idk if I'm straight or lesbian or something like that, I do like boys until now but I wouldn't mind date with a girl if she loves me and I love her.

Glee: okay I'll start... I absolutely love the serie even Ryan desespair me a lot sometimes!! my favorite character is Artie, I love him to death, he's so smart and honest, and hot, cool, generous, great, helpful, I just think he's my soulmate!!, then are Mike because he's so awesome, he's a football player, the greatest dancer, a sweet boyfriend, he also can sing and is a good son too, and Blaine because he's a great boyfriend (I still don't believe he cheated Kurt) a sweet person, great singer, and he's also so hot!!, I also love Quinn so much! and Mercedes, Ryder, Finn and Joe as well... my favorites couples are many, I love Klaine (OTP) and I'd never change it, today in second place is Quoe because they was so cutes! I still can't believe it never happened! and in third place is St. Berry (today) I hated that couple before but I started to like them the third time I saw Nationals, I realized that Jesse really do loves Rachel a lot and he could be her soulmate :( but I also like Brittana and Sebtana so much, I'm in conflict because I ship both couples so hard :/ and Ryley, I bet they'll not endgame but I just whish this couple happen someday...