Gilmore Girls Things we learned from Gilmore Girls - Game

mod_or_rocker posted on Dec 19, 2007 at 10:15PM
Ok, let's play a little game. As said in the title, it's called "Things we learned from Gilmore Girls". It's pretty simple, everytime you go (let's say, you can only go once a day to keep it interesting), you name 3 things that you learned from watching Gilmore Girls and then the next person will go and so on. Try not to say something someone has said before. Got it? Ok, let's start.

1. All bad girls wear red nailpolish.
2. Never buy something just because it's furry.
3. People in China are nuts about traveling.

Gilmore Girls 67 replies

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over a year ago _lina_ said…
1. Coffee is a girl's best friend
2. There is no such thing as too much turkey
3. Swans are vicious birds
over a year ago mod_or_rocker said…
1. Answer the pepperoni!
2. A lap is an illusion.
3. Bagels are like glue in your intestines.
over a year ago wiebu said…
1. Snooping without knowing what you're snooping for is ridicolous.
2. Pillows don't have to smell like feet.
3. "Oi" is one of the funniest words in the world.
over a year ago Dragonfly0879 said…
1. Brazzlefrat and shnicklefritz are very essential words for every day life.

2. You don't have to answer the phone when people are being particularly stupid.

3. Danish go best with coffee.
over a year ago mod_or_rocker said…
1. You can be "normal" special and then you can be "stop eating the paste" special.

2. Under the right circumstances ripping a wall down can make a room bigger

3. The plural of “cul-de-sac” is “culs-de-sac” not “cul-de-sacs”.
over a year ago Laura90 said…
1. Snow is magical.

2. God is a woman & lives in London.

3. The difference between cows & humans is hay.
over a year ago cheese__bandit said…
1. It's okay to want somebody dead if you get their inn.

2. Not all gays are nice.

3. Loose floorboards are a must in a Korean Teen's room.
over a year ago Dragonfly0879 said…
1. It is possible to have 100 jobs at once.

2. Pippi Longstocking is one of the best movies of all time.

3. You break it, you buy it.
over a year ago mod_or_rocker said…
1. Cigarettes are the currency used by community service people.

2. You must correctly dispose of Yale mattresses or they can trace it back to you.

3. Fries are the devil’s starchy fingers.
over a year ago _lina_ said…
1. The best thing about the USA is that if you try hard enough, you can always find a showing of St. Elmo's Fire on the big screen

2. It is possible to be hit by a deer

3. There can only be one town troubadour
over a year ago rachell_32 said…
1. Being a virgin helps you to get into Harvard.

2. It's possible to deep-fry a turkey, although it may set your front lawn on fire.

3. When picking a name for your rock band and "Follow Them to the Edge of the Desert" comes to mind, remember, you can shorten it to FTTTEOTD.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rachell_32 said…
1. Your system only works if you can read your handwriting.

2. Don't be surprised to see your great grandmother kissing a man in a purple jogging suit. She's only lonely.

3. When making the largest pizza in the world, stay clear of the hot cheese.
over a year ago mod_or_rocker said…
1. Ethics are highly subjective and completely overrated.
2. Always take a seat in the corner so no one can come up behind you and whack you with a cannoli.
3. A banana eating contest isn’t always about eating a banana.
over a year ago Dragonfly0879 said…
1. Knit or die!
2. Choose your life coach wisely.
3. In omnia paratus!
over a year ago Laura90 said…
1. It's much better to have a haunted leg than a cold.

2. Childbirth is like doing the splits on a case of dynamite.

3. Copper boom! :)
over a year ago Dragonfly0879 said…
1. Everybody loves Squeegee Beckenheim.
2. Cows never wrinkle.
3. Beagles belong with beagles. The hen belongs with the rooster.
over a year ago Laura90 said…
1. Ladies don't even look at puddles.

2. He's sleeping with the Zucchini MEANS He's sleeping with the Zucchini.

3. If you’re frustrated with someone, just push them in a lake.
over a year ago _lina_ said…
1. All the anvils are in the secret anvil storage facility the government is keeping from us
2. God is a woman, and she lives in London

3. Never park under a tree, especially when it's snowing.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mod_or_rocker said…
1. A Kropog is a unit of distance not volume.
2. It's hard having hot parents.
3. College is good for the skin.
over a year ago jupiterfaerie said…
1. Sticking a quarter up your nose will get you out of being baptized.
2. Always order extra Salmon Puffs.
3. Never mix horseradish and french fries while cramming for a Shakespeare exam.
over a year ago Dragonfly0879 said…
1. Yoga kills
2. Candy bars - chocolate covered death with a caramel surprise.
3. Once your heart is involved, it all comes out in Moron.
over a year ago georgiapeach91 said…
1. Santa prefers gum
2. Levels are great at hypmotizing dogs
3. If you go tray sleding it is common to fall on your face.
over a year ago jenniferm said…
1. When you're dating someone never dress weather appropriate.

2. Cut the boxes, not your hands.

3. Rich people have hilarious sock drawers.
over a year ago rachell_32 said…
1. You're not supposed to show up on time for a date.

2. Never, ever let someone steal your study tree.

3. There's only one Margey.
over a year ago Dragonfly0879 said…
1. Mondays are bad, but they come around eventually.
2. No rising, no shining
3. Women are from Venus, men are bowls of soup.
over a year ago jenniferm said…
1. What it means to be "Huntzbergered"

2. Bad girls always wear red nail polish

3. Hatchbacks do not have SUV inferiority complexes
over a year ago marla7 said…
1.taylor should stuff it.
2.Rory is a german model.
3.if you think you eye is swelling, maybe you're face is shrinking.
over a year ago AllTheseLives said…
1) cold batteries help the swelling go down.
2) smart girls are mean.
3) don't give someone and IOU if you don't inted to actually pay them back.
over a year ago _lina_ said…
1. Your virtue is a gift. If you give away your virtue to the wrong man, then when the right man comes along, you'll have no gift to give him, and you'll have to give him a sweater.\

2. The American government frowns upon feeding gummy bears to the bomb-sniffing dogs.

3. Certain dresses go better with babies.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lolli_popz said…
1. Copper Boom is something said to speed you up.
2.You never hear the word Oy without smiling.
3. The phrase "Oy with the poodles already" knocks "What you talkin bout willis?" right out of firs place
over a year ago Dragonfly0879 said…
1. There is no such thing as accident; it is fate misnamed

2. You can scare the stupid out of someone but the lazy usually runs deep.

3. The great alarm clock massacre of 2004 was a unfortunate event, but a truth not to be hidden.
over a year ago lilmissaltoid said…
1. You should never honk when you see the "honk if you love to..." bumper stickers.
2. Post-its don't make very good paths around the house.
3. It is indeed possible to cross a raspberry with a kumquat.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _lina_ said…
1. Overmashing potatoes makes potato soup.

2. Three words: octopus ice cream.

3. A proper proposal includes music playing and romantic lighting and a subtle buildup to the popping of the big question and a thousand yellow daisies and candles and a horse.
over a year ago 777jade777 said…
1. At Luke’s diner you can sit anywhere ….. except where people are sitting already

2. Babette ate oatmeal!

3. Gnome kicking says a lot about a mans character
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RORYnJESSfan said…
1. You can't sleep with a married guy
2. Ladies don't do anything for themselves.
3. Don't start a project if you're going to stop mid-project.
over a year ago mod_or_rocker said…
1. Don't date people who are suing your family.
2. Kids always have jam on their hands, even if there isn't any jam in the house.
3. Waffle is a good modeling name if you're from Belgium.
over a year ago Dragonfly0879 said…
1. You should always have a maid agency on speed dial.

2. Rome. Romans live there. Audrey Hepburn took a holiday there. It's the name of a B52s song.

3. Bagels are like glue in your intestines and ensure that everything that enters your body will remain there until you die.
over a year ago jenna_marie said…
1.)Stars Hollow isn't amish town, boys and girls usually date alone!
2.)Mitchum Huntzberger doesn't like peas.
3.) you should nt own a pet if you have a bad past record of keeping them alive.
over a year ago RORYnJESSfan said…
1. Convertible people are too tan and have bad hair.
2. You can't ride a bike to work everyday.
3. It's good to have choice when deciding what to do with your life.
over a year ago Dragonfly0879 said…
1. Reading a newspaper can keep you out of serious trouble.

2. Wearing a suit all day every day is classy not old-fashioned.

3. Animals are people too.
over a year ago RORYnJESSfan said…
1. Twins are much easier than siamese triplets.
2. People in France are really rude to Americans.
3. The French make insanely comfortable beds.
over a year ago thatonegirl said…
1) Things aren't nearly as bad after Finn's Passion of the Christ interpretation except maybe Finn's Passion of the Christ interpretation.
2) Always learn the last name of the guy you are going on a date with so you don't have to make up a last name like Grimauldi to tell your mother.
3) A doula is another term for midwife and apparently it makes a great baby name.
over a year ago RORYnJESSfan said…
1.Getting a refrigerator magnet for a nickel is a great deal.
2.Going into a strange town with people you don't know is stupid.
3.The Donna Reed show is a religion.
over a year ago Dragonfly0879 said…
1. Asia fits inside your living room.
2. Desert sushi is a fantastic invention that can make you infamously rich.
3. Playing tennis with the Gilmores is like a road trip to hell.
over a year ago RORYnJESSfan said…
1. The best hospital in New York City is the best hospital in the country.
2. Kids are not suppossed to fall asleep at a birthday party.
3. A kitty cat toiletry kit is not a good birthday present for a 13 year old girl.
over a year ago Hildaida said…
Never sleep on the table.
Never study about the test you are going to be late for.
over a year ago Dragonfly0879 said…
1. Always have a healthy supply of fish in your freezer. It's a cure to almost anything.
2. Don't look into the flash of a camera while driving, you might hit a diner.
3. There can only be one town troubadour.
over a year ago mommy said…
1.Booze is grown up milk and cookies.
2.Almost anything can be "dirty".
3.If you walk with a Harry Potter book on your head and you drop it, Harry will die.
over a year ago ButtaflyyKisses said…
1. Your best friend can be your soul mate
2. You mom can be your best friend, and vice versa
3. Rhinestones make anything awesome
over a year ago Phenny said…
1. Friday Night Dinners are a must when fighting with your family!

2. Anything you eat in or with a red wine reduction sauce will make you hungry 20 minutes later.

3. Luke can waltz! But he is a compulsive liar...