Ghost Whisperer Homer the dog

bcandco posted on Jun 19, 2010 at 02:27AM
As a newbie to Ghost Whisperer, I have been playing catch up, but I don't know what happened to Homer! I missed it somewhere, can someone please tell me what happened to him or which episode to watch? Your help is greatly appreciated.

Ghost Whisperer 2 replies

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over a year ago Ghoster said…
Not many people will know this but you have noticed that Homer has markings on his face that show one eye in black and the other in white.
According to folk tales, if a dog had markings like this it could see both this physical world and the Spirit world.
over a year ago MirkoST said…
I didn't know that Ghoster, that's very are a great observer! It's a pitty this show didn't get at least a closure to its story.