Gantz Updates

an answer was added to this question: Who's your favorite character? over a year ago by ShanChan
a comment was made to the photo: gantz over a year ago by ShanChan
a comment was made to the poll: Which is better? over a year ago by 1moonshine
a poll was added: Which is better? over a year ago by I-Luv-L
a link was added: Manga UK Blog over a year ago by dlaczego
an answer was added to this question: Who's your favorite character? over a year ago by MisterH
a question was added: GANTZ MOVIES SPOT!!! over a year ago by michellepotter
a link was added: gantz live-action movies over a year ago by michellepotter
a question was added: Who's your favorite character? over a year ago by Lawli-gagger