Game of Thrones {Quotes per episode ; 3x06} Team Stark (+ Tully); favorite quote?

Pick one:
"Oh, you're gonna punch the rabbits to death?" "I had someone else in mind."
"Well, someone else is sitting right here."
"You're both very good at skinning rabbits."
"You've got a big mouth, girl, and too many teeth."
"Lady Reed here's got a stick so far up her ass, it's a wonder her feet touch-
"First time I met her, she put a knife to my throat." "First time I met you,-
"Face, tits, balls-- I hit 'em right where I wanted to."
"Did the Lord of Light tell you that or did she?"
"Your father does realize we're in the middle of a war?"
"Why should I let that old ferret choose my bride for me?"
"He's a proud man and we've wounded him."
"No man can compel another man to marry." "The laws of my fist are about to-
"You're willing to risk our freedom and our lives for a chance at a prettier wife
"I have a war to fight. We can't win it without them. I have no time to haggle."
"You said you wanted to make amends for the Stone Mill." "I had something less-
"I've won every battle, but I'm losing this war. If we don't do this and do it -
"You're paying for my sins, Uncle. It's not fair or right. I'll remember it."
"I can't wait to see it. And to leave this place."
"Please excuse her, Lord Tyrion. She's not from here. But I trust her, even -
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 XxXrachellXxX posted over a year ago
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