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The Sand Snakes on Game of Thrones season 6; Belfast sightings galore for the cast of GoT!

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called The Sand Snakes on Game of Thrones season 6; Belfast sightings galore for the cast of GoT! | Watchers on the Wall | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
is rolling in Belfast, and cast members are filtering in and out of the city. For now, shooting is contained in Northern Ireland, but early next month we can expect Spain filming to begin, in Girona.
Before checking in with the latest sightings, there’s a new interview with two of the Sand Snakes, with Jessica Henwick discussing returning in season 6, Keisha Castle-Hughes talking about what drew her to Obara, and more.
Isaac Hempstead Wright and Kristan Nairn have been enjoying themselves out and about since being reunited in Belfast for season 6 filming.
Lovely meal avec Mr Nairn. Beard on point sir @kristiannairn
A photo posted by Isaac Hempstead Wright (@isaachwright) on
@WatchersOTWall We sat next to Kristian and Isaac at dinner tonight in Belfast. Absolutely wonderful fellas!
— Aideen McCormack (@Deenerbom) August 4, 2015
Peter Dinklage and Owen Teale have also been spotted in town, in separate sightings. Belfast is a flurry of activity with actors from different storylines- the studios must be packed.
***** PETER DINKLAGE ALERT****** @sarahgbelfast #belfast #homeofthrones Whoop!
From our sources:Owen Teale and Isaac Wright seen around centre of Belfast today,Isaac noticeably older (5th Aug) #ForTheWatch #ReturnOfBran
— Irish Thrones (@IrishThrones) August 5, 2015
And of course…the man everyone is chasing, Kit Harington, is back in Belfast after his brief trip to Spain for
filming and looking puzzled about getting papped while buying frozen pizza. So there’s that– you can check out the pap pics at PopSugar. As for #HairWatch? His curls are tied back on top and loose at the bottom, a fairly typical hairstyle for a beer and pizza run when you really don’t want to be bothered. Sorry, Kit.
They probably should’ve planned out this storyline’s timing better, frankly, if they didn’t want people to be fascinated by the actor appearing all over Belfast during filming.
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oh no… I wished we were done with sand snakes.
I think if he was only back for a funeral scene he wouldn’t be trying to hide from the press so much.
Good idea having Hodor grow the beard out!
People really should stop harassing Kit like that. All these people that are so concerned about Jon Snow’s fate have this warped sense of reality regarding the actors’ personal life. And this whole hairwatch thing has been coming across as a little stalker-ish. It’s TMZ level shit.
Hopefully they’ll only appear in two scenes. One in which they’re sent to King’s Landing and another in which they cut off their heads.
On a different note, I have a feeling that the Sand Snakes will be a lot better next season. The characters need to be split up so each one can be fleshed out a little more and put in different situations. I’m sure that D&D are well aware of all the SS hate from last season lol.
NEVER LEAVE KIT ALONE! STALK HIM ALL DAY LONG UNTIL… until… wait, why are we following him everywhere? It’s not like he is suddenly going to accidentally reveal anything.
I feel sorry for Henwick and Castle-Hughes. As self-professed book fans they know how awesome their characters are in the books, yet they have to play their flat and cliche pornosupervillain versions and promote the show as if everything is peachy.
It’s all fun and games really. Celebrities are paparazzied all the time. Something I’m sure he is aware of lol
Well, I wouldn’t call their book characters awesome. I mean, all they’ve done so far is ask Doran to kill innocent people.
SARELLA, I hope so! No casting information about that, though, so I doubt it. Even though we “haven’t met her yet
“, I think she’s [going to be] my favorite Sand Snake.
I posted this in the previous post’s comments: I saw Keisha Castle-Hughes and Jessica Henwick at Tampa Bay Comic Con this past weekend. They were very nice people, and their personalities definitely warmed me up to them a bit more. Carrie Fisher and Linda Hamilton were both there, though, so they drew most of the crowd; good part was that this made it easier to talk with the Keisha and Jessica.
A friend of mine mentioned to Jessica that she was disappointed that
I am hoping that the writers have actively worked on improving their story. I
to like the characters… I’m just holding my breath and super, super nervous about Season 6 in general. I’ve given up on Dorne a bit (shame, because it’s my favorite place in the books), but hope that it’s fixed.
Awesome characters in the books? We must have read different books.
I was expecting Dorne and the people of Dorne (where were the people of Dorne?) to be exciting and sexy – so it did fall a bit flat for me. I have hopes for the future episodes.
I really dislike how people feel the need to trash the Sand Snakes like, in front of the people who play them. That’s just rude. I think there’s some weird hateful portion of the fandom who get off on being nasty and now see the opportunity to do so in public because they think everyone else is okay with it.
My attitude toward HairWatch is entirely a joke. I think that’s pretty obvious from the post- if you’re not getting it, I don’t know what else to say. But him being in Belfast yet again (with proof) is noteworthy.
They need to split the sand snakes up if there is any hope for them. Nym to King’s Landing possibly, Tyene to Oldtown.
Oh good. I was really worried we wouldn’t get more Sand Snakes, and would have been super disappointed. Yes, that’s it.
Kit and Owen should just be seen together walking around with boxing gloves on or something. 😀
I think the Sand Snakes from the books are great, though I don’t know that they really do all that much- I generally consider them interesting, minor characters, though there are certainly indications that they have a larger role to play in the story yet to come.
At least the show versions have been good for comic relief… I laughed out loud when the blood started pouring from Myrcella’s nose, because it seemed like a perfect ridiculous ending to a laughably bad story.
The ladies that play the Sand Snakes seem smart, nice and professional. Hopefully they will get better material to work with this year. As for the stalking of Kit H, so over it. Give the guy a break – no more pics.
Thankfully, the panel I went to was pretty good in this respect. No audience questions came off as disrespectful, and everyone in general seemed very excited to see them. Have people been trashing their characters to the actors in person?
According to PopSugar, the photos are from last week. Either way, plenty of people have tweeted about meeting him or seeing him in Belfast the past few days.
Anyone who is a jerk in real life towards actors who play characters they dislike is just sad.
Of course Lady Nym should come back,she didn’t do anything the entire season 5.Wich is a shame,in the books she was the coolest of the sand snakes for me.Hope they send her to Kings Landing soon,that would be an improvement.
I didn’t hear anyone being rude to the two actresses who were interviewed. I agree, that would be in bad form. However, to not have good feelings about last season is pretty much a given, it could and should have been done much better by the writers, directors and editors. I am hoping season 6 puts the attention to making their scenes just as worthy as the rest of the cast is given for their scenes. Book Dorne was a snooze-fest….in my opinion. I have found that the show has done better by many book portions, but then also the book did better than the show as well. It is a coin toss. For the Dorne part….it just didn’t work for me.
Actually in the above article…I want to squeeeeeeeeee much more for the Dinklage sighting!
I really dislike how people feel the need to trash the Sand Snakes like, in front of the people who play them.
I know that this is common for celebrities but I guess I’m just trying to put myself in Kit’s shoes. Like what if he’s hungover or just had a huge fight with his girlfriend or something, and he goes to the store for a snack and someone just gets all up in his face with a camera? That sucks. And I’ve seen a lot of celebrity pics from tabloids where the angles are clearly taken from behind a some bushes or up in a tree and it’s really unsettling lol.
Well, like or dislike them, they were well fleshed-out, interesting and not nearly as stereotypical as the show versions. I call that awesome character writing.
really dissapointed how people treat this, its as if that storyline (preaty poor i admit) is the anticrhist.
not suprised tough. when AFFC came out the reaction was much the same… IRON ISLANDS SUCK MORE!!…NO DORNE SUCKS MORE!!!
i for one think they did what they could with what they had and what they themselves know of TWOW.
as GRRM himself said the SS have a role to play further in the story, so il wait and judge it then.
Keisha in my opinion IS obara, and Tyene, when she smiled at Bron dying i saw Oberyn. only Nym i don’t have an opinion as she had little screen time.
and when people say that the SS where not as cruel in the books,was it not Nym who wanted to murder tommen/mycella..hedre they just added Elaria
so what i think we need is not less SS but more, so we can know the characters, what they want….etc. and more Doran of course, Siddig is godlike.
but honestly i’m not really suprised. it’s easy to forget, it was almost 10 years ago, but when AFFC came out Dorne got just as much hate as now.
but it’s col to hate Dorne just like Qarth was in season 2.
dont get me wrong either tough, Dorne was the easly the weakest storyline this season, but i hardly think its the disaster some folks make it out. i for one think this season was a simply a introduction, and will get some more meaty scenes next season
I wasn’t trying to imply that you were a stalker or that Kit being in Belfast isn’t a big deal (it is). And I don’t claim to know Kit or anything but I can imagine that having people popping out of everywhere snapping pictures of him doesn’t feel too good. I’m probably in the minority about this but it really should stop, even though I know that it won’t.
Agreed on the SS thing as well. Any problems with the SS had nothing to do with the actresses and everything to do with the writing. People can be dicks when it comes to that. As I said before, if the SS are split up and put in more interesting situations, then they’ll totally shine.
obara= lets go burn oldtown because im angry
nym= lets kill children beecause im angry
i will be the first to admit that in the show they are very cliche
People really should stop harassing Kit like that. All these people that are so concerned about Jon Snow’s fate have this warped sense of reality regarding the actors’ personal life. And this whole hairwatch thing has been coming across as a little stalker-ish. It’s TMZ level shit.
I can think of worse things in life than to be a young healthy guy in the prime of young adulthood having success at one’s profession and having to put up with some overzealous fan and media attention.
It would be one thing if he was likely to become an ultra uber celebrity on the level of say the Beatles or Jack Nicholson or something and was looking at never really having any privacy again. But I think at some point this will all fade away to reasonable level for Mr. Harrington.
Plus, in all the pics, he looks like a normal happy well adjusted guy enjoying life. I don’t think it making him very miserable at least from what I can see.
Sometimes always goes bad when you start to pick favourites.We have to cut the Griffs out because we don’t want to put Dany in a bad light but what are the damages?Leaving everything from their story behind you also have to cut for example Arianne,and by so,destroy the Dorne season 5 arc too.Queenmaker plot can’t work with Ellaria,it couldn’t be logically explained,so we just give the same plot to all 4 of them for the entire season.And not a very bright one,kill her for what exactly?And it’s not very interesting when nothing else happens there in all this time.
Ya no I agree it’s no fun… Most actors hate it. Not everyone is a Kim kardashian who go to the paparazzi ridden places lol But it comes with the business – especially when you play a favourite like Jon snow.
The Sand Snake actresses were definitely not well-served. I feel especially bad for Henwick, who in the final cut of Season 5 has maybe two lines, and trained for months with that whip only for the fight scene to just show how ridiculous it is as a solo weapon.
I do hope the show can rescue those characters, but at the same time I’m hard-pressed to see how Ellaria and the Snakes can even still be alive after what they did last season. Doran should be mounting their heads on spikes.
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