Fringe True or False

scrubby21 posted on Jun 26, 2011 at 04:54PM
here's how the game works. i write a statement like this: The Person Below Me (TPBM) likes blank more than blank. they answer in the form of true or false. then they post their own TPBM statement.

so i'll start:

TPBM likes Walter more than Peter

Fringe 175 replies

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Showing Replies 151-175 of 175

over a year ago MrBuna said…
True. This brown jacket he was wearing in earlier episodes was awful.

TPBM thinks that the actors deserve more awards for their work.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
he should really just take an hour off his quest to go home and just go shopping for a new one already!

of course. have any of them even won anything yet? I know John Noble's been nominated a few times for various awards but i don't think anyone has one a single one yet. =(

TPBM is always wary of drinking unlabeled liquids because of what happened to Peter.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
Oh yes. When he finally returns and he wears this brown jacket they will send him back xD

Um, no. Definitely not.

TPBM hopes that we will never hear from baby Henry again.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
i meant to say 'because what happened to Peter in The Firefly' but couldn't remember which ep it happened in. probably doesn't change your answer though.

well, he was a very annoying talker! what with all those goo goos and his constant whining! xD nah but seriously, i hope we never see him again because that would mean Bolivia still happened.

TPBM plays a drinking game every episode. in which, every time Walter gets Astrid's name wrong, they take a shot.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
Hä? What happened to him in The Firefly? Not sure what you mean. But no that wouldn't change my answer ;)

Why do you keep asking questions about alcohol? xD I have to answer them all with "false", that won't be very interesting. So, false. I never play drinking games.

TPBM misses Peter from season 1 who said things like "Shady deals with shady guys in shady hotels is my M.O." (1x13)
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
well, he drank an unlabeled substance that looked like milk but was actually something Walter had concocted. and then he almost died.

what do you mean? that's the first one.

sort of but i think he's progressed a lot as a character so i wouldn't want him to revert back to S1 Peter but in terms of missing his sarcastic dialogue, then my answer would be true. that's one thing that's really been lacking this season because he hasn't been interacting with Walter much. =(
hopefully this will change soon.

If they had the chance, TPBM would share a beer with Peter. (okay, now i'm trying to annoy you :D)
over a year ago MrBuna said…
Oh lol I'm sorry I totally misunderstood you xD My brain doesn't work properly so late in the evening I guess!

Okay, another question I'll answer with no... :D

TPBM didn't like Agent Jessup in the beginning of season 2.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
why? because you drink too much? :D

True! For a little while i thought she was going to try and take over Olivia's role in the group but luckily the writers decided to just drop her character all together and the biblical implications that she had discovered.

TPBM thinks that phase 2 will lead to Olivia's death.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
Probably! In the Fringe time game I always have to pick "because I was drunk", so that must be the reason! xD

Hmm, hard question. I can't really decide. Maybe it would be easier to answer this one if I knew the newest ep >.<

TPBM noticed that the bridge we saw in "Northwest Passage" also appears in the show Eureka (episode 4x20).
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
that's what i thought. tsk, tsk. =)

yeah, i thought you would have watched it by now. that sucks. =(

false. never even seen Eureka before. i've been thinking about giving it a try but didn't know if it was worth it. so is it any good? and didn't it get cancelled recently?

TPBM can't wait for Alstrid to meet Astrid.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
Yup it got cancelled, but there are/will be 6 seasons, imo that's enough. Um, I don't know every single episode of it and I didn't watch it from the beginning. But I know quite many episodes and I really love it. It's even weirder than Fringe (referring to the science stuff), it's funny, maybe the storyline isn't the best but I don't care. So maybe you should give it a try, yes :)

Hm, true. That could be interesting.

TPBM felt sorry for Broyles during the episode "Earthling" when we found out about his family etc.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
okay! i'll probably get around to it soon seeing as i've already finished Wonderfalls. it was really great!

true. too bad that 'thing' with Nina didn't work out. actually, i'm really happy that the writers dropped that bizarre storyline. i think i found their kiss to be more bizarre than all the weird stuff from every episode combined! :D

The only thing that TPBM wants in life is someone who will keep them warm when they're cold, feed them when they're hungry, and maybe, on occasion, take them dancing.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
Hmm, false. I hate dancing :D

TPBM cried during the finale of season 3.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
if i was the least bit coordinated, i would love it but otherwise, i look like a flailing monkey.

well, does tearing up count? cuz if it does then i did cry.

TPBM found it very easy to get perfect on the walter bishop quiz on the Fox site.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
Um, the what on the what? Why didn't I hear about that? :D

TPBM thinks that Peter is already in the right place and just needs to find that out.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
oh, there's a bunch of quizzes on the Fox site. apparantly i'm not that great of a fan because i only got 9 out of 10 for most of them. xD

well true. he'll probably realize this in the next few episodes. most likely after which we'll have a huge hiatus, yet again. =( anyways, if it isn't his world then this whole season so far has been a waste. because as soon as he goes back it will be like it never happened. on the flip side, if this is his world, it means the last 3 seasons were a waste (to some degree anyways). i don't see how the writers can resolve this so that everyone is happy. here's hoping they have some sort of epic resolution to it all!

TPBM thinks Astrid has a better singing voice than Olivia.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MrBuna said…
That theory wasn't from me, and I don't really understand it. Does it mean that the old timeline isn't really the place he belongs to, but the new one is? Or does it mean they're both the same? I really don't get it.

True. Of course I can't judge about that because I don't know anything about singing, but I liked her voice better.

TPBM liked The Ghost Network better than Forced Perspective.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
the second one. it's that they're both the same. more specifically, that the only difference between the timelines is that Peter hasn't been in the new one for very long. But given time, he could cause a duplication of the same effects he caused in the old timeline. I.e. that Olivia and Walter will become their old selves again, and whoever else had a significant connection to him. And judging by recent eps, this does seem to be the route they are going. but who knows? it's Fringe after all.

true, i think FP was only slightly better than the horribly boring premiere.

TPBM would gladly be the one to clean up after Gene if it meant getting to spend time around the gang.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
So you mean that everything changes back again so that at the end there won't be a difference anymore between the old and the new timeline? Or only the people change to who they were before?


TPBM likes to eat dilicious strawberry-flavored death.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
only the people will change. and only the ones directly effected by Peter's absence.

absolutely true. strawberry-flavoured death is yummy. mmmm...

TPBM thinks that, "She tricked my son with her carnal manipulations and he fell right into her Vagenda!" is the best line that Walter has ever spoken.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
Hmm, I don't like that theory. I want everything to be normal again, not only the persons. It's too confusing, I have my problems to remember what happened in the old timeline and what happened in the new one >.<

No, not really. Maybe if I heared it once in english, because in german it's not funny at all. But there are other Walter quotes that I like much more and that are more... meaningful :D

TPBM noticed that there are sometimes glyphs hidden in the background, like in 2x18, 3x04 or 4x07
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
i want everything to be normal again too. but if they do that it will be like this season was pointless.

not at all. did you see that yourself? or just read it somewhere?

TPBM thinks there should be a zombie episode (where Our Lincoln and Nina are sadly killed).
over a year ago MrBuna said…
But otherwise all the 3 previous seasons were more or less pointless.... :(

Both. I found some of them by myself, others not.

If it wouldn't be too scary, true.

TPBM liked the animations in LSD.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
yeah, i know. that's the problem. either way it won't work and i don't see how the writers can write it so that all the fans are happy.

i can't promise anything. they're zombies after all. xD

false. i understand why they did it (budget reasons and to be different) but it just didn't do it for me.

TPBM is looking forward to future storylines with the Observers.
over a year ago shinot765 said…
does anybody know which brand joshua jackson's jacket is from? like in this pic? link
thank you

and yes I'd like to know the whole thing about the Observers

TPBM wants to kick Nina's ass, for what she's done, and what she'll do.