Friends what D.O.A means??

eisai_xazo posted on May 27, 2007 at 04:15PM
i've heard the theme song many times...and i don't know what D.O.A means
last edited on May 27, 2007 at 04:17PM

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over a year ago xxellaxx said…
Dead On Arrival x
over a year ago eisai_xazo said…
over a year ago Kramer101 said…
I didn't know what it meant either. THANX!
over a year ago angelbuff_01 said…
hey thanx, i had no idea what it stood for either!!
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
I have a friend who thought it was "My love life's been away..."

We set her straight.

over a year ago HarryPotterFan said…
doesn't DOA also mean "dead or alive"?
over a year ago benji said…
Well it could, but the far more common usage is Dead On Arrival.
over a year ago ladolcevita said…
Dead or Alive
over a year ago natasa84 said…
i'm not sure, but i think that means "dead on arrival"
over a year ago qt_py100 said…
it wouldnt make sense dead or alive would it! it has to be dead on arrival.
over a year ago TweenaCat said…
I never understand the lyrics of theme songs so I gave up trying long ago.
over a year ago fanmania8 said…
I thought it was " my love lifes rearanged"
over a year ago Nav said…
Lol... As far as I know (and I watch too many hospital shows, so I consider myself pretty knowledgable), DOA is Dead On Arrival.
Anyhoo, the song's lyrics are a bit weird. I've heard of a webpage whose sole purpose is to record all the mis-perceptions people make regarding song lyrics. Kinda hilarious :)
over a year ago Laurra said…
its dead on arrival which means the loves gone before it has even started i think :S
over a year ago emybabe said…
your saying oth_rocks that it dosent make sense dead on arrival it dosent make sense dead or alive cuz it ses ur loves life's Dead or alive. its ur love life's dead on arrival.
over a year ago i_luv_spike said…
Its not Dead or alive it is Dead on arrival
over a year ago Summer_Star said…
I don't think they'd put something unknown like Dead Or Arrival in the song but people know that it's Dead Or Arrive so I think it's it
over a year ago 555YJ said…
D.O.A. means Death On Arrival! ... u're wlcm :)
over a year ago xoxocarlaUSxoxo said…
wow thx i never knew what it meant before thx sooo dead on arrival?
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
Dead on arrival makes so much more sense to me than dead or alive...I've always thought it meant dead on I'm going to stick with that for now:)
over a year ago Gasosa said…
"So no one told you life was gonna be this way *clap*clap*clap*clap*
Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA"

Personally I think "dead on arrival" makes more sense, but it's just my oppinion

over a year ago ArcticWolf said…
I ALWAYS thought D.O.A. meant "Dead or Alive". :/ I don't know where people are getting the Dead on Arrival thing.
ellie1124 commented…
in the medical field, it's dead on arrival. trust me, it's what the lyric means. your love lifes dead or alive? no over a year ago
over a year ago Ochandlar1 said…
Dead on arrival, as in it's gone before it gets there. It's from the army tradition of abbreviating strange things, like MIA (Missing In Action). DOA stood for Dead on Arrival long before Dead or Alive came into the scene.
over a year ago HarryGinny1001 said…
In the context of the song, it means dead on arrival, although in other context it could mean dead or alive.
over a year ago crumble4 said…
it means dead on arrival ok here is a easier way to put it think of ross and rachel....... there love lives are D.O.A dead on arrival. dead on arrival means it doesn't work out even before it gets there it will never work out.
over a year ago rikiesow said…
big smile
DOA...........meanz dead or Alive itz a movie!!!!!!!!!!
DOA...........meanz dead or Alive itz a movie!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago tammyr50 said…
"Dead On Arrival"
over a year ago FRIENDS_Rachel said…
Omg thanx i diddnt know!
over a year ago Jennifer22 said…
No, its actually "Due on arrival" it means their love life isnt going well so its due to arrive soon.

I had a firne who though it was "my love life's been a waste..." it fits but we soon put her right! :P
over a year ago Book-Freak said…
It means Dead on arrival. Hospitals use the term when somebody dies before they reach the hospital. In the song it means their love lif is over before it even begins
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago arjit191993 said…
its death on arrivaL
over a year ago goldeneye7 said…
I don't know on this song but I think it should mean Dead Or Alive
over a year ago sheerinandamian said…
ur love life is DOA actually means
meaning no heart beat, no love life.