Final Fantasy XIII RP

TheAdventGhost posted on Feb 15, 2015 at 04:59AM
Pulse L'Cie, Cocoon L'Cie, or Citizen of Cocoon:

Final Fantasy XIII 324 replies

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over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Name: Ketsu Kizato
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Always ready for a fight or always ready to protect.
Occupation: Formerly, before the incident, he was a shopkeeper.
Pulse L'Cie, Cocoon L'Cie, or Citizen of Cocoon: Pulse L'Cie
Bio: TBR
last edited over a year ago
Name: Ketsu Kizato 
Age: 18
Gender: Male 
Personality: Always ready for a fight or always ready to
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Name: Strea
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Short tempered, but always manages to stay focused on the task at hand. She's strong willed and a bit stubborn, but will do anything for someone she's deemed a friend.
Occupation: Guardian Corps
Pulse L'Cie, Cocoon L'Cie, or Citizen of Cocoon: Citizen of Cocoon.
Bio: As Psicom began to pour into her home town of Bodhum to investigate rumors of a pulse infection Strea was left with a choice. Would she carry out her mission and possibly damn her friends and family or would she purposely try to cover up what could be laying deep within the Vestige.
Name: Strea 
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Short tempered, but always manages to stay focuse
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Geez...... Psicom is just piling in these areas huh....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As she saluted her commander the girl began to calmly walk towards the Vestige with her team as the fireworks went off in the night sky. With each step deeper down the staircase at the entrance the outside world seemed to move farther and farther away as the echoing of their feet filled the air.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: *His back against the wall inside the vestige* I need to find a way out of here..... And with these Cie'th here.... Getting out won't be an easy task.... *He looked around the area seeing a bunch of Cie'th.... All these people didn't complete their focus huh....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As the next chamber opened her squad flinched at the sight of the many Cie'th staggering across the metallic terrain. As they inched forward Strea stayed in the back knowing that these things did not only look terrifying, but were far more deadly than anything she had been trained to fight against. Though she did her best to keep up and stay silent their footsteps were simply too heavy thanks to the gear of her comrades. As the echoing continued the Cie'th began to shriek in agony as the limped their way towards the unprepared team. It was then that their leader swung her free hand downward and began to open fire with her other. As the bullets flew Strea being a member of the Medical unit had only her bag of medicine and her rapier so all she did was cower behind her allies who were now being surrounded by the large group of monsters.*
*As the next chamber opened her squad flinched at the sight of the many Cie'th staggering across the
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: *He walked and saw the squad surrounded by the monsters* Great.... Like this day couldn't get anymore exciting.... *He threw some fire at the Cie'th making them perish*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As the flames cleared and the soldiers looked frantically for where the flame originated they saw the man and raised their fire arms towards their savior as the captain shouted out "A L'cie! Bring it back dead or alive!" It was then that the soldiers began to sprint his way. Strea ran beside them, but slowed her pace conflicted on what to do seeing as how the boy had just saved their lives.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: So this is the thanks I get for saving your lives huh..... Oh well.... I was really hoping to not have to hurt soldiers.....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As the soldiers took aim Strea only stood in horror as they began to negotiate.*
Captain: Come with us L'Cie or be executed here and now!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: I'll comply. *He began walking* As long as none of you of you try to pull anything funny... I'll play your game...
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As he walked over they raised the guns towards him as one brought out a pair of laser based cuffs. "Now hold your hands behind your back!" barked out the soldier holding the cuffs.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: *He put his hands behind his back, he then looked to Strea*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*The girl looked at the stranger with the hypnotizing eyes and as he began to be lead away she'd blink and shook her head profusely. She'd then look around the empty space as the soldiers relocated the man. While walking they'd come across more soldiers on their way in.*

Captain: What's going on here?

???: We came to investigate the situation.

Captain: The Guardian Corps has everything under control here.

???: Really then why is this man cuffed?

Captain:...He is a L'Cie..

???: But that would mean..
*As the man began to clench his fist he grabbed the cuffed boy by the hair and brought his face closer.*
Where is it?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Where is what? I don't understand what you're looking for.... I'm still trying to learn about my powers as a L'Cie sir....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
???: You know what I mean!
*The man yanked his head higher*
The pulse Fal'Cie that transformed you into this monster!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Even if I tried to remember I wouldn't be able to find it.....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
???:...Don't worry...we'll get the information out of you one way or another.
*He'd let go of his hair and waved his hand signaling for his PSICOM unit to move in. Though he'd glance over the boy once more before following his men. It was then as they exited the vestige the group was met with swirling wind and bright lights being pointed downward towards the entrance.*

Captain: It's time.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Time for what?
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Captain: For us to find out what is truly in that mark on your body to make you able to use magic.
*The captain said this in a tone of "Yes I know" when speaking of the mysterious mark located somewhere on Ketsu's body. It was then that a helicopter landed and opened it's doors. The captain then pushed Ketsu into the back seat and climbed in as well closing the door behind him as the copter took off. Leaving only Strea and her remaining comrades standing outside the vestige alone.*

Strea:..wha..what is going on here?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: .....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*After a few moments inside the copter the boy was lifted by his collar. it was then that the copter landed and the captain then pushed him out. As he fell to his knees he's look upwards and saw multiple Psicom personal standing in front of him weapons drawn.*

Captain: I've done my job.
*Said the obviously tired man as he stepped back onto the helicopter. As he left the Psicom soldiers began to mumble to each other eventually raising their guns toward Ketsu as they then pointed the guns towards a singular door behind them.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: *He stood up and walked*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As he entered he saw all white halls, floors, and ceilings. The place was devoid of emotion and had many rooms that seemed to all look the same. It was after they traveled up a staircase that they eventually made it into a singular room where there was nothing, but a woman with her legs crossed staring back at the door.*

???: And who are you?
*She'd say seductively as he entered the room.*
*As he entered he saw all white halls, floors, and ceilings. The place was devoid of emotion and had
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: My name.... Ketsu Kizato....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
???: And why do you think we've brought you here Mr.Kizato?
*She'd say this while uncrossing her legs and standing to her feet.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Why? Because you want to find the Pulse Fal'Cie. You think that I have the answers and I don't.... I became a L'Cie.... Then I passed out.... Woke up somewhere else.....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
???: Aaaah, but that means you know what it looks like and possible where it's been...
*She'd then slam her first onto the small coffee table standing in front of her and said "So start talking" as coldly as humanly possible.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: It was somewhere within the Vestige.... That much I can give you....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
???: Inside the vestige.
*She'd stand to her feet and began to walkout. She'd then nod towards the guards as she said "Bring the L'Cie to the experimentation chamber I have to speak to a superior.".
*The soldiers then began to walk towards the man. As they shook their guns for him to walk he knew this would be his last chance to escape before they began their wicked experiments.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Experimentation chamber huh? So what's next then? You gonna try to cut me and get something else out of me....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Guard: Maybe we will.

Guard 2: It's the first time we've seen a pulse L'Cie since the great war.
*The two then walked behind him and pushed him forward with the barrel of their guns.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: And you've never thought of one thing did you.... About how useful I can be.....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Guard: Hahaha! A Pulse L'Cie useful to us? You're our enemy. Anything tainted by pulse has to be destroyed. If we needed a L'Cie the Cocoon Fal'Cie would bless someone with their gift of power.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: .... So because I'm a Pulse L'Cie... I'm suddenly trash in your military eyes.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*Mid speech the boy was shoved forward by the barrel of one of the guns while the guard blurted out proudly "That's exactly right! So keep it moving!".*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: So this is the price I pay...... For coming along nicely huh..... Geez.... And to think complying would actually work for once......
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Guard: You chose this boy. It's your own fault for sneaking into the Vestige.

Guard 2: There are off limits area for a reason.

*They'd then began to speak to one another with a different mic so that Ketsu could no longer hear them. As he walked he saw the hall split into a left and a right path each having multiple doors along the walls that seemed to blend in with the paint.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: [Just need to wait.... Just a little longer....]
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*It was as they reached the end of the hall that had a large window at the blank wall that they arrived at a singular door. It opened slowly to reveal multiple medical devices and a few men and women in white lab coats writing on clip boards.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: [My..... Doctors..... Examinations....]
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*It was then that Ketsu missed his chance as the soldier nudged him into the chamber. It was then that the doctors began to remove his clothing while changing him into a paper gown. It was then that they removed his cuffs and began to prepare the examination table.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: *He felt his wrist* Sheesh... It feels good to feel my wrists again....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*It is then that they locked his ankles and forearms into the table and removed a sterile scalpel from a dark blue solution.*
???: Doctor don't we need to sedate him?
Doctor: No need. This way we can see how much a Pulse L'Cie can take before their body can take no more.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ketsu: Whoa... Hey question.... How reinforced are these locks?
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
~Vale "Crow" Carver

~Unknown, appears to be in his late thirties.


~Common to flights of Ruthlessness, Cunning, Manipulative, and Arrogant behaviors.

~Hired Blade

~[Currently] Is employed under the Resistance movement to help ensure the safety of numerous Dignitaries and Officials that have openly supported the rebellion and nearly paid for it with their lives.

~Not much is known of the man, some used to call him Carver, but most refer to the stranger as simply "Crow." What is known, is his exceptional talent for the art of blood and his endless lust for more money than the man standing next to him. Crow is not trusted by the freedom fighters he "works" alongside, all since he turned on his past employers the moment the tides of balance swayed(Or he deemed necessary).
(Let me know if this doesn't work, I can delete everything at merely the word)
last edited over a year ago
~Vale "Crow" Carver

~Unknown, appears to be in his late thirties.

over a year ago Aigomiko said…
(That's fine.)
[Ketsu's Rp Post]
Doctor: Silence! Or I might make a mistake with my incision.
*It is then that the doctor began to move the scalpel for Ketsu's L'Cie marking that was placed on his right upper chest. As he touched it with the scalpel a small wave of magic was released and tossed the scalpel to the ground.*

???: Doctor!?!
Doctor: No need to worry.
*He'd say as he moved down his face mask.*
There's only so much a tattoo can do.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Crow's Rp Post]
*It was on the peaceful night of the festival that Crow a loyal member of the resistance known as "Nora was called to meet their leader for a serious conversation though they refused to tell him the subject matter.*
Snow:...Crow.. something serious is going on. I..I might not be able to stay here in Bodhum with you guys anymore.
[Crow's Rp Post]
*It was on the peaceful night of the festival that Crow a loyal member of the resis
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"... What of my pay? Does it disappear with you?" The man grumbled beneath the mask that covered half his face.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Crow's Rp Post]
Snow:...always about Gil with you?
*The man sighed and tossed Crow a medium sized pouch. Once opened he saw a stack of Gil sitting neatly inside the bag. Snow then turned around and looked at the night sky.*

You might want to leave as well. The Sanctum...they've sent out Psicom. They're investigating the vestige..and...
*The man would pause still refusing to turn his gaze towards his ally.*