Fifty Shades Trilogy My Thoughts On 50 Shades Of Grey

ANewWayToBleed posted on Aug 03, 2012 at 07:34AM

E L James’s idea of BDSM is insanely wrong, her psychology behind it is STUPID, as someone in the life style who has been in it for YEARS who is also a struggling author who writes erotic BDSM fan fic, and original erotica, and A LOT of original Horror (Not vampire stuff, actual horror as I personally hate vampires, even MORE now with what Meyer did to their history) I know crap when I see it, I know when things are being promoted as things they are not, and I have every right to say this book is shit!

I found out, though, people are demanding refunds in droves, and the bad reviews of 50 Shades are quickly out numbering the good reviews on Amazon. What kills me is this woman is going to get a movie deal, and she did absolutely NOTHING creative, and what’s worse is the original author backs her cause she knows it’s going to get her more attention and make her more money. That’s the long and short of it.

Do not give E L James a dime of your money or a second of your time. You want a realistic book about BDSM read The Story Of O, you want a good movie about it see Secretary, you want GOOD Fantasy/Fiction, read Harry Potter, just do not give this LOSER HACK attention because it’s ruining everything actual GOOD AUTHORS could HAVE!

This is also not about personal taste in Genre as I LOVE erotica BDSM books so don’t tell me that it has anything to do with that.

It has nothing to do with jealous that she’s some genius writer either. Jealousy that she basically did NOTHING and STOLE A WHOLE BOOK FROM SOMEONE ELSE and CLAIMED IT AS HER OWN AND STILL MANAGED TO TURN A PROFIT, BE CALLED A GENIUS AND INNOVATIVE, AND ACTUALLY DO NOTHING TO EARN IT yeah I am kind of jealous of that, cause easy money tastes far sweeter sometimes.

Also, for instance, J K Rowling is a fucking GENIUS writer, I read maybe the first two chapters of Harry Potter and The Sorcerers Stone, right? That’s the first book? Whatever the first book is. Now, the imagery was amazing, I could picture every detail and hear every voice and just everything about it was amazing, it was the plot that couldn’t suck me in. No it doesn’t interest me but I would never call it hack writing, or not hard to do, or unoriginal or anything like that. A woman or man who can write 7 books that wonderful and get that much attention for doing something that wonderful totally deserves it. I do not follow Rowling’s career I don’t really care what she does, but she deserves everything she got. The MOST I will complain about is the whole trying to make Dumbledore gay thing but in the end that’s not at all an opinion on her talent as a writer or what she deserves or doesn’t, that’s just me thinking she’s being too greedy with what power she thinks she has but that’s not important.

This also has nothing to do with me not doing what E L James did first or not thinking about doing it first. Are you kidding me? YEARS ago when I wrote the House Fan fic story I wrote (Flare) It was long enough to be a novel, and I thought, what if I change names, small details, and e publish it, no one is going to know right? Yeah well first off I’d know, second, if it got big how would I have earned ANY of that recognition by just changing names and settings? How would that make me a genius writer? How would that make me awesome? How would it be meaningful AT ALL for me if something like that took off when I have perfectly original stories sitting on my shelf that I would much rather be recognized for? No I did think of that idea long before E L James did it, and so did I dunno several hundred of my fellow fan fiction authors as well, we’d all get together and talk about if there might be a legal way for us to publish our fan fiction and sell it, but all decided it wasn’t right because WE DIDN’T ACTUALLY CREATE ANY THING OR DO ANY HARD WORK!

E L James clearly just wanted money. You don’t put something out there for free and then be all like, “Wanna know how it ends? Buy the book” Then removed all the posts from a public site and start charging money. This was ALWAYS about money but some how she got it turned into people calling her a genius author and that FUCKING PISSES ME OFF!!

But like do you think this is GOOD to be teaching people about the lifestyle? It's not at all accurate and PLEASE tell me you were already here BEFORE you read that book cause I am sure a lot of people FOUND this place BECAUSE of that book and have NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE GETTING INTO!

The fact of the matter is, when things are presented like this as reality people get hurt. I have been parts of scenes (edge play) where EMTs had to be called and these were TRAINED PEOPLE doing shit. The sub was not actually hurt but passed out from shock, still yeah people are aware of the signs, trained in how to respond and not to panic. People die from these things when they aren't done safely, or get seriously injured. Any club I've gone to, worked at, or performed for has a RELEASE to sign, does not allow alcohol or any street drugs, and requires that if you are going to perform or work you are signed off on by a senior member at that club.

This is not a joke, yet people will take it as this light, fluffy thing and just TRY IT OUT because Hey My hero Ana totally did it and if she's fine totally must be fine for me.

Christian is an ABUSIVE ass, NOT a Dom. Then they say he's like that cause of years of child abuse when in most cases the exact OPPOSITE would have happened or he would have avoided the scene all together, not saying that there aren't Doms out there cause they were abused as children but I have never met one and been to A LOT of parties/meet and greets/munches you name it. What is in the book is an ABUSIVE relationship that is being romanticized and since people just assume that what they are being handed is accurate they won't research and just do, especially teenage girls who think this is the SHIT or SO HAWT and they NEED their version of CHRISTIAN to SAVE them when first of all you have to be pretty damn strong to accept your role as a sub anyway.

If you will say this is a guilty pleasure and trash and you like it but are kind of ashamed that's fine, but I do not see any actual GOOD coming of this.
A few of my friends followed E L James when she was on Fan Fiction dot net and this is basically how it went down.

She wrote a bunch of the FAN FICTION realized people wanted it, pulled it from the site and told them if they wanted to know how it ended they needed to buy it. She slapped a low price on it and E Published it and since people are stupid they paid for something she presented as FREE in the first place and should have NEVER CHARGED FOR! Fan fiction is a free enterprise, I have TONS of FAR BETTER more accurate and JUICIER EROTIC fan fic up and links to it can be found on my profile page, would I ever CHARGE people for that shit? NO! Cause I didn't create it I didn't put 100% of hard work into it, I stole already established characters and canon and MADE a story that's not GENIUS that's ripping off someone.

Then because of her sales of E Publishing which she did her self and costs NO MONEY to do on Amazon any idiot can do it, she managed to gain enough attention by some company to go into print and that's where the world ended. If she would just admit that she saw she could make a DIME off of this I'd probably hate her a lot less. But she wants to be seen as some GENIUS artist when she really created NOTHING! The parallels in the book to Twilight are VERY VERY close and not only that she is British, uses British slang through the whole thing but it takes place in...what do you know WASHINGTON STATE where Twilight takes place. Ana is VERY close to the name Bella. She basically knows how to use the WORD REPLACE function on her computer and look up the term BONDAGE in the dictionary, she certainly didn't check Wikipedia to write that because then this book would be far more informed.

No this book isn't for everyone and there are a lot of writers I hate, but I have never EVER wished someone would just VANISH along with their work OTHER than her. This has nothing to do with me being jealous or not thinking of it first when I am a FAR better writer of EROTIC FAN FICTION Than she'll EVER be and like I said, link on my profile page if you don't think I can surpass her pile of PUKE that people call a MASTERPIECE!

Now she gets a MOVIE deal, this shit is going to spread like wildfire and all of us people in the know who take it seriously get to shake our heads and be like OMG SO MANY BETTER STORIES ARE OUT THERE! Are you saying The Story of O is BORING? Or how about the movie SECRETARY!? Like really? THIS is better than THOSE two things which should get WAY more attention than this GARBAGE! No none of this is fair, and as a struggling author who isn't trying to make a fortune just sustain herself, make rent every month and be able to afford health insurance this SUCKS. She is going to lower the standards immensely. Pretty soon every 14 year old girl will be changing names and small phrases in any crappy "Safe" teenage novel and E Publishing and the whole literary GENRE will become a JOKE! And I sit here with years of HARD WORK under my belt and I get to watch it all collapse while wondering what the hell happened. THAT"S why I hate this shit SO MUCH!

Fifty Shades Trilogy 1 reply

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over a year ago laurik2007 said…
so I guess she was just lucky's all a matter of opinion really like it or you don't ...this is addicting and the woman realized she can make a living out of this so good for her ....
saying this, I totally respect your thoughts on this but to each their own .... I love the trilogy , it's awesome...don't know how accurate is it because I don't run in these circles and I guess I lot of readers don't either ...but that's why is so exciting ... learning different new things about this whole new world who I personally know nothing about .... you said they got it all wrong but maybe she sees it in a different way ... and thus far I like the relationship between Christian and Anna ... even if he has major issues ...but at least he's trying ... I'm not finished with the books yet so a lot can change ....